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Wind blew through the window of my car, blowing my hair all over the place. The radio turned up as I sped down the freeway.
Car headlights on as I shielded my eyes from oncoming cars.

The night was cool and my head rested in my hand as one hand steered the car.
I reached across the gear stick to pick up my phone, checking it as another missed call from Michael added to the pile.

I threw it back on the passenger seat, my eyes focused on the road again.
My fingers tapped to the music on my steering wheel, as a sense of freedom fell over me.

I turned off the freeway, onto a highway. McDonald's, Burger King, everything flew past and I made no heed to it.

The sky was very dark now, the last pink waving goodbye as I drove under trees. I sighed, breathing in the natural air as I drove away from the city.

Michael would be worried, probably seriously mad. But he wasn't my boyfriend, he made that perfectly when he didn't push that woman away.
All men do is lie.

I shook the memory of the woman trying to kiss him from my mind as I turned the song up louder.

"Of course. Of course you just couldn't find a simple man and settle down. No, you will always find the cheaters and liars" I said to myself.

The road seemed to stretch out and I was half tempted to just turn the car around and give Michael a piece of my mind.
But just like I said. We weren't together.

I'd be yelling for nothing.

My phone rang again and I turned the music down as I listened to it. Angry with the fact I was being so childish, I picked it up and answered on the last ring.

"Hope Jackson speaking" I said formally, not even glancing at the I.D

"Hope? Where are you? You left the office early and thought you'd be home, why aren't you answering my calls?" Michael rushed out.

"Right now, I'm on Highway 90 and I was going to go home but then I thought, why do that when I can do something else. I'm ignoring your calls because you're an asshole and you almost made me believe.." I trailed off.

"Highway 90? What? How am I an asshole?" He asked as if he nervous for the answer.

"I saw you at the office with that pretty little intern girl, she seems nice, how about you go check her boobs, oops sorry I meant books and see how she's doing" I snapped, sounding as the very jealous woman I didn't want to be.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, genuinely confused.

I glanced away from headlights. "Hmm, I don't know, how about that girl who seemed intent on not just getting coffee for the boss" I replied, angry.

"Wait you saw that?" He asked.

"Am I blind?" I growled.

He started to laugh. If I wasn't so mad at him, I'd melt at the sound of his rich chocolate laugh and turn into a puddle of goo. But I was mad at him. "What's funny, Hayfield?" I snapped. 

"She's been trying to get in my pants for months and I'm as interested in her as I am staring at a wall and watching the paint dry" he replied before laughing again.

My cheeks burned and I was glad that he couldn't see me. "Oh Hope, you make me laugh, did you not hear what I said to you in your office?" He asked, his voice dropping a few octaves.

I pulled into a side street. "I heard what I wanted to hear when I was sad, doesn't actually mean you mean it" I replied, cross.

"I meant every word" he said suddenly, his voice dropping with authority.

I pulled the car over and grabbed my phone as I climbed out of the car. I closed the door and locked it as I stared at the rusted fence. "Where are you?" He asked, the phone startling me.

"I'll call you later, okay?" I asked and hanging up before I could hear his reply.

I walked over to the fence and ran my hand along the grooves that were etched into the steel. Initials and long lost love letters as I pushed the gate open slowly.

The creaking made me hyper aware that I felt like I was being watched. I walked into the yard and look at the now dead grass, fallen leaves littered the ground.
Nothing had been kept since I had left.

The stones steps were out of place and it looked like a couple of homeless guys had made home in the corner of the yard.
My hand tightened as I slipped it into my pocket

This had once been a place of wonder, imagination and love. Now, it looked old, rotten and unloved.
I walked slowly up the steps, staring at the rusted and worn down house.

Reaching the top step, I froze. Should I?

I stepped forward, placing my hand against the door before knocking loudly. "Who is it! If you're the stupid kids who keep thinking this is funny, I'm going to slay your skin!" A raspy voice answered loudly.

I heard loud footsteps and the door yanked open. He froze and I froze. Neither of us looked the same. "Who are you?" The man asked, squinting his eyes.

A sob caught in my throat. "I'm Hope" I said, feeling small.

"Hope left me a long time ago, now all I feel is pain, go away" the man growled, moving to close the door.

"No! I'm Hope Jackson" I said, reaching up to stop the door.

He froze again before looking at me. His pale eyes searching my face. "Well I'll be, has my daughter finally come to see her old man die?" He asked, straightening his glasses.

I shook my head. "No dad, I just wanted to come see you" I replied.


Dun dun dunnnn. Bet you weren't expecting that.
Sassy Hope always gives me a good laugh

What do you think she needs to speak to her father about?
It seems important.

What about Michael, is he taking Hope too lightly?
Did Hope have a right to be jealous?

Let me know in the comments!
Don't forget to vote!
Love, T xoxoxoxoxox

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