□ TEN □

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□ TEN □

I tided myself in the reflection of my computer screen before gathering the files and standing up.
I barely made it to the door when it opened. I almost fell back at the sudden movement. "Oh good, you've remembered" Michael said rather coldly.

"Of course" I replied, a little confused.

"The meeting starts in five, let's go" he said as he turned in his heel and walked out of the door.
I frowned at his attitude but let it slide. He was probably just nervous about this deal.

I followed him to the door of the meeting room and I walked inside, setting everything up before joining Mr Hayfield at the door. A group of Japanese CEO'S walked towards us, gazing out our glass windows which overlooked the city.
Michael greeted them all with a firm handshake and a hello in Japanese.

He gestured for them all to move inside the meeting room and walked in after them, letting the door almost close on me.
I frowned again.

I sat at the back, taking careful notes. Mr Hayfield was doing great without my help and the CEO'S all seemed pretty happy to work with such a man.
That his father should be proud.

More than once, I noticed his eyes on me but before I could actually catch him, Michael had looked away.
I stuck my pen in my mouth when they started going through the stats.

I turned my head to stare out the window, lost in thought. "Miss Jackson" Michael's once again cold voice, brought me out of my revere.

Everyone was looking at me. I cleared my throat and sat up straighter. "Sorry?" I asked, flushing.

"Please hand these gentlemen the paperwork I gave to you" Mr Hayfield said, disappointment and embarrassment lacing his tone.

"Of course sir" I replied and stood up.

I handed out the paper and gave the last copy to Michael who seemed to snatch it out of my hand.
Once again, I frowned.

What was up with him?

I sat back down in my chair and watched Michael lead the meeting until the end.

I yawned when finally Michael was escorting them from the room. I stood up and picked up all the paper, straightening the room and walking back to my office.

But I froze. Glancing at Michael's office, I checked to see if anyone was around.
They all seemed busy in their own little world.

I took a few steps back and opened Michael's office, slipping in unseen.
I sat on one of the plush chairs near the window, crossing my legs like a lady.

I heard his footsteps and the rattle of the doorhandle and he walked in, not seeing me.

I narrowed my eyes as he closed the door and turned around. "Jesus!" He exclaimed. 

"Afraid not, just your low life Secretary" I replied, crossing my arms.

"What are you doing in here, I believe this is my office" he said, not looking at me and sitting down at his desk.

I stood up and walked to his desk, placing my hands on the table with a bang. He looked up. "What am I doing in here? Seriously, are we not going to talk about the fact you are giving me a cold shoulder? What did I do wrong?" I asked, angry.

"The fact that you need to ask, proves you aren't as smart as I thought you were" he replied coolly.

"Oh that's rich coming from you, is this about my stupid birthday? This is why I don't celebrate it!" I exclaimed.

Michael stood up. "Tell me the real reason you won't celebrate your birthday!" He exclaimed.

"No!" I replied.

"I swear to God,  I will not hesitate to.." he stopped, struggling to end the sentence.

I scoffed and made my way to the door. "Why won't you tell me!" Michael exclaimed.

"My mother died on my birthday!" I exploded, turning around.

His expression fell. Guilt crossing his face. I took a deep breath, calming my racing heartbeat. "There! Happy?" I asked as I fell into one of his seats.

I put my head in my hands. "I'm sorry" Michael said softly. 

"I don't want to hear it" I replied, burying my race further into my palm.

I was praying that I wouldn't start crying. Cause I wasn't going to cry in front of him. No way..
"I was out of line" he added, as I heard his footsteps.

"No shit" I replied sarcastically..

I felt his hand touch my knee and I jerked up. "Please don't" I said, taking a step back and away from him.

He stood back up. "Hope" he said confused.

"You can't just do things like that expect everything to be okay!" I exclaimed.

"I know and I'm sorry! But I'm your friend, I just wanted to know something else about you" he said, entwining his fingers.

His bronze hair fell in his eyes and it was too adorable to not forgive. "It's fine, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do" I said, wiping at my eyes and tightening my ponytail.

I took a deep breath and walked towards the door. I opened it and walked to my office. I closed the door with a snap and walked over to my window, wiping at my eyes.

I missed her. Her smile, her laugh, the way she used to squeeze me tightly everytime we hugged.
I slid down the window and pulled my knees to my chest.

I hated my birthday. Another year gone without her. Another reason to hate the date I was born.

I couldn't stop the sobs that racked that my body. I let myself crying, knowing she'd tell me it's bester to let it go than to hold it in.

Another year older. Another year gone, when will my life not end in scorn?
Crossing the barriers, holding onto what's dear.
In the end, my friend. It's all about conquering your fear.

I closed my eyes.


😢😢 I just want to hug her. :(
Michael maybe shouldn't have pressured her about something she wasn't ready to tell.

Just got home from work to finish the chapter. What did you think??

Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote!

Love, T xoxo

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