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It was the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep. My eyes were wide awake as I stared at the shadows on the roof, swaying back and forth because of the trees outside.
I tossed and turned before finally giving up and sitting up.

I kicked off my sheets and quietly climbed out of bed. I tiptoed to my door and opened it gently, careful to not let it creak.
I tiptoed towards Michael's room and I opened the door quickly before closing it behind me silently.

Michael laid on his bed, his arm stretch out like he was reaching for someone. Soft delicious snores fell from his lips as his other arm draped across his eyes. His soft silk sheet sat low on his hips, exposing his hardened abs and chest.

I walked over to the side of the bed carefully and pulled back the sheet. I climbed in as slowly as I could so I didn't jostle him awake. His hand curled up as I laid down. I turned away from him, hoping to sleep with just his presence. "Couldn't sleep?" He asked, his sleepy voice deep and sexy.

I turned over quickly to see him rub his eyes and open them in the dark. They sparkled like little jewels. "Sorry," I replied.

"Don't be" he said before yawning.

His hand found mine on the sheets and entwined our fingers. I glanced down at our contact. "Come here" he said softly.

Not even fighting the request, I moved closer to him. Snuggling him and he put an arm across my body, holding me there. I heard him take a deep breath as he snuggled into my hair. Our hands were still joined as I closed my eyes.

His breathing lulled me slowly to sleep and I couldn't help but feel as though I was in the safest place possible.

I pressed my cheek to his chest, revelling in this closeness. I closed my eyes again and fell asleep.


Goosebumps and tingles spread out across my arm as I felt his fingers drawing circles softly on my skin. "Good morning" he said in that sexy morning voice of his.

I opened my eyes and blinked away the sleep before tilting my chin up to look at him. He smiled at me as I moved off his chest which I had used as a pillow all night. "Morning" I replied, yawning and stretching out my arms.

"I could get used to this" his voice said as I looked at him.

"Used to what?" I asked, studying his face.

"Waking up next to you every morning" Michael replied.

I couldn't help but blush. He brushed a forefinger across my cheek, leaning in. "Hey no, I haven't brushed my teeth" I said, moving away from his grasp.

He fell forward as I slipped out of bed, straightening my pajamas.  "Fine, I see how it is" he said, sitting up.

I let my eyes wander across his body, still amazed at someone who looked this fine could like someone like me. He ran a hand through his bronze hair and smiled at me. "Like what you see?" He asked.

I looked away and shook my head. "I mean your no Orlando Bloom but you look okay" I said, trying up my hair.

I didn't hear him move from the bed but his arms circled me, picking me up. I couldn't help but squeal as he lifted me. He put me back on my feet and turned me around.

Looking up at him through my eyelashes, I smiled. "Thank you" I said quickly.

He blinked, confused. "Thank you for everything you've given me" I added, leaning in and hugging him.

He hugged me back and I melted in the strength of his arms. "I told you Hope, I love you" he said, pulling back.

I know he expected me to say it and I saw the flash of disappointment when I didn't. "I should go get dressed" I said, stepping out of his arms.

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