Chapter 104 - Social Niceties

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Dimitri slipped into their bedroom, carefully shutting the door behind him. Rose looked at the inscrutable expression on his face.

"Who was it, Comrade?"

"Someone you need to see. They're waiting in the living room. Get dressed," he laughed, shedding his jeans to add some underwear then putting them back on along with a shirt.

Rose shot him a look but quickly threw on a bra, some panties, and a pretty dress.

"Ready?" Dimitri asked.

Rose laughed and nodded, wondering who could warrant such consternation from her Russian God. Dimitri carefully put one of his huge hands over Rose's eyes, opening the bedroom door and walking her out. Taking his hand away he laughed when he heard his wife's excited squeal.

"What are you doing here?!" Rose shrieked, throwing herself first at Olena and then Yeva. "Did you know about this?" she continued, turning to look at Dimitri accusingly.

"No idea at all," Dimitri said, taking the opportunity to hug his mother and grandmother now Rose had relinquished them.

"Make us a cup of tea, and your mother will explain everything," Yeva said sitting down on one of the sofas. "But first get our bags, Dimka. I don't like leaving them downstairs. I'm not sure about this place. One of the statues was in a pink dress and wig!"

Rose laughed, explaining to her in-laws about Senior Prank day, although conveniently neglecting to mention the premier role she'd played in instigating many of the dastardly deeds. Dimitri was soon back carrying two suitcases.

"So," he said flopping onto the sofa opposite his family, "How did you to end up here and is it just you?"

"Abe sent us tickets," Olena explained. "I rang him and said it was far too generous and not necessary, but he said we might as well use them because they were non-refundable." Rose could see such largesse troubled Olena. "He also organized for a Guardian to meet us at the airport and bring us here."

"Olena, truly don't worry about it. Abe gets so much joy out of being part of a large extended family. He probably just woke up one day, decided he'd like to see you at graduation, so sent tickets. You know that's what he's like."

Dimitri agreed. "There's no point trying to reason with him, Mama. Did you want me to try and get you some guest rooms downstairs, or would you like to stay here with us? It's only one bedroom, but the sofa is a sofa bed."

"We're only here a few days. We'll stay here with you," Yeva said decisively.

Rose hid a smirk as she saw a flash of frustration cross her Russian God's face. She'd have to remind him she still had keys to her old dorm room if they needed a private 'getaway.'

"I'll go make up the bed then," Rose said cheerfully. "Yeva and Olena, you can take our room, Dimitri and I will sleep on the foldout, won't we Comrade?"

"Of course," Dimitri replied a little sullenly.

"So does Vika know you're coming? Shall I call her?" Rose asked through the bedroom door as she quickly stripped the sheets, opening the blinds and windows to air the room and lighting an oil burner.

"We thought we'd surprise her and yes call her but don't tell her we're here," Yeva instructed.

Rose whipped out her phone texting:

Vika and Eddie, need you at our place
urgently. Everything ok but need to talk
to you about work stuff. Rose

After the confusion last time when she'd texted them to come to their place, Rose thought it best to give an explanation! Her phone pinged back almost straight away from Eddie that they were on their way.

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