Chapter 85 - I Like The Idea

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Rose had planned to saunter into the Guardian Administration building, give Dimitri a sexy look and tell him he could come home with her if he wanted, and that she was prepared to make it worth his while. But by the time they drove the five minutes to where Dimitri was being held, it was all Rose could do to not shove the guard aside in her rush to get to her Russian God.

The guard unlocked the door, revealing a composed Dimitri sitting on the side of a thin metal cot, eyes closed, his long hands resting loosely on his knees. The room was clean but bare. Brick walls painted in an off-white gloss, a metal hand basin and toilet, and a single bed and that was it. He looked up calmly before his eyes lit on Rose.

"Rose? What are you doing here?"

"Taking you home," Rose said softly, pulling him to her as he stood. They stood holding one another until the guard cleared his throat.

"Her Majesty has investigated the allegations and is satisfied there's no case to answer," the guard said formally. "Since no charges have been laid you're free to go."

Dimitri didn't need to be told twice. He picked up his duster from where he'd draped it across the foot of the bed and followed Rose out to where Pavel, Abe, Janine, and Lissa were waiting in the van.

"How did you get me out?" Dimitri asked bewildered, sitting in the back row, holding his arm up for Rose to cuddle beneath it. "What did you have to do, Abe?"

"It was all Vasilisa," Abe told him, still surprised. "She spoke with Tatiana and convinced her of your innocence."

"I'll tell you everything when we get back to the hotel," Rose said, her head buried against Dimitri's chest trying to hide her teary eyes.

"Thank you, Princess," Dimitri said, confused about all that had transpired. "I appreciate your help."

Lissa just smiled. After feeling Rose and Dimitri were continually doing so much for her, it was a relief to be able to repay the favor for a change.

"Well, it's been a huge day! How about I try and get us a table at Court's best restaurant tonight?" Abe boomed jovially. "We can celebrate!"

"Maybe tomorrow, Baba? I'd like to just have a quiet dinner with Dimitri in our room tonight," Rose said, not wanting to move out of her husband's arms even for a moment.

Janine gave Rose and Dimitri an understanding look. "How about you and I enjoy a nice dinner out, Abe?" Janine said lovingly. "I'd love a chance to dress up and go somewhere just the two of us? Maybe somewhere where we could dance?" she suggested, completely diverting Abe from his previous plans.

"If you guys are going to stay in, I might see if Adrian is free for dinner," Lissa mentioned cautiously. "It would be good to find out if he's discovered anything more about Spirit – and I feel I owe him."

"Just meet somewhere public, ok? Take a few Guardians with you," Rose requested. "And can you tell him I said thank you? I appreciate what he did."

Back in their room, Dimitri was quiet.

"Are you alright, Comrade?" Rose asked, watching him start to unbutton his shirt.

"I guess so," he said, his voice flat. "I just can't believe after everything we've been through we still have to justify our relationship to people."

"I know," Rose sighed. "At least you were just detained," she said with an attempt at humor. "I had to sit there and answer Abe's questions about our sex life in front of Mom, Pavel, and Lissa."

"What sort of questions?" Dimitri said looking at Rose horrified.

"Hmm, when and where we first had sex, whether it was consensual, whether we were a couple and making out at St. Vlad's before we left, when we first knew we loved one another. You know – all the fun stuff," Rose grimaced.

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