Chapter 78 - Glad to Hear It

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"Oh my God, Comrade? What happened?!" Rosa squealed, opening her sleepy eyes in alarm, registering the state of her husband.

"Don't worry, Roza. They look a lot worse," Dimitri joked.

"They?!" Rose shrieked.

"Just a few idiot friends of Baker and Charleton."

"Did they attack you? What did they say? How many were there?"

"Yes, not much and three," Dimitri said with a sigh, knowing there was no way of avoiding this interrogation from his bride.

Rose leaned over to her bedside table grabbing her phone.

"Please don't call Alberta," Dimitri groaned. "With the court-martial going on, if they hear of more fighting it's going to look like I'm the problem."

"I'm actually texting Lissa. You're due to guard her starting at 8 pm today. I'm asking if she can meet us here and we can head to church together? That way she can heal you, so you don't have a split lip, black eye and look like a ruffian."

"I have a black eye?" he moaned going in to look at himself in the bathroom mirror.

"Come on, let's take a look at you all over," Rose said, coming to help him strip off.

Dimitri's face seemed to have got the worse of it. However, there was also a bruise forming on his upper thigh, scratches on his forearm and neck, and another mark on his shoulder - but other than that it was a slight black eye and a split lip.

"Into the shower with you Comrade and then straight to bed."

Dimitri obediently let himself be led to the shower stall, climbing in and then moving over when he saw his beautiful wife intended to join him. She carefully washed him down, gently rubbing his sore muscles with her small hands. Switching off the water Rose stepped out, handing Dimitri an oversized bath sheet to towel himself down.

"Come to bed," Rose coaxed. "We'll both feel better once we've had a cuddle." She was right, of course. The moment they were lying cocooned in their blankets and one another's embrace they both felt considerably happier. "Sleep now," Rose murmured, rubbing the side of her face against his chest.

 "Sleep  now," Rose murmured, rubbing the side of her face against his chest

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There was a knock at the door at 8 pm on the dot. Rose didn't hear it at first but opened her bleary eyes on the second knock. Throwing on yesterday's jeans and a top she carefully shut the bedroom door, racing to open the door to their unit. Standing there, looking a little awkward, were Lissa, Christian, and Emil.

"Thanks so much, Lissa – I really appreciate this," Rose said quietly. "Thanks, Emil – got it from here. Go get some sleep."

He nodded appreciatively and with a respectful nod to Lissa headed back down the hallway.

"Come in. Dimitri's still asleep," Rose whispered. "We both must have slept through the alarm. He was on shift until midday, and he's exhausted. But I figure you're pretty safe with him less than ten meters away – besides I'm armed," she joked – showing them where she had Dimitri's second stake stowed. "Coffee?" she offered, suddenly feeling weird having Lissa and Christian 'guarded' in her home.

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