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I stared up at Michael and I barely had time to take a breath before Michael had kissed me. With enough force to make me stumble.

My hands immediately went to his shoulders, pushing back his suit jacket. I had never ever been kissed like this.

It was very passionate, fueled by the argument and the desire we had for each other. I'm glad Michael had locked the door because my hands were popping open his buttons to his shirt, exposing his defined chest.

My skirt was bunched up and my legs wrapped around his waist. I bit back the moans that wanted to spill from my tongue whereas Michael used his to delve the kiss deeper.
Our hands couldn't stop touching each other's body and the no space between felt like miles apart.

"Hope" he growled, pulling back.

I whined at our loss of contact but focused my eyes on his. "Yes?" I asked breathlessly.

"Go back to your office and tell Sarah your sick, go home and wait for me" he practically whispered in my ear.

I nodded and quickly fixed nyself, getting a respective nod from my boss. I walked out, swallowing deeply. My cheeks would be flushed and probably looking like I had just been making out with my CEO.

"Hey Sarah" I said, emerging near her desk.

"Hey! Oh my! Are you alright?" She asked, worried.

My cheeks burned. "I uh don't feel well can you let Michael know that I've gone home" I said, clutching my stomach for an act.

She nodded. "Yes of course, get some rest darling!" She exclaimed.

Something told me, I wasn't getting much rest.

"Thanks Sarah" I replied.

I walked back to my office and picked up my bag, walking to the elevator quickly. I pressed the button and walked in, pressing the ground floor level.

It didn't take me long to get to my car and break at least fifty driving rules as I sped to the apartment Michael and I shared.

I made it through the door and threw my bag on the couch before sitting down and staring impatiently at the door.

My fingertips tapped against my knee, seconds ticked into minutes. It was almost half an hour later when Michael burst through the door. He slammed the door shut and stared at me as I slowly stood up.

"God, you're so fucking beautiful" he swore before pulling me by the waist towards him.

I crashed into his chest but his mouth was on mine before I could complain, not that I wanted to.

Nothing was a secret here, he pulled away for a few seconds to pull off his shirt, throwing it and not caring where it landed. My eyes drifted across his jawline to his hard chest and let my fingernail slide across the shape of his muscle.

His skin rippled and he jerked my chin gently to look at him in the eyes again. His eyes betrayed what he really wanted but I didn't care. I wanted him. I slid out of his grip and untied my hair, letting it fall down my back in waves.

I walked towards the stairs, turning my head to look at him as I undid the buttons to my shirt. I let it fall to the floor and I smiled wickedly at him. I heard him groan.

I quickly ran up up the stairs and into my room, closing the door. "Where are you?" I heard him call out as I heard his footsteps climb up the stairs.

I walked over to my bed and crawled onto it, facing the door. I leaned back on my arms. "Hope, where are you?" His voice growled as he came closer.

"Don't keep me waiting" he added as the doorknob to my room jingled.

He opened the door and spotted me on the bed. "There you are" he said, his voice betraying the emotion he was feeling.

"Well you found me, come and get me" I replied, a smirk on my face.

He didn't close the door but stalked towards me. I tilted my head up as he neared me, still standing.

His finger trailed from my collarbone to the tip of my chin and my mouth parted. "Indeed I will" he replied leaning down and capturing my lips.

This time, I didn't hold in the gasps or the moans. My body felt on fire, like he was the lighter and I was simply the match.
My body arched against his I felt his fingers slide across my inner thigh.

I took a shuddering breath as his lips still fought mine. He pushed me back lightly until I was lying down but my upper body was held up by a firm pillow. His name escaped my lips as his body slid against mine.
Michael grinned and trailed kisses across my jaw. "Say my name again" he whispered.

My legs raised around his waist, pulling his lower half down onto me. I felt his want for me, as he grinded against me. I swear, I saw colour. "Michael" I exclaimed.

He raised his hips, delivering a shudder run through my body. Another gasp left my lips as he left hot kisses across the tops of my breasts. "You don't know how beautiful you are right now" he growled against my earlobe.

It sent shivers down my spine. I let my lips caress over his cheek to the corner of his mouth. "Than why don't you show me, Mr Hayfield?" I teased.

He growled hotly and pulled back, taking my bra with him. I didn't even know he had unhooked it. His hips grinded against mine again and I didn't care as his name slipped from my lips.

My skirt was long gone, falling off the bed as Michael reached for me again. His jeans had joined my clothes on the floor. I was sick of waiting, I pushed him done. "Allow me to do this, Mr Hayfield" I ground out, smirking.


Hmm. .. *closes curtains* maybe we should give them some privacy..

What did you think of the chapter?

I've had a bit of a shitty day so I do apologise for any mistakes.. this is all unedited.
Don't forget to vote and comment! Love, T xoxoxoxoxox

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