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"Thank you so much for giving me a lift Sarah" I said as I climbed out.

"No problem darl, it's your birthday, I'm just sad you can't come out for a drink" Sarah replied leaning across the passenger seat as I closed the door and looked at her.

"Yeah me too" I replied.

She smiled. "I'll see you at work tomorrow, see ya babes!" She called out before pulling away.

I stared after her car before turning and looking at the skyrise. I walked towards the main stairwell which was across the parking garage entryway. I stopped suddenly as a car raced in, not giving a frick that he almost hit me. "Hey! Asshole!" I exclaimed.

His braked lights lit up and suddenly he started to reverse. I froze. The car stopped in front of me and the tinted passenger window rolled down.
I leant down to look inside as a male leant across his center console. "Sorry sweetheart, I didn't see you there" he said, lowering his sunglasses.

His dark blue Mustang idled as I rolled my eyes. "Well maybe you should open your eyes" I replied sarcastically.

He smiled. "Kyle Landon" he said, offering his name.

"Hope Jackson" I replied.

"You live in the building?" He asked, gesturing to the skyscraper.

"Yeah, just moved in, sorry I really have to get going, but it was nice meeting you" I replied.

"Nice meeting you as well" he said giving me a smile before driving forward.

I watched his car go before quickly running across the street. Pushing open the front doors, the busy lobby didn't faze me as I walked over to the elevator.

Feeling my phone buzz, I looked down to see a text from Paris. She wished me a happy birthday and I looked up in time just for the elevator doors to open. I stepped inside while replying to my friend.

The climb to the top was long but when the elevator doors I opened, I made my way to the code reader and punched in the key.
I heard the doors unlock and opened the doors to hear two sets of voices.

I closed the door with a thunk and the voices faltered. "Hope, is that you?" Michael's voice asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

I heard a scraping of chairs before Michael appeared, closely followed by... my new friend Kyle Landon.
His smile widened into a full blown grin when he saw me. "Well what are the odds Hope Jackson" Kyle said, before laughing.

"You two know each other?" Michael asked, his tone neutral.

Kyle stepped down. "We've just met, I almost ran her over" he said, glancing back at me.

I smiled, dropping my bag onto the couch. "So you live here?" Kyle asked me.

I glanced at Michael who stared at me. "Yeah, Michael was awesome enough to give me somewhere to live while I looked for a house" I said, walking towards them.

Michael looked away. "So this is the roommate you were speaking about?" Kyle asked, looking at his friend.

Michael ignored him. "It was really great for you to stop by Kyle, perhaps I will see you in my office tomorrow" Michael said, walking towards his stairs.

"Of course, but Michael.." Kyle trailed off.

Mr Hayfield turned around on the stairs to face Kyle. "You have some serious explaining to do" Kyle said.

Kyle glanced at me. "It was nice seeing you again Miss Jackson, perhaps I will see you again someday" he said, giving me a smile.

I smiled back. "I'm sure we will" I replied as Kyle headed to the door.

It shut behind him and I looked over to see Michael disappear upstairs. Sighing, I trudged over to the stairs and started climbing.

"Michael?" I asked as I reached the top step.

The door at the end of the hallway was slightly open. I walked over to it slowly, rapping my knuckles against the wood. "Michael?" I asked before pushing it open.

My boss was sitting behind a table, a laptop in front of him. He closed his eyes as I walked in. "Yes?" He asked, before sighing.

"I think we need to talk" I said, my hand clutching the door handle tightly.

He opened his eyes and peered at me. "We don't need to speak about anything" he replied, shuffling paper in his hand.

I narrowed my eyes and gritted my jaw. "Are we just going to ignore the behaviour that went down today? If me living is causing conflict than please just tell me" I replied, crossing my arms.

"You have nowhere to go" Michael replied, standing up and moving to the filing cabinet in the corner.

"I'm sure I would find somewhere" I replied. 

"You being here isn't causing conflict" he said, turning around to look at me again.

For god sake, this was so fustrating. "You got upset because I didn't tell you about why I don't celebrate my birthday and proceeded to ignore me for the rest of the day... how is that not conflict?" I asked, annoyed.

"Drop it, Hope" he said, his tone dropping.

"No! Tell me!" I exclaimed.

"I said drop it!" He exclaimed back.

I huffed. "Wow, you are such a hypocritical asshole" I snapped before pulling open the door and storming out.

I stormed down the hall to my bedroom door and made sure I slammed it closed behind me. I threw myself onto my bed and screamed into my pillow.
"So annoying!" I yelled.

I turned over onto my back and pulled my phone out from my pocket.

Hey, if you are still up for that virtjday drink, I'm down.

Sarah replied almost immediately, telling me she'd pick me up in 30.
I moved to my cupboard and pulled out some going out clothes. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and stripped myself of today's work clothes.

I climbed into the boiling hot shower and washed away today's anger and sadness. My hand gripped the tiles as the hot water ran down my back.

I turned the shower off and dried, quickly dressing. I let my hair down and started to do my make up. Moving back into my room, I had just finished my heels when my phone buzzed.

Out front

I grabbed my purse, phone and popped a piece of gum before walking out of my room and down the stairs. My heels clicked agaisnt the white tile floor. "Where are you going?" A voice asked.

I looked over my shoulder to see Michael in the kitchen doorway. "I'm going out, don't wait up" I replied, before walking towards the front door.

I opened it and gave Michael one last look before closing the door. Waiting for the elevator, I sent Sarah a quick message.
I climbed into the elevator and the doors closed, dropping me to ground level.

I stepped out into the still busy lobby and I walked past them all, ignoring the stares from several men. Sarah was indeed waiting at the front, in her car.

I walked a runs the front and climbed in. "Wow!" She exclaimed looking at me.

I smiled. "Thanks, you look pretty yourself" I said graciously.

Sarah blushed. "So where to?" She asked, looking at me.

I smirked. "I don't care, as long as I can get drunk" I replied.


Another chapter. The next chapter is going to be so good. Make sure you guys stick around for it!
You will positively love it

There will be a very big moment!

Don't forget to vote and comment! Love, T xoxoxoxoxox

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