□ FIVE □

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□ FIVE □

Mr Hayfield- Michael followed my instructions to the house I had been sharing with Harry. Unfortunately our luck was not in favour as I spotted Harry's car in the driveway. I sighed as Micharl pulled into the driveway anyway, climbing out of the car when he'd parked.

He climbed out as well. The door closed with a snap as I waked up the driveway to the front door. I glanced at Michael as he followed not even glancing at the garden.
I pushed open the front door and I heard Harry curse at the TV.

I glanced at him as I walked in. "I knew you couldn't stay away you little bitch" he said, looking at me as I walked in.

Michael walked in behind me and Harry shot off the couch. "What the fuck is he doing here?!" Harry roared.

Michael crossed his arms. "Hope, I'd start packing so we leave quickly" my boss said to me.

I was scared, for Harry. The murderous look Michael was giving him would be enough to scare anyone. "Of course" I replied, moving towards my room..

Harry launched forward. "She isn't going anywhere!" He exclaimed, grabbing my wrist.

I winced and Michael slipped his hand under his suit jacket. "Let go of her, now" he said deadly calm.

"She's my girlfriend, I can do what I want" Harry replied, his grip tightening.

"Let go!" I exclaimed, trying to pull my hand out of his grip.

Harry just shot me a glare. "Should have known you were cheating on me with this jerk, so typical a boss and his assistant!" He exclaimed.

Michael stepped forward. "Let go of her arm, or I will break yours" he growled out.

Harry let go of my wrist and squared up to Michael. "You think you love her? You don't know anything about her, I've known her for year!" He exclaimed.

Michael glanced at me and I nodded. I probably didn't want to see this.
I ran to my room, pulling my suitcase out of the cupboard and stuffing it with clothes. I took photographs that meant a lot to me and books I could never part with.

I packed all my essentials and then added everything I didn't want to leave behind. I zipped up the case and walked back into the living room. Michael was still standing by the door, his arms crossed.

Harry was nowhere in sight. I frowned and looked around. "Where's Harry?" I asked, looking back at my boss.

He ran a hand through his hair and shrugged one shoulder. "I have no idea" he replied.

I eyed him suspiciously. "Okay, well I'm packed" I said, showing him my luggage.

Michael nodded and opened the front door. "After you" he said, giving me a tight smile.

I nodded and walked out of the house, hearing the door shut after Michael  walked out.
The car beeped as he unlocked it and I opened the boot, throwing my bag into the back.

I glanced back at the house as I shut the boot. I still felt an attachment to the house, not the man in it but the good memories that it had. It used to be my mother's house before she died. She left it to me in her will and now my stupid ex had it.

I'd rather him have the house than my life. I pulled out my phone after feeling it buzz. A text from my brother I hadn't heard from in a long time.
Heard you left Sir Douche, call me when you'd like to talk. AJ

Paris must have told him. They were still good friends even though he'd moved all the way to Canada. After our mother died, he took his grief and abandoned me for the snowy streets and we never really spoke unless it was each other's birthday or mum's death anniversary.

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