□ NINE □

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Lol guys, I've had a few drinks so apologies for any spelling mistakes. Being Australian and 18 is awesome
□ NINE □

The next day as I got ready for work, I noticed the bruise on my cheek had faded. Finally, the last mark Harry has given me was gone.

I was finally free.
Pulling my leather jacket on, I shot my reflection one last look before walking out of my room. I trudged down the stairs, stopping on the kast step to adnire the view.

Michael was sitting on the silver couch, a coffee cup on the table and the newspaper in his hands. I bounced off the last step and moved to the kitchen.
"Good morning" Michael said as I walked past.

"'Morning" I replied, giving him a small smile.

He looked surprised ad folded his newspaper before throwing it on the table. He watched me make my coffee. "You're awfully cheerful this morning" he said, confused.

"You'd prefer me not to be?" I asked, tilting my head.

I picked up my mug of coffee and walked back into the lounge room. "No, I like this mood but I just thought.. never mind.. it's good to see you happy again" he said, standing up and fixing his tie. 

"Naww boss, you make it sound like you care" I said, grinning.

He rolled his eyes. "Of course I care, you're my employee, my roommate and my friend" he replied as he picked up his coffee cup.

"We're friends?" I asked, following him to the kitchen.

He shot me a look with a raised eyebrow before turning away. I saw the smile playing at the edge of his lips. "Of course you are my friend, I wouldn't let you live here if you weren't" he replied, washing out his cup.

I took a sip of my coffee, well tried as I was grinning too much. "That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me" I said playfully.

He turned to face me, bracing his hands on the marble bench as he lent forward. "Trust me, that's the only nice thing you will get to hear from me if you don't hurry your ass and get in the car" he said before reaching towards me.

My eyes widened as he picked up the car keys in front of my hand and looked up as he shot me a sly smile. He moved away from and away from the kitchen.


I bit back my smile as I gulped the rest of my coffee and put my cup on the sink. I picked up my bag as I headed for the door and closed it behind me, waiting to hear the click.

Michael was waiting by the elevator and the doors opened just as I reached him. I stepped inside and tied up my long hair into a pony tail. "So are you meeting with the Tokyo dealers today?" I asked, glancing at my boss.

He nodded his head. "Yes, Eleven a.m. please make sure you are there because I doubt I can do it without you" he said glancing at me.

"Another a nice thing, my my Michael, aren't you on a roll" I said cheekily.

"Don't make me regret my decision to call you my friend" he replied before turning his head away.

My grin widened. "Of course sir" I replied and walking out first when the elevator doors opened.

I walked towards his car and turned around when I didn't hear his footsteps. He seemed to be staring at me. "Coming?" I asked.

He shook his head as if clearing his thoughts and walked out of the elevator. "You are trouble Miss Jackson" he said as he pulled his car keys out.

"My middle name sir" I replied, flashing him a bright smile as I pulled open the passenger door.

I heard Michael's scoff before we both climbed it the car. He turned the car on and music started blasting through the speakers. I turned it up as Michael shook his head and pulled out of his parking spot.

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