□ SIX □

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□ SIX □

"Thank you for everything, by the way" I said as Michael and I stood up.

We had finished eating and we were making our way back to his car. "What do you mean?" He asked, opening the door for me.

"Handling Harry, not firing me, letting me live with you.. just to name a few" I replied as we stepped out into the cool night air.

Michael shrugged one shoulder. "I'm sure you would do the same" he replied.

I glanced at him. "No please let me thank you, I'm just a measly personal assistant and you didn't have to help like this but you are and it means a lot" I replied, frowning.

I stepped close to the passenger door while Michael stood on the other side of the car. He looked down before looking at me. "Your welcome" he replied.

He opened his car door and I did too, both climbing in.

"It's going to be very crazy, living with you" I said as Michael turned the car on and blasted the heater.

"No we'll be fine, like you said, just roommates being friends" he replied.

I smiled. "Tell me something no one else knows about you" I said, gazing at him as he threw the car into reverse.

The city lights flew across his face, igniting the shadows as he drove. "I wouldn't know what people know about me, with my profile, I'm in the spotlight quite a bit" he replied, glancing at me.

His hand tightened on the steering wheel. "I bet you didn't even want to take over your father's company" I replied, still looking at him.

"No I did, I grew up learning everything about the company, I thought I could run it better than he could, and I was right" he replied, smiling slightly.

I had started to like this open side of him. He was easy going.

"What about you? What did you really want to do?" He asked, glancing at me before looking back at road.

I sighed before laughing. "It's silly, I wants to go to film school, I wanted to become a director" I replied, smiling.

"Why didn't you do it?" He asked.

"I never had the money to pay for the classes and then I met Harry and it all crashed and burned from there, I gave up on that dream" I replied.

Yawning, I looked out the window, cars streaming past, headlights blaring. "Well I hope you aren't seriously disappointed with your job" he replied.

I shook my head. "No, you're a good boss, I mean there could always be improvements but you're doing great" I replied, glancing at him.

I met his eyes and he smiled gently. He looked back at the road as we lapsed into silence. I stared out the window, looking up into the sky, watching the skyscrapers pass with the twinkling stars as the background.

I closed my eyes, feeling very tired. It had been a crazy week. A crazy day and for some reason, Michael's presence made me feel safe. That he'd always look after me.

I didn't even realise I had fallen asleep until I felt someone pick me up. My head rolled backwards before hitting a solid foundation. With my head agaisnt Michael's chest, I opened my eyes gently to see Michael's arms around me. We were no longer near the car and Michael was holding me flush to his body.

My eyes closed again and opened a moment later when I felt the elevator lurch. Michael carried me to his front door, moving me to free his hand.

I closed my eyes, tiredness creeping into me. I felt his movement again and felt my body being lowered onto something soft. I curled up, exhausted.

A hand brushed away the hair from my face before I was left alone. I let the blackness take me.


Sunlight filtered through the curtains in the room, almost blinding me as I blinked my eyes open.

The sheets were soft against my skin as I sat up, rubbing my eyes. Realising I was in an unknown bedroom, my heart started to thump.

I jumped out of bed and pushed open the curtains fully. The view was incredible.  The whole wall was a glass window and the sunrise streamed right into my room. I shielded my eyes again and stepped away from the window.
I spotted the door and walked towards it. I pulled it open and emerged into a stylish lounge room. Silver lounges and glass coffee table surrounded a huge flat screen.

I looked around, noticing the grand piano seated near the window and I walked towards an open door way. It led to a kitchen, which looked like it cost more than my house and my car together.
"You're awake, how did you sleep?" A voice said from behind me.

I whirled around and Michael was leaning on a doorway, leading to a room I hadn't been in. "Good, thank you, I was a little confused when I woke up" I replied, relaxing.

A smirk graced his face. "Yes sorry, I had to carry you here, I didn't want to wake you last night" he replied.

"Thanks" I said, nervously.

He stepped off the step he was on and walked towards me. "Hungry? I can make something for you?" He asked, brushing past me.

I followed him. "No thanks, I'm good" I replied.

He moved to the coffee maker and poured himself a mug. "The room you woke up in, will be your room" he replied, taking a sip.

He turned around and my eyes drifted over his outfit. A dark blue office shirt, the long sleeves rolled up to his elbow. An even darker blue vest over the top with gold buttons.
His black slacks seemed to look like skinny jeans and I swallowed, hard.

"Is there a party?" I asked, sarcasm coming out before I could stop it.

"What?" He asked.

"All you need is glasses and you could pull off being a hipster" I replied, smirking.

Michael glanced away before walking to the bench and picked up very hipster glasses and put them on his face. "You mean like this?" He asked before chuckling.

I bit back my laugh and held my hand up to my mouth so it didn't come out. He took the glasses off. "I brought up your bag this morning, it's in your bathroom" he replied, walking towards me.

I nodded as he stopped in front of me. He held up his wrist to check the time in his watch. I noticed the tattoo peek out from under his rolled sleeve. "You have exactly fifty-five minutes to get ready for work" he replied before brushing past me.

"I'll be ready!" I exclaimed, making a run for my room.


Is Michael hot or what?
And he's so nice and sweet. But you'll soon see the difference between work Michael and home Michael.

What do you think of Michael?
Please comment and vote!

And what about Hope?
What do you think of her?
I kinda like her.

Lots of love, T xoxoxoxoxox

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