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I stared at myself in the mirror, taking a deep breath. "You look absolutely beautiful Hope!" Sophie exclaimed. 

I turned my head to look at her as she wiped at her eyes. "I can't believe my brother is getting married" she said before wiping away more tears.

Paris smiled as she touched my gown. "I can't believe my best friend is getting married" she said as I stepped off the stool.

"C'mon guys, if you cry than I cry" I replied as I hugged Paris.

I heard a knock on the door and I turned as the door opened, revealing my brother. He looked a lot like me but wearing a dashing suit. "Hope!" AJ gasped.

I glanced down and rubbed my sweaty palms against my dress. "How do I look?" I asked, nervously.

Love, adoration and pride crossed his face. "You look absolutely stunning" he said, lifting a hand to hide his mouth.

He stepped into the room and glanced at my bridesmaids. "Mum would be so proud of you" AJ said, taking my hands gently.

I felt my eyes prick with tears. "I wish she was here" I replied, looking down.

"She is, she's always been with us" he replied.

I smiled and looked back up. "Thank you for walking me down the aisle" I said, touching his napkin gently.

"I know Dad would do it if he could" AJ replied.

I heard a bell and I looked over at Sophie. She squealed. "It's time!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly.

My brother held out his arm and I wound mine around his, holding him tightly. Sophie handed me my bouquet and I held it with a shaking hand. Paris and Soohie collected their flowers and walked ahead of me down the stairs.

We paused at the door. "You're going to be fine Hope, Michael loves you" AJ said gently, breaking through my thoughts.

"I know, it's just nerves" I replied, quietly. Sophie glanced at the guy to our left who nodded and Sophie stepped forward, walking out into the light. Paris was next.

I gripped my brother's arm tighter as we got our nod. The music played softly but I barely heard it as my heart beat faster and faster. I focused on my steps, making sure I didn't fall. I knew my brother would catch me if I did but I wanted to be steady.

As we neared the aisle, my brother whispered to me. "Look up Hope, focus on him" he whispered as we neared closer and closer.

I looked up and almost immediately our eyes locked. We paused at the start of the aisle but I focused on Michael. A smile curved his lips slowly as he took me in.

My hand holding the bouquet tightened as we started forward again. This time, my steps were sure and in time as we walked down the aisle. My gown swept across the ground and the leaves crackled underneath my heels.

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