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We both looked up as Kyle walked into the room. Michael pulled his hand back, staring at his friend. "So, someone please tell me what's going on, because some asshole just pushed me down two flights of stairs" Kyle said, rubbing his shoulder.

Michael stood up. "I'm guessing you met Harry, that's Hope's ex" he said, glancing at his friend worried.

"The fuck? He's a jerk" Kyle exclaimed, glancing at me.

I wiped at my eyes. "So what happened, the office looks frazzled" he added.

"He decided to make an appearance and call Hope a few things" Michael replied.

Kyle narrowed his eyes. "If I ever see that son of a bitch again, I'll knee him in the fucking balls" he replied.

I couldn't help but smile at his words. "Kyle, meet me in my office, I just need to talk to Hope for a few seconds" Michael said, glancing between us.

Kyle nodded and departed from the room, leaving me with a wink and closing the door.
I looked at Michael as he rounded the desk.

Looking up at him from my office chair, he placed his hands either side of the chair and leaned forward. "We obviously have to have a real discussion and we will, I'm more concerned about your safety right now" he said, looking in my eyes.

I felt trapped in his gaze. But not the sort of trapped that made me want to escape, no, I wanted to dive deeper. "Michael" I whispered.

A perfect curved eyebrow answered me. "Yes?" He asked, his head dipping lower.

I sucked in a small amount of breath as his lips brushed over mine. My eyes closed briefly before opening and focusing on him. "We're at the office" I said, my voice hoarse.

I watched as his tongue darted out to wet his lips, his mouth probably as dry as mine. "I know, but I can't help it" he whispered, his lips nearing mine again.

My chair dipped back as he leaned forward and I was at angle when he finally pressed his lips to mine. I couldn't really explain it, something within the kiss just told me that everything would be fine.

His mouth coaxed mine, our kissed going deeper than probably intended. I felt him slide his tongue past my bottom lip and I couldn't help but moan.

It seemed to break the spell and he tore away, almost reluctantly. "I should go, Kyle would be waiting for me" he said, clearing his throat.

I nodded. "Okay" I said, dazed.

"I'll see you at home" he said, moving away from my chair and disappearing out of my office.

I finally got to work. Sorting through my emails and files. Email after email before eventually I decided to get up and grab a coffee.

I opened my door to realise some of the office was empty. Michael's office door was open but I looked away as I walked over to the kitchen.

I barely made it through the doorway before I saw one of the office girls leaning on him, playing with his tie.
I couldn't read Michael's expression but he wasn't pushing her away.

My heart jumped in my throat as she leaned up. I turned away before I could see anything else and ran back to my office.
I logged out of my computer and packed my bag.

Sneaking out of the office, I began the long journey to Michael's apartment.
I walked along the busy street, keeping an eye out for my ex boyfriend.

You never really realise how much clarity you get when you walk through a city. The noise it makes totally clears out all the other nonsense you have going on. I had managed to forget who I was and what I was doing.

I couldn't be throwing myself at my boss, what did that make me?

Especially when my ex was still hell bent on destroying me. I was sincerely grateful for everything Michael had helped me with. Giving me a home, protecting me when he was nearby, and for giving me myself, Hope.

Just as my feet were tiring, I found myself at the entrance to Michael's building.
I stopped, watching how everyone walked in and out, busy in their own lives.

I wondered. I wondered if anybody hoped they could swap lives with someone else. Sometimes I did, I'd see a happy couple walking by and wish that I was apart of that, but then I was the sort of person who would regret putting the other person in the position I was just in.
Swapping lives was a no go.

My fingers tightened on my bag strap and I waked past the building, kept heading north.
I kept walking until finally I stopped for a drink and food.

Dusk had fallen and the streets looked dark, but the lights started to turn on. It turned into the beautiful city it was known for.
I sat outside, enjoying the cool breeze as I ate my food.

I kept wondering what my life would have been like if I had never met Harry. Unfortunately, my peace didn't last long as a chair shifted out from beside me..

I swallowed the chewed food in my mouth before looking at my new dinner companion. "I knew you'd find me" I said to Harry as he stared out if the lit street.

"Of course, but why?" He asked, glancing at me.

"I want to be left alone Harry, I don't want to be with you, what we had was sickening" I said quietly.

Harry shook his head. "That's because you fought against everything good, you made the relationship rotten" he said.

"I made it rotten?" I asked in disbelief.

"You know he could never love you" Harry said, our eyes meeting.

I was the first to look away. "He's a billionaire and you are just a assistant, and that's all you'll ever be" he said before I heard the chair srap again.

I looked back at him to find him gone.  My phone buzzed and I pulled it out to see Michael's name flash up on the screen. He kept ringing and ringing before finally giving up.

I held the phone up to my ear, hearing the familiar dial tone. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's me, I need to see you"


Hmm who is she talking to?
And who is that stupid ass bitch who was getting all up and on Michael??

Imma find her.

I don't like Hope's state of mind at the moment but after Michael says he has feelings for her and than proceeds to not push that women away is a little bit sketchy.
Do you think he really loves her?

Don't forget to vote and comment!
Lots of love, T xoxoxoxoxox

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