Chapter 75 - This Should Be Fun

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"So did you have a good day?" Rose asked Lissa, her eyes twinkling.

"Yes – we got a lot of study done," Lissa replied, the corner of her mouth twitching.

"I'm sure you did," Rose smirked.

"Tell me you weren't there?" Lissa hissed, a pretty pink blush on her cheeks.

"Nope. Been blocking you all day," Rose promised. "There are some parts of Christian I just never want to see," Rose said, silently adding the word 'again' with a shudder.

"Oh thank God. That's just too gross to think about," Lissa giggled with relief.

"Oh Lissa, you have no idea," Rose said, closing her eyes and shaking her head as though that could dislodge certain disturbing memories.

"So what did you get up to today?" Lissa asked, quickly changing the subject.

"Laundry, study, dishes. Dimitri came past guest quarters just before three. Poor baby hadn't had lunch, so I made him a couple of toasted sandwiches."

"I didn't think you could cook," Christian teased, overhearing their conversation.

"Even a moron can make a toasted sandwich, Christian," Rose said scathingly.

"And today you proved it!" Christian replied, laughing.

Rose mentally chastised herself. She'd really walked into that one! Giving Christian a withering look, she followed Lissa across the commons and towards the grass at the far end, Guardian Matthews guarding Lissa from a discreet distance. It was just past 4.00 am, but already a group had gathered on the grass to chat and wait, word of the match having got around.

Marking out four large squares on the grass with athletic line spray paint was Dimitri. Rose noticed he had his bright blue hoodie on over his uniform, designating he was on his own time. When doing Dimitri's roster, Alberta had left the 4.00 to 6.00 am timeslot free every day so he could train Rose - but they'd decided running the tournament was worth giving up afternoon training for the day.

"Miss me, Comrade?" Rose asked, looking at him from under her lashes.

"You have no idea," Dimitri moaned, pulling Rose against him and kissing her hard, running his hands possessively over her. She slipped one hand up under his shirt, unashamedly stroking his strong muscled back. Her other hand was on his butt, pulling his hips against hers. Dimitri moved his mouth to her ear, whispering what he wanted to do with Rose once he finally came off shift that evening. With her eyes closed, and head tilted back, she was biting her lip - a look of excitement and almost pain on her face. It didn't take a genius to figure out he was whispering something very hot to her, and that she was seriously into it.

"Um, guys – you're getting a bit of an audience," Lissa said quietly, noticing students and staff alike had stopped talking to observe the newlyweds.

Sighing Rose opened her eyes, pulled back to give Dimitri a final scorching look before stepping out of his embrace.

"Babe? Why don't we return that tin of line marking spray to the storage room in the gym? You know if you leave it out here, someone's bound to use it to write dirty words on the lawn." Actually, the only person likely to do that was Rose, and she mentally filed the idea away for future reference.

That would be almost as good as the time Rose wrote an insult about Stan on a concrete path near the commons in methylated spirits and set fire to it in her Freshman year. Not only had the path on fire attracted a huge number of students, but the fire had also blackened the concrete, and you could read the message for months afterward. Stan had never managed to prove it was Rose, so she'd gone unpunished. But he knew.

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