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"Okay, Okay Hope, I think you've had enough to drink" Sarah said as she took the shot out of my hand.

I frowned and reached for it again but  slipped off the stool. I laughed as I landed on the ground. Sarah sighed and helped me up. "Come on, let me take you home" she said, smoothing my hair back.

"Mmm okamy" I replied drunkenly.

She took ahold of my arm and led me from the bar. I tripped on a few scattered bottles before Sarah finally got me to her car. I lent against it while she looked for her keys. "Tell me Sarah, do you ever just look at me and say, god I hate that bitch?" I asked, staring right at her.

She looked up confused. "No, I rather like you, you seemed to care more than anyone else in the office" she replied. 

She found her keys and unlocked her vehicle. "Wait, I don't want to get in!" I said exclaimed.

Sarah reached for me. "It's time for me to take you home Hope" she replied annoyed. 

I moved put of her grasp. "No" I ground out.

"Hope, seriously, get in the car" she exclaimed. 

I frowned before doing as told. She shut the door before hurrying around to the drivers seat. Starting the car, she peeled out of the parking lot. "Don't throw up in my car" she warned, dodging traffic.

"Thank you Sarah, for coming out wif me" I said before covering my mouth with my hand.

"Don't you dare throw up!" She exclaimed.

Luckily, we hadn't gone to far away from the apartment I shared with my boss and she pulled up to the front quickly.

She opened her door, running around the car and opening my door. She helped me up and out of my seat. "I'm not going to throw up!" I exclaimed.

She half limped me to the lobby and pressed the elevator button."It's okay Sarah, I can get home" I said, unlooping my arm from her shoulders.

"Are you sure?" She asked, unsure.

I nodded. "Okay!" She squeaked before running back to her car.

The elevator doors opened and I stumbled inside, leaning on the cold metal and pressing the top floor number. I rested my forehead against the metal and closed my eyes. Taking a few a deep breaths, I stepped out of the elevator when the doors opened.

I moved to the keyboard and stared at the numbers as they blurred and dance. I pressed a few numbers and smiled when I heard the familair click of the door opening.

I grabbed the handle and opened the door, stumbling inside. "Hope?" A worried voice asked.

My eyes focused on Michael who sat up on the lounge and stood up, walking to me quickly.

He gripped my arms and sat me down before disappearing. "Here, drink this" he said before I felt a glass press into my hands.

I drank it, the water soothing my parched throat and I looked at Michael. "Thanks" I said giving me a tipsy smile.

"Are you okay?" He asked, leaning in closer.

I focused on his brown eyes. "You really are beautiful" I said drunk.

His eyes widened and he lent back. "I should get you to bed" he said, standing up again and grabbing my hand.

I fell forward but Michael caught me, lifting me up bridal style and walking up the stairs. "Strong" I murmered.

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