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I felt a fingertip trail across my jaw slowly and carefully before caressing my bottom lip. Tingles spread across my body and I smiled slightly. "Good morning" a husky voice said, making me open my eyes.

I blinked as I focused on Michael's face. My mouth curved up into a smile again. Sunlight caught his hair, making it almost sparkle as I turned over slightly. My hand landed gently on his chest, feeling the hard muscle under my hand.

" 'Morning" I replied.

He moved his hand up slightly to brush away my hair from my cheek. "Feel okay?" He asked, not quite looking at me.

He sounded nervous. "I feel great, how about you?" I asked as my legs brushed against the sheets again.

"Yeah me too" he replied, glancing at me.

I smiled again, before moving to sit up slightly. "Sorry for jumping on you like that last night" he said as I brushed my hair up into a ponytail with my fingers.

I glanced at him. "Don't be sorry, because I'm not, if you hadn't of done it, I would've" I replied.

His hands turned nervously on the sheets. "Michael? Are you sure you're okay?" I asked, glancing at his hands before his face.

"Look, I just don't want to feel like I've pushed the boundary, this has all gotten out of hand.." he trailed off.

I pulled the sheet up to my chest slightly. "Do you regret last night?" I asked, a little hurt.

"No! No I don't, I just didn't realise how quickly it had all become like this, I feel as though it's my fault and I don't want you to feel rushed or anything.." Michael said, glancing at me.

I was pretty stunned. "Michael, I don't feel rushed but obviously you do but it's okay, we can slow down" I said, taking a hold of his hand.

He turned his head to look at me properly. "We can take it slowly, one step at a time" I said giving him a smile.

He nodded, a smile gracing his face. "Okay" he said.

"But truthfully, we're both seriously late for work" I said before looking at the clock.

Michael shrugged. "You're sick and my day was full of meetings with other companies" He lied as he pulled me towards him slightly.

I grinned and ran a hand down his firm chest as he pulled me onto his lap. He stared at me as he played with strands of my hair distractedly. "What? What are you thinking about?" I asked leaning closer to him.

"Just thinking about tomorrow, how I will have to go back to work and pretend that you aren't mine" he said, the back of his fingers brushing against my temple.

"That's tomorrow, we've still got today and besides, I'm your personal assistant, I can always pretend that we're super busy in your office all day" I said, grinning.

Michael smiled back but shook his head. "No.. we need to set work boundaries as much as I hate the thought of that" he said, rubbing my arms gently.

I propped my chin on his chest to look at him. "Okay, you're the boss" I replied before laughing.

He rolled his eyes and turned us over so he held himself up over me. "I don't want to leave this bed" he said as my hand reached up to cup his cheek.

He leaned into my touch and closed his eyes. "We don't have to" I replied.

He opened his eyes gently to peirce me with his beautiful eyes. "I think I know something we can do today but you have to give me an hour to get it all ready" he said leaning down sightly.

"What is it?" I asked as he hovered above me.

Michael just tilted his head. "You think I'll tell you?" He asked.

"Yes" I replied as I shifted under him.

He growled quietly. "You're simply asking for it" he said, a smile teasing his lips.

"Oh really? Asking for annual leave with pay?" I asked, teasing.

"No, you are not going anywhere, you are staying right here, in this bed, under me" he said firmly.

"Maybe I'd like to go to Australia, or maybe Greece" I said as my hands splayed across his chest.

"Than I will take you there, where ever you want to go, I'll take you" he said as he leaned down to brush his nose against mine gently.

"How about you just stop teasing" I said as our lips brushed.

"Gladly" he replied before slamming his lips onto mine.

Kissing him was unexplainable. I couldn't even throw words into my head, he made me melt into a puddle.
I had never ever felt anything like this in my life, but his tongue darting past my lips felt like heaven.

Our mouths clashed hotly. My back arching into his touch as he pressed his hot body against mine. Everything I had ever wanted in my failed relationship with Harry, I got from Michael plus so much more.

I never knew the limits I could push my body to but now I did, and I threw all that information out the window when I felt Michael's fingers trail down the side of my body.

Goosebumps erupted across my skin and Michael pulled away from my lips to kiss and leave marks on my smooth skin. He went lower and lower before looking at me. I shook my head but he just smiled.

I was free, everything in me burned and I gripped Michael's forearms as wave after wave of delicious fire ran over me. Eventually, his lips met mine again and I sighed, almost content.


He raised up slightly and I knew what was happening. Smiling as I raised my hips and locked my legs around his waist, I felt Michael press closer and honestly I wanted to pass out.

The desire running between us was electric. Our bodies burned hotter than ever as light sweat covered our skin. His name fell from my mouth over and over until he swallowed them with a searing kiss.

God, I felt things for him. Unexplainable things. Was this what love felt like?

If it was, I never wanted to stop loving him.


Another chapter!

A bit more info and insight to Michael's thoughts.
I like to think this chapter was really good

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Lots of love, T xoxo

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