Chapter 101 - Headquarters

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Rose had just climbed off her Russian God flopping down spent and sweaty beside him. It was very early – about 5.00 pm Friday. Used as they were to waking early for training every day, Dimitri and Rose were still habitually up before the sun set.

"Now that's how I like to start the day," Dimitri said with a blissed-out smile, draping his arm around his wife's waist, his fingers snaking into her long dark hair. "So still no clues about today, Roza?" he asked jovially.

"I really don't know much at all," Rose said. After a week of careful observation, and no sign of plotting from her, her man almost believed that against the odds perhaps his wife wasn't majorly involved in this year's Senior Prank day. "The only thing I'd suggest is wearing your old uniform – that one you were going to throw out once we got to Court."

"And why would that be, milaya?" Dimitri asked, looking at Rose intently.

"Can't say, Comrade," she smirked. "It's just something I overheard."

They could hear the approach of inclement weather outside. The low rumbling of a thunderstorm not yet arrived. It had been a scorcher of a day for the time of year - over seventy-five degrees – but now it was cooling down the thunderstorms were rolling in. The wind was picking up, and something about it made Rose feel spirited and wild. She couldn't wait to go stand outside in the wind in the twilight, letting the breeze gust around her. If she hadn't known there was going to be paintballs she'd even have been tempted to wear her hair out.

"So what time are you meeting the others?" Dimitri prompted deviously.

It was tradition that on Senior Prank day the Guardians patrolled only the outer campus until 8 pm, giving the graduating novices a chance to set up their pranks. Little did they know preparations had already been going on for days. For instance, two days ago alarm clocks had been hidden in the roof cavity, in disused lockers and behind furniture in four different classrooms. They'd all been synchronized, and the alarms set in each room for a different time. So before classes today it was a matter of someone slipping into the rooms and switching on the alarms, then at set times throughout the day, different classrooms would erupt in a cacophony of tocsin blasting from inconveniently concealed locations.

Similarly, hours ago after the last classes had departed and the cleaners had done their rounds, the group responsible for creating havoc in the staff and Guardian bathrooms had paid their visits.

The master key had been put to good use opening Kirova's office. In the wee hours, that space had been filled with an ocean of shaving foam filled balloons. Rose had been careful to instruct that one of the air-horns was to be strapped beneath Ms. Allsop's chair. Rose knew it was perverse, but she liked the idea of frightening the hell out of Kirova's baleful little sycophant.

Likewise, there'd been a raid on Alberta's office and the necessary alterations made to her workspace.

In fact, if all had gone to plan, then the only pranks left to execute were Stan's and Dimitri's. Rose had handed Stan's over to Eddie, Vika, and Christian, and she had a team working on Dimitri's.

"Oh, I'll probably catch up with everyone after breakfast I guess," Rose said, as though she had no role to play. In reality, her role was the distraction of one handsome Russian God who happened to be her husband.

"I love weather like this," Rose added, climbing out of bed naked and walking to the window, opening the curtains to look out, shutting them when she noticed the plastic ducks had already been set loose across the pond. "Come on comrade – let's have a coffee. And then I think we might have time for some more cuddles before your shift starts?"

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