Chapter 100 - Deeper in Love

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"I'm so proud of how you did on your trials," Dimitri murmured, kissing Rose gently. They were lying in bed beside one another at 5 am on Wednesday – so Tuesday afternoon Vampire time. "Vika and Eddie did great, too."

One of the benefits of becoming a Belikov had been moving up the alphabet. After Ayett, Blake the trials had run Belikov, Rose; Belikov, Viktoria; Castile, Eddison. The same way they'd be announced at graduation Rose supposed. With trials happening on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Rose thought it fortuitous that her own trial, and those she most wanted to see, were over and done with on the first day.

They'd actually been easier than Rose had anticipated. Whether it was that Dimitri had prepared them so well, or maybe they weren't meant to be too much of a challenge if you were ready to graduate, Vika, Eddie and herself had gotten through them easily enough. So she now had the next two days off.

"You don't mind me going to Missoula?" Rose asked. "Mom and Abe seemed keen to go, and we're taking Pavel and Hughes."

"It's fine, milaya. I'm doing an overnight anyway, so by the time I'm coming off shift you'll be back, and we can catch up on sleep then. What did your father want in Missoula, anyway?"

"He didn't say. But since our talk at Court, Mom's trying to do more mother-daughter things, so she asked me to come along. I also wanted to get something for Lissa for graduation. Mom mentioned she and Baba are getting me a little something to commemorate it, so I thought I'd pick up something for Lissa since she doesn't have a family to do that. Are your family likely to send something for Vika or should I pick up something for her, too?"

"I'm not sure, but get her something from us, ok? She's my sister, and we should mark the occasion. What are she and Eddie up to today?"

Rose looked at him and raised her eyebrows, feeling Dimitri immediately bristle beside her.

"Did she tell you that?" Dimitri demanded.

"No, but they've got a day off together and nowhere else to be. Don't you remember what we were like when we first became lovers? How all we wanted to do was be in bed together?"

"I still want to be in bed with you all the time," Dimitri growled playfully.

Rose giggled. "Me too," she whispered, running her fingers suggestively across his toned abdomen.

"Has she told you anything about, well... you know? With Eddie?"

"A bit," Rose admitted. She and Lissa had cornered Vika and pumped her for details.


"And if there were anything you needed to know about I'd tell you, I promise," Rose laughed. "She felt safe, loved and respected and that's all you need to be concerned about!"

"Good. But you'd tell me if there was a problem?"

"Of course. Don't worry, Comrade. Eddie knows you and I can both kick his ass – he's not going to mess her around. You're going to have to get used to it, you know. I think she and Eddie are a permanent thing."

"I know. It's just taking some adjustment!"

"So what have you requested in terms of accommodation at Court?"

"Celeste and Leslie don't want anything on record about them being together, and I don't want anyone to know about Eddie and Vika either, so the request is five adjacent rooms in the Guardian dorms. Lissa and Christian will be staying with her Majesty for the first few days, but Lissa's first priority is to rent a place for her and Christian. As their allocated Guardians we'll probably move across there with them, but the others will stay in the Guardian dorms."

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