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"Don't worry about our dearest mother.. she hasn't had it easy and I'm guessing she's a little worried for her only son" Sophie said as she pulled me up great marble stairs.

I frowned, glancing at the pregnant woman. "Why would she be worried?" I asked, curious.

"Well, Michael hasn't always had the best choice in girls.. in fact I think you're the most normal girl he's ever talked to" she replied before chuckling.

That struck a cord. I knew I wasn't the only girl he had in his life but his mother thought I was another one of those girls. What was his type?
I frowned and Sophie noticed. "Oh hun, I didn't mean it like that. In his day, Michael wasn't all about personality.. he just did whatever he wanted" she replied, shrugging one shoulder.

It didn't make me feel any better. "This is your room, I've put it right next to Michael's" she said softly.

I looked at the pregnant woman. "Thank you" I said gently, giving her a hesitant smile.

"Between you and me, I think he's smitten over you, I've never seen him to protective over someone that isn't me but to see his first instinct to protect you from our mother was surprising" she said, smiling.

"I'll leave you be" she said, turning around and waddling away.

I sighed and opened the door to my temporary room. It opened to a grand bedroom with ensuite. It over looked what seemed to be a rose garden. I sat on the edge of the lush king bed and stared at the wall.
I knew Michael came from money and I didn't care about that but this.. this was a lot to take in.

His mother was a lot to take in..

What Sophie said made me think. I didn't really know Michael's type which made me think that I didn't really know Michael. I mean I had been working as his Personal Assistant for three years  but what did I really know?

I know he liked food, that his dad passed away, he can play piano and likes his Bailey's, he was a great CEO and a great kisser but that was it. Now I knew he had a high strong mother, a soft and caring sister, another sister he doesn't talk to and happened to grow up in a mansion that could replace Hogwarts.

I broke out of my thoughts when my bedroom door opened and Michael walked in. "Hey" he said, walking in and closing the door.

I stood up. "Hey" I replied awkwardly.

He studied my face. "You hate it here" he said quickly.

I shook my head. "No! I love it here" I exclaimed, a little too enthusiastic.

Michael walked towards me and took my hands. "It's okay, you can be honest with me, I know you hate it" he said, sitting on the bed.

I copied him and sighed. "I don't hate it, but I just think it's a bit much, that's probably just the simple person in me speaking" I said, quickly trying to defend myself.

"Sorry" I said quickly.

Michael shook his head. "You don't have to apologize Hope, I knew it was going to be a lot to take on but I have faith in you" he said, sitting closer.

Our fingers entwined. "Your mother seems to think I'm just another girl you're bringing home" I said, sounding so very jealous.

Michael sighed. "I didn't make good choices in my day, my father hated the thought of me being  a ladies man and that's what I became, I did it mostly to piss him off, now I'd do anything to see him again" he said, reaching up to brush a few strands of hair away from my cheek.

I swallowed. "So what was your type?" I asked, blinking slowly.

"Hmm when I was younger, I went for the bitchy, only with me for my money girls but I've changed, found what I really enjoy and that's you" he said, smiling slightly.

"So your mother thinks I'm just with you for your money?" I asked.

Michael opened his mouth to reply but I scoffed. "How typical, do I look like the type of girl that would do that?" I asked him and shaking my head.

"Hope, you have nothing to worry about, my mother will come around once she sees how fantastic you are and besides we're only here for Sophie.. once she gives birth.. we can go home" Michael said quickly.

I sighed once again but Michael lifted my chin to look at me. "I love you, okay" he said seriously.

My heart missed a beat. "Really?" I asked softening.

He held me securely as he leaned in, pressing his mouth to mine. His soft yet firm lips coaxed mine into a deeper insatiable sense as Michael's hand slid across my shoulders and lower back.

I threw myself into the kiss, forgetting about Michael's past and the confusion with his mother. I moved closer to him, pulling him closer with my fingers undoing his dress shirt buttons.

Fire licked at my skin again and I knew I would only ever get that feeling with him. He let out a groan, as his shirt fell away to hardened body. He leaned forward and up, pulling me with him as we fell back into the middle of the mattress.

My knees lifted up and Michael rested comfortably between my legs. His lips still on mine. My hands reached for his chest as his hands reached for mine.
He held them tightly, placing them above my head. "Hope" he whispered.

My back arched as he pressed hot kisses down my throat and collarbone. "Hope" he whispered again.

My eyes fluttered open as I saw him hovering just above me. His mouth quirked up into a smile. "What?" I asked breathlessly.

"I mean it, for the first time in my life... I mean  it" he trailed off.

I frowned. "Mean what?" I asked.

He didn't answer me but gave me another searing kiss that made my thoughts spin. "I love you" he said simply.

He didn't let me reply.


Naw. He said the words!
He said the words!

But will his mother get in the way?
Or his sister?

Something isn't quite right about his family, but I guess you'll find out.
What do you think?

But at least he said I love you to Hope.
Let's all swoon.

Dont forget to vote and comment!
Lots of love, T xoxoxo

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