Chapter 82 - Nice Try

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"We saw Adrian Ivashkov at the market this afternoon," Dimitri said quietly to Abe and Pavel over dinner.

Abe paused, his fork halfway to his mouth. "And how did that go?" he asked, looking to Rose.

"It was ok. He apologized. He said he's in treatment and taking medication."

"As he should be," Dimitri growled. Abe nodded. Neither of them was entirely satisfied with the outcome of that situation.

"He said Queen Tatiana has been researching Spirit. He thought she might have news about it for Lissa," Rose explained.

"When are you scheduled to see the Queen?" Abe asked Lissa.

"Tomorrow at 10 pm," Lissa replied a little nervously.

Rose leaned over and grabbed her hand. "I'm sure it will be fine," she soothed, leaning over to give Lissa a hug. "Dimitri and I have errands to run tomorrow, so how about we drop you off?"

Lissa nodded gratefully. "That would be great."

"She  wants me to be queen," Lissa moaned to Rose, lying face down on her bed  sobbing

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"She wants me to be queen," Lissa moaned to Rose, lying face down on her bed sobbing. "I went in, we had tea, and then she came straight out with it. She said she intends to train me up to be the next Queen."

"Well you knew it was a possibility, didn't you?" Rose asked. "It's been a while since the Dragomir's have held the throne."

"I did," Lissa admitted, "I just thought it wouldn't be until I was older. The queen wants to apprentice me as soon as I graduate."

Rose's eyes flicked to where Dimitri sat in an armchair in the corner of Lissa's room. They'd just finished at the bank and had been walking around enjoying Court together when Dimitri had received a call. It had been Celeste asking them to return to the hotel urgently. Lissa had returned from her meeting with the Queen close to hysterical, refusing to speak with anyone but Rose.

"So she wants you to come to court immediately?" Rose asked.

"No. I'll still be able to go to Lehigh with Christian, but she wants me to spend the summers at Court with her, and also come back to attend the major Royal functions throughout the academic year."

"Well, that doesn't sound so bad? You'll still get to do college and be with Christian?"

"There is that," Lissa agreed. "And she's come around to the idea of Christian and me. She said she had hoped I might marry Adrian, but with the Spirit and everything she's agreed it's not a good idea."

"I know it's a lot to take in," Rose soothed. "But a lot can happen in four years. Maybe just see what happens?"

"I know," Lissa said sitting up. "It just all started getting too much. I'm so glad you're here, Rose. I just can't handle any of this without you."

Rose gave Lissa a hug, opening the bond and siphoning some of the darkness. Looking over to where Dimitri sat, she saw him sigh.

"Come on. Get out the prospectus. You still haven't told me about the minor you're thinking of choosing," Rose said encouragingly, trying to distract Lissa.

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