□ TWO □

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□ Hour Late □

I tapped the edges of the file against the table, straightening the paper inside before standing up and walking over to the filing cabinet. I danced across my office while music played softly.

I took some more files from my desk and and filed them away. I opened my office door and found an empty office. Shrugging, I danced towards the break room. My phone continued to play the music as I made the coffee. I danced in the break room, by myself. 

It's been many years since high school dance but I still knew how to dance and I danced my way back to my office, careful not to spill my coffee.

I passed Mr Hayfield's office and I didn't hear him open the door. I stopped and twirled before dancing again to my office.

I put my cup on the desk and sat back down, moving my shoulder to the music. "I'm always ready to take a life again, you know I'll ride again.." I sang.

I hummed the rest as I replied to several emails. "Your hour is up, you may leave" a voice said from the door.

I jumped and swore, pressing a hand to my heart. "What the hell" I breathed out, trying to catch my breath.

I grabbed my phone and turned down the music. "It's all good Mr Hayfield, I have a few things to finish and then I'll leave" I said, giving him a quick smile.

Hayfield walked into my office, glancing around and leaning on my desk. He leaned over the desk to see me playing minesweeper on my computer.

I looked away and bit back a grin. "You seem very busy" he replied, leaning back.

"Okay sir, I know what you're going to say but minesweeper is a great way to focus your brain, I was getting a little drowsy and this kept me awake" I replied, throwing my hands up.

"Go home Miss Jackson" he ordered.

"Please don't make me leave, I do have work, I just needed a little break" I replied.

Mr Hayfield gave me a look. Sighing, I logged off my computer. "Fine" I said, standing up and grabbing my jacket.

Hayfield waited at my door and watched me turn everything off. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow" I said as I walked past him.

"Goodnight Miss Jackson" was Hayfield's reply.

I pulled my jacket on and wandered over to the elevator. The familiar ding sounded and the doors opened. I stepped inside of Hayfield Enterprises elevator.

I pressed the ground floor button and stared at the numbers as they flashed. Each flash brought me more dread of going home.
My hand snuck into my pocket, clutching my car keys tightly.

Who knew how Harry would react. I stared at my reflection on the walls of the elevator and saw the black eyes and tired expression staring back at me. I turned my head slightly to see my bruise from the last time I disobeyed Harry.

Hayfield was right, this morning I had tried to cover it with make up but nothing I had could hide the purple and black bruise on my cheek.
I had made my bed, now I had to lay in it.

The elevator doors opened and I stepped out, pulling my keys out as I walked over to my car. I unlocked my car and opened the door but not before hearing squealing tires.

I turned around to see Harry's car barrel down towards my car, he pressed the brakes and turned the car off. I stepped back as Harry got out of his car.

"Where is he?" Harry yelled, walking around his car towards me.

I frowned and back back, suddenly very frightened. "What?" I asked, slamming myself into my car.

"I know you are cheating on me! Staying this late at work, where is he!" Harry yelled furious.

He was suddenly in my face and I raised my hands to protect myself. "I'm not cheating on you, Harry, I swear! I was working!" I exclaimed.

I didn't see the blow coming but the force knocked me back into my car before I fell onto the ground. "Hey!" I heard someone yell out.

My head hit the cement and I laid there, my head throbbing and my chest heaving. I heard scuffle before something hit my car. I tilted my head up to see Harry's head on my bonnet while Hayfield pushed it down. "Stop it!" He yelled.

My head collapsed on the cement again and darkness took my sight.


"Can you hear me?" A voice asked as I felt my head move.

I opened my eyes and immediately met Hayfield's. I made a startling discovery of gold flecks in his eyes. He raised his hand. "Follow my finger" he said as I looked at it.

He moved it from side to side and I followed it. Hayfield breathed a sigh of relief, and that's when I noticed the blood on his knuckles. "Harry?" I croaked out.

Hayfield had a flash of anger that crossed his face. "He left, abandoned you" he replied curtly.

Hayfield lifted my head up more and I was cradled between his chest and arm. "He hit you Hope, I saw it on the cctv as I was walking out, what sort of cruel man would hit a beautiful woman like you!" He exclaimed angrily.

I smiled gently. "You think I'm beautiful?" I asked.

Hayfield's eyes widened before he turned away. "Can you walk?" He asked, changing the subject.

I nodded slightly before wincing. He took my hand, pulling me up gently and balancing me against my car. "You shouldn't drive after that hit, let me take you home or at least somewhere you are safe" he said gently, glancing at the hood of my car.

I glanced at it to and saw the head imprint on it. "My friend, I can go to my friend" I said, raising my hand and touching my head.

"Can you direct me to their house?" He asked as he guided me to his car.

"Yeah" I replied, shielding my eyes from the intensity of the underground parking area lights.

"C'mon, I'll take you there" he said, softly.


Naww our Michael to the rescue!
Gosh, you guys are going to love him!

Anyone wanna join me on beating Harry up, hurting our home girl

Please vote and comment! Means the world!
Love, T xoxo

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