Chapter 99 - Not A Chance In Hell

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"She hates her, I know she'll flip out," Christian sighed, his head resting in Lissa's lap. "She's your best friend, do you think you could tell her?"

"Tell me what fire-crotch?" Rose asked, flopping down on the grass beside Lissa and Christian.

Christian groaned and closed his eyes. "Tasha. She's coming to the Academy for graduation and staying until we leave for Court."

Rose shrugged. "Yeah, and?"

"Aren't you pissed off?"

"Christian she's your only family – I kind of figured she'd be coming to graduation. Sure she's not my favorite person in the world, but I don't hate her. Have you told her anything about Dimitri and I since we've been back?"

"Not a word. She hasn't mentioned either of you, and I haven't either. I was going to pretend I didn't know anything about it. I haven't even told her you're going to be our Guardians."

"It's not official until it's announced at graduation anyway," Rose said, "so maybe don't mention it? When's she arriving?"

"Friday after senior prank day. And speaking of which..."

"Agh! I know! I am wracking my brain thinking about what to do! Everyone knows I'm the best prankster St. Vladimir's has ever seen... It has to be epic!"

"Do you have any ideas?" Lissa prompted. While it was unlikely she'd take part, Lissa was still interested in hearing all about the planning.

"Not a one," Rose said gloomily. "Although I did manage to snag this," she said triumphantly, pulling a key out of her pocket. "It's a master key!"

"Isn't Dimitri going to notice it's missing? I mean everyone knows what you're like – they're going to expect you to knock off his keys!"

"This one isn't a Guardian key. They only open classrooms and student dorms and that sort of thing. This is a master key. It opens everything. Even the weapons store and Guardian dorm rooms!"

"How the hell did you get that?" Christian asked, impressed but trying not to show it.

Rose laughed deviously. "I knocked off Dimitri's keys the other night when Eddie and Vika were over. Eddie and I went to the cafeteria, and we saw Alberta there eating dinner. So I let myself into her office using Dimitri's Guardian key. I know where she hides the key to her filing cabinet, so I let myself into that to get the key to the safe to get one of the master keys. She has a few copies, so I doubt she'll miss it... Then I put Dimitri's keys back before he even noticed they were missing!"

"How do you know all this?" Christian asked.

"Christian you have to remember, St. Vlad's is my childhood home. Mase and I used to explore all around when we were younger, and I've been in Alberta's office hundreds of times over the years. I know pretty much every inch of this place."

"So have you got any plans?" Lissa said, recognizing the 'Rose is plotting something' look.

"Well... I want to do something to Alto. That goes without saying. I'd like to do something big like a food fight or something like that all the seniors can be involved in. Alberta needs something done, but nothing too bad. And..." Rose looked around carefully to make sure she wasn't overhead, "I want to prank Dimitri!"

"Ohh..." Lissa said, eyes wide. "Do you think that's wise? He can still be pretty serious about things?"

"He'll be fine. I'll have to come up with the perfect prank, though. And it will have to be something public, so he doesn't kill me before he calms down!"

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