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"Hey, good morning" I said, walking downstairs.

Michael looked around to see me. "Good morning, how do you feel?" He asked, tapping an egg on the side of a frying pan.

I walked up the steps to the kitchen and sat on the bar stool. "Like I've been run over by a truck, what happened last night?" I asked, wincing at the brightness of the sunlight.

Michael looked up quickly. "You don't remember anything?" He asked, his tone unreadable.

I thought about it. "I remember kissing someone, oh my god, did I bring a boy back here?" I asked, my eyes wide.

Michael grinned before laughing. "No, if you did, he snuck out before I woke up" he replied.

I put my head in my hands and made a noise of defeat. "I'm so sorry for the way I acted yesterday" I said, lifting my head to look at him.

He shook his head. "It's me who should be sorry" he replied, whipping the eggs.

I glanced down and the frying pan. "God, I must have been totally smashed last night, I hope I didn't wake you or anything" I said as Michael smiled again.

"No, didn't hear a thing" he replied.

I studied his face and realised he wouldn't meet my eyes. "Michael" I said, my voice warning.

He looked up and almost flinched his eyes away. "I knew it! What happened last night!" I exclaimed.

Michael looked away and walked over to the fridge while the egg sizzled in the pan. "Nothing, I was already awake when you got home, you fell on the stairs so I carried you to your room, you were alone" he replied, shrugging one shoulder.

"Why would you lie?" I gasped in horror before hiding my face.

"I can't believe you saw me fall down the stairs" I added.

He laughed. "It was quite hilarious actually" he replied.

I glared at him over my hand. "Are you heading to work today?" I asked, changing the subject.

He shook his head. "No, I'm taking the day off" he replied turning around to hand me a plate.

I held the plate as he slid eggs onto it. "You can take the day off too, since you are my personal assistant but I won't be at work today, therefore you don't have to be" he said, handing me a fork.

I took it, thanking him.  He sat in the stool across from me. "Okay so no work today, what's on your agenda?" I asked before taking a bite of my eggs.

"I'm planning on going to lunch in some fancy café with a nice casual book and enjoying my afternoon" he replied, smiling at me.

"Booorrring" I replied.

He rolled his eyes. "What are you going to do on your day off?" He asked, tilting his head.

"I'm going to the carnival parade that's in town today, wanna join me?" I asked, taking another bite.

He seemed thoughtful. "You want to hang out with your boss?" He asked.

"I thought we were also friends?" I asked giving him a cheeky smile.

"We can put this whole bad birthday shit behind us and just enjoy each other's company again" I said, finishing the plate.

"Are you sure?" He asked, giving me a look.

I nodded before looking him over. "Yes but you can't go to this carnival looking like a complete CEO, you need something bright" I said, slipping off the stool.

I took his hand but didn't feel him stiffen as I dragged him across the lounge room and up the stairs. "I don't own anything bright" he said as we emerged into his room.

I ignored the monochromatic bedroom and went straight to his wardrobe. He stood there, looking at little lost.

I dived into his draws. "What's this?" I asked, picking up a red t-shirt.

"It's not exactly colourful" he replied.

I shot him a look. "No but at least it's not the office blues you wear all the time or the black waist coats" I replied.

I handed it to him. "Put it on" I said before diving back into his shelves.

I spotted some more colour, pulling it out and accidentally losing my balance. I fell back but my body fell into the arms of Michael Hayfield.

A very shirtless Michael Hayfield.

That's not what surprised me, it was the flash back to a night I couldn't remember much. Last night.

He tasted like minty toothpaste and my hands found his soft silky hair. I heard him groan against me and it honestly made this all the much hotter.
The moment his lips touched mine, I was sober. Very sober.

He took charge of the kiss, bending at his elbows and kissing me deeper. My arms went around his shoulder, rolling him onto the bed. Our lips never left each other's as I straddled him and his hands went to my waist, holding me flush against him.

I gasped and Michael frowned at me. "Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded distractedly.  I knew I wasn't insane. I knew I had kissed someone,  I just didn't know who but now I did.
I had kissed my boss, my roommate, my friend and this morning he lied to me..

Was he embarrassed by the kiss?
His moans from my memories didn't seem to fit that accusation.

Maybe he thought I'd be embarrassed. I mean I kissed back last night, so that was hint enough.
"Let me help you up" he said, lifting me gently.

He took the skinny jeans out of my hands and sat me up. "What were you looking for? This?" He asked, holding up a rainbow scarf.

I didn't answer. "Hope?" He asked confused.

"Earth to Hope?" He asked, waving a hand in my face.

I snapped out of it and before I could think, my mouth spoke. "Did we make out last night?" My mouth had asked.

Michael had frozen, his mouth half open and unsure what to say.


I can't wait to see what he says.
Ahaha this is going to be hilarious!
But three updates in one day?

What did you think?
Michael and Hope, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G

I love them so much!
I hope guys do as well!

Anyway, the next chapter is going to be a nice big surprise!

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me!
Love T, xoxo

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