Chapter 42 - What Are You Planning?

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Slowly Rose opened her eyes. And in front of her stood Adrian. She was about to cry and thank him for finding her when she saw the pizza and soda he was holding. He wasn't there to rescue her – he was the one who'd taken her. Looking at him carefully Rose gazed into his eyes. Pupils wide, it was like looking into his soul – a soul filled with darkness.

"I'd release you so you can eat, but I know how dangerous the legendary Rose Hathaway can be. So I'll have to feed you instead, little Dhampir. It's reheated, sorry. I would have bought fresh, but it's early in the morning, and I needed to feed. I didn't dare do it locally, so I had to go a few towns over."

"Pizza's pizza – it smells good," Rose said - reminding herself he could instantly pick a lie. "I'm starving, but I also need to pee."

"Did you want to eat or use the bathroom first?"

She had to think about it – both needs were fairly pressing. Still, it would be better to get a clearer idea of where she was first, then she could use the time eating to try and get additional information out of Adrian.

"Bathroom, please. I'm busting!"

He looked at her carefully, evidently deciding she was sincere.

As well as being bound at her wrists and feet, there was a rope tying her to the chair at her waist. Undoing that, and then her feet, Adrian helped her up from the chair. Rose carefully rotated each foot, enjoying the movement and increase in circulation. She moved her neck from side to side - stretching as much as she could. Her shoulders aching, she rolled them too.

"Ok – let's go before I piss myself," Rose said without a word of a lie.

Hands on her shoulders, Adrian moved Rose in front of him – towards the open door that was, indeed, a few meters directly behind her chair. Leading her into a dimly lit corridor, there was a set of stairs six feet in front of her to the left. To the right ran a long hallway with several doors opening into it – each of them closed. He steered her to the right and to the first doorway – the only one open. It was a bathroom. Old, and clearly unused for a long time, the entire room was done in white subway tiles. There was a deep claw foot bathtub, a shower over the top of it with a plain fabric shower curtain bundled at one end, and in the corner a toilet and hand basin.

"I can't leave you alone, but I won't look," Adrian promised, in a surprising nod to her privacy. It was such an odd gesture for the usually pervy Adrian.

"Um? Adrian? I can't lower my pants with my hands tied, and I can't use toilet paper or wash my hands either. Can you undo my hands?"

"Do you promise not to try anything and allow me to retie you straight afterward?"

Knowing it was useless trying to argue or deceive him, Rose agreed. "Sure. Just hurry up – I'm seriously about to wet myself!"

Despite having misgivings, Adrian agreed, freeing her hands from their binds. Rose was honestly so grateful to be able to sink onto the toilet and relieve herself that any immediate thoughts of escape eluded her. True to his word, Adrian stood in the doorway but kept his eyes lowered – conspicuously not watching Rose while she used the toilet.

Washing her hands, Rose surreptitiously checked out her neck in the dusty fly bitten mirror. Yep – puncture wounds in the valley between her shoulder and neck. Mentally forcing it from her head, she dutifully presented her hands to be retied – in front of her this time.

"It hurts me less if you tie them at the front rather than the back," she told him honestly. "My shoulders are aching after being forced backward for so long."

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