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The words I had typed stared back at me, blurring as I focused on them for too long. My hands hovered above the keys, unsure how to finish the email.

I bit my lip, closing my eyes.

I didn't get much sleep last night. After Michael's confession of wanting me, something in me had clicked and I had run out of the room.

I hadn't seen my boss all morning and I was super nervous about sending him this email. Finally, I pressed send.
I still had a job to do and so did he.

I was signing a few documents when the door opened to reveal a smiling Sarah. "Hey" I said looking up at her.

I signed another document before looking at her again when she didn't answer. She waited patiently by the door. "Are you okay?" I asked, worried.

She nodded and moved closer into the room. "You remember the man I talked about, that I said was a bit too boring?" She asked, sitting down.

I nodded and put down my pen. "Well he's taking me to meet his family in Italy, he told me he wants to be serious" Sarah said blushing.

"That's great!" I exclaimed.

She grinned shyly before looking away. "I couldn't help but notice your foul mood this morning and that you appeared at work before Mr Hayfield" Sarah said looking back at me with vulnerable eyes.

"I'm not in a bad mood" I replied, too quickly.

Sarah pursed her lips. "I know you look out for everyone else but please don't forget your own happiness" she said, her wide eyes blinking.

My grip tightened, my fingernails stratching the palm of my hand. "I am happy" I replied.

Sarah stood up and seemed to hestitate. "If you're happy than why are you hiding from Michael?" She asked, giving me a look before departing my office.

I stared at the closed door, her question burning in my mind. I had to at least pretend I was fine. I picked up a file, gripping it tightly and standing up.
I was fine. I was fine.

I pulled my door open and made the walk to Michael's office. A shiver ran down my back, igniting the goosebumps across my skin. I took a deep breath before knocking on his wooden door.

"Enter!" He barked.

Before I could turn away, my hand turned the door handle and walked in. Michael didn't see me at first, his eyes too focused on the paper strewn about his desk. "What is it?" He asked.

"The file you wanted for Tokyo" I replied, walking forward to place the file on his desk.

His head shot up, his eyes drinking in my features. "Hope.." he trailed off as if he was surprised to see me.

"Would you like any other files Mr Hayfield?" I asked, ignoring the lingering emotion.

Michael's face seemed to shut down, like shutters closing off to the world. Now, he held an icy glare. "Nothing from you it appears" he replied, his tone dripping with ice.

"I'll be in my office" I replied, taking a step back.

"Actually I do have something, a question" he said, standing up.

He buttoned his suit jacket and I tried to not remember what I had seen under all those corporate clothes. How hot his skin had felt, how they uncoiled with my touch. I cleared my throat.

"A question?" I asked, straightening.

He walked around his desk and towards the door. My breathing fastened when he shut the door and turned the lock. He turned to look at me, his eyes piercing mine.

A ghostly cocky smirk graced his face. "Yes, a question, tell me Miss Jackson, do you enjoy annoying people?" He asked, moving towards me.

I crossed my arms defensively. "I'm not annoying anyone" I replied, my eyes narrowing.

He stood in front of me now, that cocky smirk still on his face. It was that smirk most girls would throw their bodies at. The lopsided grin that could take off any pair of pants... but mine.
"You left during our talk yesterday" he said, deliberately making me think of what really was happening yesterday.

"It was a mistake, all of it. I shouldn't have got involved" I replied, using his icy tone against him.

He didn't flinch but he didn't look too impressed. "So you're moving out then?" He asked, his eyes pouring to mine.

It was a challenge. The first to look away was the weakest. I gave him a firm nod. "As soon as my pay comes through" I replied.

"Good, I want your stuff out of my house" Michael snapped.

"Good because I hated it there" I replied, just as snappy.

"Oh really? What was so bad? Having the nice bathroom or maybe the fire wasn't big enough?" Michael asked sarcastically.

My hands went to my sides, clenching them into fists. "It was a bad idea from the start, living with you" I cursed out.

Michael took a other step towards me. "Yes well I'm glad you're gone, maybe I'll have my metime back" he replied, his arms folding across his chest.

I let out a noise of disbelief. "You know damn well you'll be lonely, with no one to talk to" I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" He asked, his jaw taunt.

The temperature in the room dropped below zero. Goosebumps raised upon my skin and I stared at him straight. "So what if I did? What are you going to do? Fire me?" I asked, teasing but serious.

Michael stepped forward again as everything in my body started to heat up as his suit clad body came closer and closer. I knew what he looked like under that, and by god.. I was imagining it now.
"I could do that, I'm your boss" he growled out.

The growl licked over my skin like a delicious fire. "Than go ahead, do it" I replied.

Michael reached me then, his eyes dropping from my eyes to my mouth. "You're so fucking beautiful when your angry" he growled.

I straightened my back.
"So what are you going to do about it?" I asked, my mouth curving up.

Does this spell trouble in paradise or maybe Michael's had a really bad day.

What's going through Hope's mind right now?

I'm totally going to find myself a Michael. BRB

Love, T xoxoxoxoxox
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