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"So where do you live?" I asked, as Michael changed gears in his sports car.

A day had passed since the phone call from Sophie and Michael showed no intention of telling me anything. We drove down a winding road that hugged the ocean. "You'll see" was his reply.

The wind whipped my hair, sending cold touches across my skin. "Can I wind the window up?" I asked, glancing at him.

"If you want" he replied, tapping his hand on the steering wheel to Beyonce.

I wound up my window and snuggled down in my seat, I studied Michael again. "Tell me something about your family" I said, as cold air still streamed in from Michael's window.

He glanced at me briefly before looking back to the road. "Half of my family is English because they lived in England" he replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Not the history of your family" I replied.

He sighed. "I have two sisters, one is married to some rich guy in Prague and Sophie is the youngest, she's married to a guy named Keith and he's actually a real nice guy, they've been trying to have a baby for years" Michael said, glancing at me again.

"What about your parents?" I asked, slowly realizing I almost knew nothing about him.

"Well you know my father died, left me the business and left Sophie a lot of estates, Jennifer.. my older sister wasn't included in the will because they had gotten into a full blown argument about who should run the business.. and practically disowned my father when he said he wanted me to take over" he continued.

I studied his face.

"My mother never really got over my father's death but I hear she's doing well now.. I guess we'll see" he said, smiling a little.

"Are you excited to see them again?" I asked.

"I do not get excited about anything..  however I have missed them.. if that's what you were implying" he replied.

He turned off the coastal road and onto a smooth pebbled driveway. I sat up as a huge white fence loomed in front of us. Michael pulled up to the gate, pressing a button on the little box sitting next to the driveway. "Who is it?" A dreary voice asked.

"Michael Hayfield" he replied, glancing at me.

"Is that so?" The voice box said before I glanced forward to see the white gates swing open slowly.

"How do I look?" I asked, glancing at Michael.

I didn't want to meet his family for the first time and look like a an idiot. Michael started driving forward. "You look beautiful, don't feel okay?" He asked, taking his hand off the wheel to grasp my hand tightly.

I held it tightly before letting go. The house was practically a mansion. It was beautiful! I gasped and I could see Michael smirk out of the corner of my eye. As Michael drove closer, three figures waited on the huge marble stone steps. We rounded a huge water fountain that sat nestled in the middle of what seemed to be the driveway.

Turning the car off, Michael turned to me. "Hope, I only ask you one thing" he said, seriously.

I nodded. "Yeah?"I asked nervously.

"Don't worry about what they think of you, I think you are absolutely perfect.. okay" he said..

I frowned but nodded. He climbed out. I went to open my door but Michael shot me a look through the windscreen and I took my hand off the handle. He opened the door and reached for my hand. "My mother is very old fashioned" he whispered as I climbed out.

My boots sunk I to the gravel and I could feel the stares already. "I've got you" he whispered as our hands joined.

He led me up the stairs before stopping g in front of a woman with grey hair. She looked like she would have been beautiful in her day. Her fly away hair and neck adorned with jewels. She stood tall and straight, reminding me of a pencil. "Mother" Michael said, adressing the woman in front of me.

I gave Michael a gentle squeeze in the hand. "So it's true, my son has returned, I feared this day would never come" she said stiffly.

"You know I would visit mother, I've been busy" he replied, his eyes still on hers.

Her eyes flicked to me. "So I see" she replied.

Michael cleared his throat. "Where are my manners, Mother, this is Hope.. Hope, this is my Mother" he said, gesturing between us.

I didn't know if I should shake her hand or curtsey. "Hello" I said faintly.

She stared at me for a moment before turning back to Michael, who looked disappointed. "Your sister has most awaited your arrival" she said ignoring me.

My chest deflated. I had obviously made a bad impression and now that was going to doom me for the rest of my time here. "She's inside" she said.

Michael nodded. "Come on" he said to me before tugging me up the stairs.

I looked away from his mother's judgemental stare and gazed at the wonder of the place. A security guard opened up the front door and I glanced at Michael who just shrugged one shoulder.

I was way out of my comfort zone. "Michael!" I heard a squeal.

Before I knew what was happening, a short brown haired woman was ripping Michael away from me and pulling him into a hug. Michael laughed. "Its good to see you too Sophie" he replied.

"You have been holding out on me!" She exclaimed as she pulled away and jabbed a finger into his chest.

She turned to me and wore the biggest smile I had ever seen in my life. "Hi, I'm Sophie, Michael's younger sister, you must be Hope" she said before pulling me into a hug.

I tried to hug her back as much as I could, but her swollen belly prevented that. "Hi" I replied, blushing as we pulled apart.

"Aren't you just the cutest thing! Michael.. I swear to god next time you tell me you don't have any women in your life..  I will kill you" she said, going from sweet to wanting to kill her brother in 0.5 seconds.

Michael rolled his eyes. "Last time we spoke, I didn't have any women in my life" he replied, briefly glancing at me.

Watching them two bicker made me suddenly miss my brother. "Anyway, you must be positively exhausted from your trip! I'll show you to your room" Sophie said waddling closer.

I felt Michael curl a protective arm around my waist and I saw Sophie notice it. "She'll be sharing with me" he replied, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

"I wasn't aware my son got married" his mother's voice joined in.

Sophie rolled her eyes. "I'm not 14 anymore" was all he said.

"She can stay in another room, separate from yours" she said, authority leaking her tone.

I suddenly knew where Michael got it from and I glanced at him to see his mood darken. "Thank you, whatever is fine" I said quickly.

Sophie looked at me and tilted her head slightly. "I'll be fine" I whispered to Michael. He hardly relaxed.

"Come on, I'll show you" Sophie said quickly as the staring match between mother and son continued.

She pulled me away from Michael..


So we meet the mother.. she seems like a bit of a bitch..
I have a feeling she's going to cause Michael and Hope some trouble.
Why does she hate Hope?

Protective Michael.. is my favourite Michael..

What's yours?

Dont forgot to vote and comment!

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Lots of love, T xoxoxoxoxoxo

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