Chapter 35 - Pencil It In

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"This must have arrived overnight," Dimitri said in surprise, picking up an envelope bearing her name that had been slipped under their door and handing it to Rose. Looking at it curiously Rose opened it to see a note asking her to see Demyan in his office at 8:00 am before attending classes.

"I wonder what that's about?" Rose said with an uneasy feeling. Back at St. Vlad's, a note to see Alberta would have been nothing – but she'd barely seen Guardian Sokolov since being here, and he'd never requested a meeting with her.

"It's probably about last night. The Alchemists keep data on all known Strigoi attacks. When you're a Guardian, you'll need to write a report after each encounter. You were so distressed after Spokane your mother and I wrote yours for you that time. Demyan's probably getting the info he needs from you, and if I know him, he'll probably get you to practice writing your first report, too."

Feeling a little better, Rose followed Dimitri into the shower, and then the two of them dressed and headed for breakfast. It was 7:00 am – much later than they usually ate, but they'd skipped training this morning. Both tired after the events of last night and the amorous actions that followed, and then followed again, they'd needed a sleep in. Heading into the dining hall together, Rose straightaway appreciated another benefit of not usually breakfasting at this time. The place was packed. Some word must have spread about the attack last night because people were staring at her and talking about her as she walked in.

"Crap. I didn't think anyone would have heard yet," Rose mumbled to Dimitri. "I don't think I can do this."

"Look – Demyan's over there. Why not tell him you've got his note and maybe we can sit with him? No one will bother you at his table."

Not sure she liked the idea of sitting with Demyan any more than she would enjoy sitting at the table where she could see Viktoria frantically waving to her, Rose followed Dimitri across to where Guardian Sokolov was seated with a couple of other Guardians.

"Morning Guardian Sokolov. I got your note – I'll meet you at your office after breakfast," Rose said.

"Ah, Rose – Demyan's fine in this context and thank you. I know it's annoying, but paperwork is a necessary part of a Guardian's job," he said kindly. "Join us for breakfast?"

"That would be lovely, thank you," Dimitri said, dumping his gym bag beside a chair, Rose doing likewise. Together they walked to the line, returning to the table with heaped plates of hot food.

Sokolov looked at their plates with amusement. "You two can really put it away! I can see where he puts it," he joked, referring to Dimitri's height and build, "but I'm not sure about you, Rose."

"Another one of my many talents," she joked. Once her plate was cleared, Demyan asked if she was ready to come to his office.

"Sure thing. I'll see you in class Comrade."

Dimitri nodded, giving her a reassuring smile.

Following Demyan through the hallways, Rose noticed Guardians and students alike regarding her curiously. Gossip sure traveled fast around here! Opening his office door and telling her to take a seat, Sokolov offered her a coffee from the pot sitting on a table to the side.

"I don't usually drink the stuff, but I think I might need to today," Rose joked, her unease returning, quickly helping herself to a cup and returning to her seat.

"So you would have gone through this after your first kills, but I need some data for the reports for our records and to go to the Alchemists," Sokolov started.

"Actually my mother and Dimitri did the report for me the first time. The guy I grew up with since I was four was killed in that incident, and I wasn't in a fit state to do much of anything in the first days afterward," Rose explained. 'Or the weeks after that, truth be told' she thought to herself.

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