Chapter 29 - She Was A Challenge

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Slowly the students dribbled in, looking in surprise to see Dimitri sitting next to Rose on the floor on a gym mat leaning back against the wall. Chugging down some water, and obviously not shaven, he looked slightly green and particularly unkempt.

"I don't think I can do this," Dimitri groaned to Rose. "My head is literally about to explode."

"Hmm. Well, you've been saying I should show the class the aerials we do at St. Vlad's. I could show them the basics and then lead them through the slow motions in pairs?"

"Would you milaya? I'll love you forever!" He was all but begging.

"I thought you already did, but sure. I'll need someone to demonstrate on. Why don't you pick Inna?" Rose hauled herself to her feet with a wicked grin, offering Dimitri her hand to help him up.

"How am I going to explain how crap I look? After the cookie thing yesterday, I can't let them know I'm hung over. They'll never respect me again!"

"Food poisoning. Remember how I used to get it at St. Vlad's?" Rose reminded Dimitri wickedly, laughing at the look on his face when he realized she'd begged off training a few times citing that as her excuse.

"Roza what am I going to do with you?" Dimitri chuckled, looking a little brighter now she said she'd lead the class for him.

"I was hoping maybe some more of what you did last night? I really really enjoyed that," Rose whispered salaciously, before walking to join the other students in line. Steadying himself with one arm on the wall, Dimitri held up his hand for silence.

"Good morning everyone. Apparently, something I ate last night has disagreed with me, and I'm not feeling the best this morning. So I've asked Novice Hathaway to demonstrate for you today. As you know, the combat training schedules differ between St. Basil's and St. Vladimir's. One difference is that at St. Vladimir's aerials are taught. Now while aerials are more commonly used by women as they are lighter and shorter than many male opponents, it is a useful skill to have if you encounter a larger opponent. It is also important to learn how to defend against them. Accordingly, Hathaway will demonstrate aerials in action, then in slow motion. Then I want you to pair up and alternate attempting basic aerial maneuvers and also blocking them. Inna? Balzar? Can you two please help Rose demonstrate?"

Balzar was the tallest Novice in the class at around 6 foot 3. Still small compared to Dimitri, both in height and physique. Rose asked him to stand still, telling him not to move, and promising not to connect. She then demonstrated the four most common aerial maneuvers.

"You don't want to use too many, because they take it out of you. They're also hard to control and, of course, the higher you go, the harder the landing if you mess it up, and also the more energy you use."

"Well that one didn't look too high," Inna said with mock sweetness. Rose had pulled up inches short of landing an aerial kick to the middle of Balzar's face.

"Was there a point kicking higher?" Rose asked sarcastically.

"Well, what if you were fighting someone Guardian Belikov's height?" Inna queried belligerently.

Rose rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Dimitri?" she called wearily.

It was the first time she'd used his given name so openly in front of the class. She hadn't meant to, and it didn't go unnoticed. He just nodded, coming to stand in front of Rose. She gave him a look, made her approach and launched her highest aerial, not one she'd shown the class, sweeping her leg at full force clearing Dimitri's head by about three inches. He stood there seemingly unperturbed.

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