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"I brought you cheeseburgers and fries, are you okay with that?" I asked as I walked into Michael's hospital room.

He sat in bed quickly. "Really? Yes I'm okay with that" he said as I chuckled.

I handed him his burger and fries and he stuffed the fries in his mouth as I watched him horrified. He turned to look at me. "What?" He asked, with his mouth full.

I laughed, eating my fries delicately. "This is the best food I've eaten in the past three days" Michael said, swallowing his food.

"Well you're welcome" I replied, lounging on the chair.

"Marry me" he said quickly.

I jerked and looked at him to see him holding his burger and looking right at me. "What?" I asked, astounded.

"Marry me, I'm serious" he said, looking very serious.

"Michael, you're starving, you don't know what you're saying" I replied, looking down.

"I know what I'm saying and I'm asking you to marry me, I'm very conscious of my thoughts" he replied.

I stood up, nearing his bed. "You can't go throwing those words around, everyone will think you're a lunatic, here's your milkshake" I said handing it to him.

"I don't care what other people think, I care what you think" he replied, watching me carefully.

"Well I think you've lost the plot and need medication" I replied, sitting back down.

"So that's a no then?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Michael, you can't be serious! We've only been dating like five months" I replied, forgetting my food.

"And we've known each other for three years!" Michael replied.

I shook my head. "It's not the same thing" I replied before looking at him pointedly.

"Well I've been in love with you for three years so that is the point for me" he replied.

I stared at him. "What?" I asked as this news broke over me.

"Oh come on, like you didn't notice, I was hardcore flirting with you the moment you stepped into my office" he replied, putting his bruger down.

"That was hardcore flirting?" I asked before laughing.

"What?" He asked confused.

I struggled to breathe through my laughter. "I can't believe you thought you were flirting with me, I can't" I said before bursting out into more laughter and wiping the tears from my eyes.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Sorry" I said as noticed his face.

I tightened my lips as laughter threatened to bubble out. I squashed it down. "I just can't believe you felt that way about me for three years! Why didn't you like tell me or something?" I asked as I ate another fry.

"Because you're my employee and you had a boyfriend" he replied stiffly.

"If I knew you had a thing for me, things would have gone so much more differently" I replied, shooting him a grin.

"How so?"

"Well for one, I definitely would have worn shorter blouses and maybe shorter office skirts, wait is there such thing as a time machine, I kinda wanna torture you now" I replied, still grinning.

"It was torture already, thank you very much" he replied, sticking the straw of his milkshake into his mouth.

He looked like a naughty child. "Is that why you never dated?" I asked, curiously.

Michael glanced at me. "If you must know I did date a woman once, she was incredibly annoying and wouldn't shut up about her dog" he replied.

I coughed, hiding my laughter. He glared at me. "What I wanna know is why you held onto this fantasy of me for so long?" I asked, leaning closer.

"Everytime I decided to give up on you, you waltz into my office with those black heels, office skirt and tight shirt while having a pencil stuck behind your ear and you'd talk to me in that voice of yours and then I'm damned again" he replied, looking away

He glanced back at me. "Besides, I knew I'd have you in the end because I always get what I want" he replied in a husky drawl.

I raised my eyebrows. "Is that why you were so quick to let me live at your apartment?" I asked, taking a sip of my milkshake.

"Maybe" he replied.

I grinned and leaned back. "And all this time I could've had you wrapped around my finger, I could've asked anything from you and you would've said yes" I replied before chuckling.

"And now it's your time to say yes" he said, getting back to the point.

I sobered. "Michael-" I started to say before someone burst through the door.

We both looked up to see Kyle, he was grinning. "Guess what!" He exclaimed.

Michael gave him an irritated look. "This better be important, or I will literally kill you" he replied.

"Harry spilled the beans" he said, smiling in triumph.

Michael straightened up in bed. "And who is it?" He asked suddenly back in business.

"Jennifer Harrogate" Kyle replied, excitedly.

I looked back at Michael but his face wasn't what I expected.

He was sad and confused. "Michael?" Kyle asked, also confused.

"Kyle, can you give us a moment?" I asked, looking at his friend.

He nodded and walked out. I stood up and walked to Michael's bed, sitting on it and taking his hand. "Michael?" I asked, softly.

He looked up, his hand tightening in mine. "Who's Jennifer?" I asked, a little confused.

"An ex?" I asked before Michael shook his head.

"No, worse" he replied.

I cupped his cheek with my free hand. "I can't help you if you don't tell me" I said, worriedly.

His eyes had begun to water. "Who's Jennifer, Michael?" I asked.

Michael sighed. "My older sister" he replied.


Dun dun duhhhh
Who is shook?

I am shook.

I wonder why Jennifer's trying to take out Michael.. hmm in past chapters (not telling which) it has been revealed as to why those two don't talk.

But in other news? Will Hope answer Michael's marriage proposal?

I am so so excited for you guys to see the next few chapters!
Lots and lots of love! Tavana xoxoxoxoxo!

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