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□ No Tears □

"Thank you for saving me, and driving me to Paris's house" I said, looking away from the city lights and at Mr Hayfield.

The red, yellow and green lights reflected across his angular cheekbones, lighting up the shadows across his face. "It's fine, Miss Jackson" he replied curtly.

He pulled into a busy street at my direction and followed my directions to the driveway of Paris's house. "Are you sure you want to come to work tomorrow, I can give you the day off" he said, pulling the car to a stop and looking at me.

I shook my head. "Thank you sir but I just want things to remain normal, I'll be at work on time and ready to go" I said, grabbing the doorhandle.

"Hope, if you ever need anything, don't be afraid to ask" he replied, reaching for my hand.

I turned to look at him, my hair falling in my eyes. He hesitated for a moment before reaching across the console and tucking the strands of hair behind my ear. I stalled a moment, my hand tightening on the handle. He seemed to realise what he was doing and tore his hand away, gripping the steering wheel tightly. "I guess, I'll see you tomorrow" he said stiffly.

I opened the door and gripped my bag. "Yeah" I replied distractedly.

I stepped out of the car and closed the door. The car sped away almost immediately. Sighing, I turned around and walked towards Paris's front door.
She lived in a small house by herself, but I visited frequently.
I knocked on the hardwood, waiting for her to open the door.

I heard footsteps before Paris herself opened the door. Her blue eyes lit up when she saw me. "Hope!" She exclaimed before flinging her arms around me.

I winced as she pulled me into the hug tightly. I blew her blonde hair around way from my face as I hugged her back. "Hey" I said, before pulling away.

Paris smiled, her white teeth glinting against her tan skin. "It's been so long, like almost a few weeks" she said, searching my face.

She spotted my bruise and I could feel the anger radiate off her. "Did he hurt you again?" She asked, gritting her teeth.

Paris and I had been friends since almost the start of high school. She had saved me from some douche trying to feel me up in the girls bathroom at Orientation day. She'd kicked him, punched him square across the face and threatened him.

When he'd run out, she had consoled me and told me she'd protect me. We'd been friends ever since.
"I'm okay, Mr Hayfield stopped him from hurting me further" I said, looking away.

"Mr Hayfield? Your boss?" She asked, stepping aside to let me in.

I nodded and passed her, walking into her house. As usual, her house smelt of old books and pine trees. "He saw Harry beating you and saved you?" She asked, curious.

"Does it matter, I'm okay now and everything's I've between Harry and I" I replied, turning to look at her as I reached the living room.

"Babe, it should have been over when he first hit you" Paris replied, leaning against the wall.

I sighed and flopped down onto on of her couches, she followed me and sat opposite me. "Where are you going to go?" She asked, tilting her head.

I gave her my puppy dog eyes. "I was hoping I could stay here" I said, pleading.

"You can stay the night but I just can't accommodate you, this is a one bedroom house and you aren't going to sleep on the couch" she replied, sadly.

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I'm screwed, Paris, I've pushed everyone I love away just so Harry couldn't hurt them but now I can't turn to anyone" I said, suddenly feeling the weight of the word.

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