□ One □

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□ We'll See □

"Miss Jackson, I assume you were aware of the meeting that started twenty minutes ago?" A cold voice cut through my intercom.

My head shot up, saliva leaving a puddle on my wooden desk. "Miss Jackson!" The voice snapped.

I shot out of my chair. I leaned over the desk and pressed the intercom. "I'm sorry sir, I got caught up with work" I replied, straightening my dress shirt.

I wiped the drool from my cheek and busied myself straightening my hair when a firm knock sounded on the door. My eyes widened and the door opened, to reveal my very mad looking boss.

I swallowed. He glanced around the room before walking in. "What is more important than the actual job you are getting paid for?" He asked, authority leaking into his tone.

His eyes went to my desk and I sighed. "You were asleep?" He asked almost as if he couldn't believe it.

"I'm sorry sir! I had no sleep last night, I truly was busy but I must have closed my eyes for a second, I will do anything!" I exclaimed.

Mr Hayfield stared at me. "You will indeed do something to make up for the lost time, you will stay an hour late to catch up on your work!" He exclaimed.

I inwardly groaned but didn't argue. There was no point arguing with Mr Hayfield. What he says, goes.
"Of course sir" I replied.

"Now, why didn't you sleep?" He asked almost as if he cared.

I frowned. "I don't actually know, I guess my mind just wouldn't stop working" I replied, shrugging one shoulder.

"Hm" Mr Hayfield replied.

"Get back to work and don't make me regret hiring you" he said, snappish again.

I nodded and he left the room, slamming the glass door.

I winced as the glass seemed to wobble. I turned and sat back at my desk again, waking my computer up from it's sleep. A ding filled the room and I glanced at my phone to see a text and several missed calls from my boyfriend, Harry.

I picked up my phone and scrolled past all the capitol lettered insults. Sighing, I called him back.

"Why the hell haven't you been answering my calls?" Harry's angry voice filled the phone.

"Sorry, I'm at work, I'm busy" I replied, tucking my phone under my ear and logging into my emails.

"And I'm your boyfriend, I think I'm a little bit more important" he snapped.

I bit back my reply. "What can I do for you?" I asked, calmly.

"Where's the house keys, aren't you supposed to leave them under the mat?" he asked, as I heard shuffling on the phone.

"They are under the mat, look properly" I replied, without thinking.

"No need for the attitude Hope, make sure your home by six, I want you to make me steak for dinner" he said, as I heard our front door open.

I sighed. "I can't, I have to stay late at the office, can you just cook it yourself?" I asked, scrolling through my emails and finding the notes from the meeting I had missed.

"Do I look like a chef?" Harry asked.

I closed my eyes and took my hand off my mouse to pinch my nose. "I'll be home around seven, goodbye" I said before quickly hanging up.

I threw my phone into my draw and looked up just in time to see the light on Mr Hayfield's intercom name flashing. I pressed the button. "What can I do for you?" I asked, my tired voice still activated.

I quickly cleared my throat. "I'm sending you a couple of emails, can you please make sure they don't see the light of day, ever" he said strongly.

"As in, you want me to delete them for you?" I asked confused.

"Yes" he replied.

"You know you can delete them from your emails right?" I asked, refreshing my emails.

I heard him sigh in frustration. "Doing that, requires to open them and I never want to open them, did I hire you to be my personal assistant or to be my mother?" he asked, his anger coming through the intercom.

"Sorry sir, would you like me to just come to your office and delete them?" I asked, getting ready to stand up.

"Yes, that would be better" he replied before hanging up.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks Hope! You're such a fantastic employee!" I exclaimed to myself and standing up.

I walked over to the office door and pulled it open. The office seemed busy as voices filled up my ears. Ringing phones and the clicking of the keyboards made me calmer, more at home than ever.

I walked towards Mr Hayfield's office and passed a few girls who glared at me. Stopping, I knocked on his door and heard a faint "come in".

I opened the door to see Mr Hayfield look over his laptop to see me. "About time" he said, standing up.

You literally hung up five seconds ago.

I walked over to his desk and he moved out of the way. Bending over the desk, I tapped the laptop and deleted the emails but not before seeing the name of the sender.

"Why would you delete emails from your mother?" I asked, straightening.

Hayfield had been staring out his wide windows but he turned around and straightened his tie. "Never mind about that" he replied.

I shrugged and moved towards the office door. "Miss Jackson, please stay a moment" he said, sitting back at his desk.

He pointed at the chairs in front of his desk. A feeling overwhelmed me. Was I getting fired?

I sat down, crossing my legs. Mr Hayfield seemed distracted by something on his computer but then glanced at me. "I've noticed quite a bit of change in your attitude towards work lately, I simply want to ask if everything is okay at home" he said, entwining his fingers.

My hand clenched against the arm of the chair. Mr Hayfield noticed. "Everything's fine, better than ever actually" I lied.

Hayfield pursed his lips before sighing and leaning back in his chair. "Miss Jackson I hope you are aware that I am fully trained in the arts of knowing when someone is lying to me" he replied.

"It's personal, sir" I replied.

"It becomes my business when my personal assistant comes to work with a bruise on her face, covered very poorly" he said, his face hardened.

I looked down at my knees. "Let me help you" he said gently.

"You can't, there's nothing you can do, I choose to stay with him and it's directly my fault" I replied.

"Than leave him" Michael said.

"I can't do that either, he's the type of man that's fully capable with hurting me or someone I love if I did that" I said.

I took a deep breath. "Thank you for your concern, Mr Hayfield, but I have it under control" I said, standing up.

Michael Hayfield stood up. "I really want to see you smile again, Hope" he said gently.

My breathing seemed to slow as I turned my head to look at him again. His jaw seemed firmly locked and his eyes directed somewhere else. "We'll see" I replied, slightly smirking.

I left the office.


Ooo! First full chapter!
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I'm quite proud of this chapter!
We learnt a little about our main characters!

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Love, T xoxoxo

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