Chapter 53 - Hope I Chose Right

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The two of them were smiling dreamily at one another as they ate their breakfast.

"So now it's my birthday, are you going to tell me everything you've planned for the weekend?"

"Nope!" Dimitri said with a mysterious grin. "It's a surprise! The only thing I'm prepared to reveal is we're checking in to the hotel at 2 pm, we'll be checking out at 10 am on Sunday, and we're due at Baia for a birthday lunch by 1 pm. Oh – Mama asked me to let you know she's invited Abe as well as Oksana and Mark, so everyone will be there."

"What's Vika doing?"

"She's going to catch the train like she normally does, but she's planning to arrive on Sunday morning for your lunch. She'll stay Sunday night, and we can take her back with us Monday morning like usual."

"I'm glad she's coming home even if it is just for one night. She's been so flat since Eddie left," Rose observed.

"I know," Dimitri replied thoughtfully. "They both seem very taken with each other. I have a feeling Vika's determination to have an American posting probably tripled after meeting him."

Dimitri sat with adoring eyes, watching Rose finish the last of many rashers of bacon. "We'd better get going. Are you excited milaya?" he asked shyly.

She raised her eyes to look at his chocolate brown eyes, hers brimming with happiness and love. "Yep! Today's the first day of our adult lives together!"

"That it is," Dimitri agreed tenderly.

"Does that mean I get to drive today?" Rose asked hopefully.

"Not a chance in hell!" he grinned.

They stood from the table, and Dimitri was picking up their bags to leave when Demyan spotted them and walked over.

"Belikov. Hathaway. I believe today's the big day? Happy birthday Rose!" he added, leaning a little awkwardly to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Now you two should get going. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!"

"Thanks so much for this, Demyan. We really appreciate it," Dimitri said, shaking the older man's hand.

The couple were grinning as they walked to the car when they heard pounding feet approaching them along the corridor. They looked up to see Dimitri's Senior Combat class running towards them. Looks like they were doing laps through the many passages of the interconnecting buildings.

"Hey, where are you two off to, and how come we've got Whitman for training this morning?" Leo asked as he hurtled toward them.

"Compulsory training exercise. Have to do it as part of my St. Vlad's assessment requirements," Rose lied. "I'll see you Monday."

The guys who were leading the pack were almost around the corner when the girls followed.

"See you Dimka, see you, Rose. Have fun on your training exercise. I'll see you at home on Sunday!" Viktoria said with a wicked sparkle in her eyes. She knew they were off for a special weekend together, but they'd sworn her to secrecy. Inna was running beside her and shot Rose a look of pure loathing.

"Thanks, Vika!" Rose called out to her retreating back. "See you Sunday!"

Exiting out the side of the Guardian building their usual car was waiting. Dimitri walked around to the passenger door, and when he opened it for Rose, there was a gorgeous bunch of pink and white beautifully scented flowers resting on the passenger seat.

"Oh Dimitri," Rose gasped "They're exquisite!"

"Siberian irises and lily of the valley. Delicate and beautiful but also resilient and able to withstand whatever nature throws at them. They reminded me of you, milaya."

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