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"Wh-hat?" He stuttered, his eyes wide.

"Did we?" I asked, leaning back.

He cleared his throat. "I don't know what you are talking about" he replied, shaking his head.

He wouldn't meet my eyes. "Michael" I said, causing him to actually look at me.

He gave in. "Alright fine, yes, we kissed and yes it got a little heated but you kept asking me to kiss you and I just couldn't resist" he replied, pulling away.

He moved back to the other side of the room, the colours lay forgotten. "No need to get weird about it Michael, I'm not mad, I just wanted to know the truth" I replied, frowning.

"Why do I feel like everytime you and I hang out or whatever, I'm always doing the wrong thing" he said, pacing and running a hand through his hair.

"Chill Michael, I said I wasn't mad, hell at least I was drunk when we kissed, if I was sober, I would've done a lot more" I said before thinking. 

I honestly heard crickets chirping as Michael turned to look at me. "What?" He asked.

I shrugged, being honest. "Oh come on, as if you don't know how completely hot you are" I said, gesturing to his naked chest.

I used to be a shy, timid girl. I wonder what happened to her.

"That is inappropriate to say Hope" he said, but biting his lip.

"We're friends, it's okay, if we were in the office, I'd say it was inappropriate but we aren't and besides we made out, and me calling you attractive is inappropriate?" I asked, confused.

"Stop!" He exclaimed.

"Fine" I replied, brushing myself off.

"I'll be in my room, pretending I don't exist" I said, heading for the door.

As I reached the handle, a hand slammed over my head to close it. I smelt him. The manly smell of a hot naked man and his chest pressed against me. My breath caught.
"Why won't you let me leave?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

The heat from his skin practically seared my back. "I don't want you too" he replied, his voice deep.

His voice drew shivers down my spine and I felt them like water dripping down my skin. My eyes closed briefly before I turned around slowly.

Michael was still standing behind me with his chest very close and I couldn't help but look up into his eyes. They were dark, somewhat darker than I could ever imagine. His breathing slowed.

Staring into his eyes, I lifted my hands slowly and placed them on his broad chest, almost wincing as his skin rippled as if my touch was cold. I looked up into his eyes again, seeing them close.

I whispered his name and they shot open, staring into mine. "You're my employee, I shouldn't be doing this" he replied, his tone soft.

I blinked slowly. "Then take a step back" I said, my voice hoarse.

He took a deep breath before capturing my lips without a second thought. He dropped his hand from above my head to grip my arms, pulling me to his body.

My hands travelled across his chest, one hand lifting up to the nape of his neck, the other still resting on his pecs. With incredible strength I didn't realise he had, he lifted me up and I immediately locked my legs around his waist.

With a few steps, my back was on the mattress and Michael was sliding his body against mine.

He kissed me, first lightly, then more urgently, his tongue in my mouth, my hips tilted against his, my breasts pressing against his chest, my whole body sending a message that was undeniable to him. His growl in return made my skin hotter, my breathing fasten.

He pulled me against him tighter, it felt as though he was thinking that he'd never get close enough to me, like I'd slip through his fingers. He kept me warm, kept me safe, he'd saved me from Harry.

His lips pressing against the hollow of my throat, felt like liquid fire. He had my arms trapped above my head, leaving me defenseless to his advances.

My breath rose and fell, my chest feeling heavy as Michael dragged his lips across my skin. He pulled back, his hair falling in his eyes. I gazed up at him, my eyes alight.

He pulled his hand back to drag his fingertips along the length of my arm. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" he said, his eyes meeting mine.

My mouth cracked up into a smile. "Thank you" I replied, still smiling.

He took a deep breath. I was helpless under him but somehow still in control. Like with a snap of my fingers and he'd crumble at my feet. "I  want you to know that I don't do this as often as everyone thinks I do" he said, leaning down slightly.

I pulled one of my hands out of his grip to brush back the hair that fell in his eyes. "I don't care what other people say" I replied, tightening my legs around his waist.

He smirked before letting it fade. "We have to keep this professional" he said, turning serious.

I raised an eyebrow. "Does this mean it's not a one time thing?" I asked, tilting my head.

He shifted his hips against mine and my back arched. "I don't think so" he replied.

I raised my head slightly and kissed him gently. "Well professional it is" I replied, pulling away.

His eyes glanced me over and slowly sat up. "Let's go out for dinner, I know you are against it but I still want to celebrate your birthday" he said quietly.

I looked away, biting my tongue. "It's just going to be me and you, we don't even have to say happy birthday, but I do want to take you out" he said, entwining his fingers with mine.

I looked at him. Wondering how on earth such a gentle loving man could be a cold hearted business man at work.. but that also made me realise. He was never really as harsh on me as he was the others.

"Okay" I replied, defeated.

He pulled back, my legs falling from his waist. "Well good, now go get dressed, we have a carnival to go to" he replied.

I rolled my eyes. 


Whew! Is it hot in here or is the A/C just turned off?
Hottttt Michael.

Salivating. Did you guys see the gif?
Tell me you saw the gif!

But does that mean they're dating now?
Hmm found out in the next chapter.
It jumps to the next day, back at work..

:) :) :)

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Love, T xoxo

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