□ FOUR □

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□ FOUR □

My fingers typed away on my keyboard, occasionally looking at the screen to make sure I was making sense. I finally pressed send on the email and turned to the spreadsheet across my desk. "Well that's a mistake" I said before chuckling to myself.

I circled the mistake and corrected before placing back in the file and putting it on the pile that had started to mound on my desk. I started to hum the 'Friends' theme song when the door opened. I looked up over my pile of files as Mr Hayfield walked in, looking at a file in his hand.

"Miss Jackson, please correct me if I'm wrong but I fired Melanie Blake a year ago, yes?" He asked looking up.

I raised my eyebrow before shaking my head. "It was about six months ago sir, it was a messy goodbye" I replied.

He pursed his lips. "Can you please file this under possible threat" he said handing me the file.

I nodded and lent forward, my hand reaching for the file. Our hands touched as I took the file. I took no notice but Hayfield stiffened. "Of course sir" I replied, standing up.

I walked over to the filing cabinet in the corner of the room and pulled open the drawer. I could feel his eyes on me and I closed the cabinet with a snap. "Anything else sir?" I asked, tilting my head as I turned to face him.

His eyes narrowed the slightest. He moved back and closed the door. Sensing the importance, I sat back down at my desk. "With the circumstances that are currently arisen, you will obviously have to call me Michael at the house and I will have to call you Hope, this won't cause conflict I hope?" He asked, moving towards the desk.

I shook my head. "None that I can think of" I replied before smiling.

Michael Hayfield did not return the smile.

"However, we will resume Employer and Employee as soon as either foot steps on working premises?" He asked, placing his hands flat on the table and leaning forward.

"Of course sir" I replied, clicking my pen against my leg.

He studied my face before being satisfied. "Will Harry be at your place tonight do you know?" He asked, leaning back.

I shrugged a shoulder. "I wouldn't have the faintest idea sir, I stopped caring about his whereabouts the day he decided to become an abuser" I replied before looking away.

"We will have to stop by that house to pick up a few clothes for you, as I am only a man and do not have any females living in my house, also probably pick up some other things you want for your room, you and I will leave early, under false pretence of a meeting" Michael said, speaking very quickly.

I tried to keep up. "Is that clear?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I nodded. "Yes sir, thank you" I said.

He nodded his head and headed for the door. "Oh sir!" I exclaimed.

He turned around, his hand on the doorknob. "These files are for you" I said pointing to the mounted pile on my desk.

The muscle in Michael's jaw seemed to tick. "Thank you" he said, moving back to the desk and picking them up.

I nodded as he opened the door and disappeared from my office. I turned back to my work.


"Sarah, look Greg was a good guy but you said he was totally boring" I said as I leaned on her stall wall.

She sighed. "I know but I'm so sick of being alone" she said before huffing.

"I'd rather be alone than unhappy" I said, thinking about Harry.

"You and I should go out, go guy hunting" Sarah said, smiling.

I rolled my eyes. "No way, most of the guys in this city have all slept with the same girls" I replied.

Sense dawned in Sarah. "Miss Jackson" a voice said.

I smiled. There was only one person who called me that.
"Mr Hayfield" I replied, turning around.

"We have to go to a meeting, shall we depart?" Mr Hayfield asked, a pointed look on his face.

I nodded before turning back to Sarah. "Good luck on your date tonight" I said as she grinned up at me.

I frowned before walking towards my boss. "Let's go" I said, smiling.

He held his hand put, gesturing for me to walk ahead and I did. I walked towards the elevator, stepping inside.
Hayfield waited beside me as I pressed the ground floor button, the doors closed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hayfield glance at me before letting his gaze wander down my body before he cleared his throat. I wanted to grin but it would give away that I saw.

"This should be interesting" I said, trying to clear the awkward air.

"Yes, I can't say that I've lived with my Personal Assistant before" Michael replied, playing along. 

I chuckled and glanced at him. "Well they say there's a first time for everything" I replied as our eyes met.

We lapsed into silence again.

"Get much work done?" Michael asked.

I nodded. "Yes, everything was catalogued today, all the paper work for that deal with Tokyo is ready for you" I said, happy to talk about work.

"Good, I will need your help on that, you are possibly the only one who could understand what's going on with that deal" Michael replied. 

The elevator doors opened and Michael stepped out. "Should I follow you?" I asked.

Michael glanced at me. "Why? You can just get in my car?" He asked confused.

"I think it's best we still take two cars, less suspicion" I replied. 

"Ah, of course, yes follow me" Michael said.

I grabbed the keys out of my bag that was slung over my shoulder and found the keys that I had been looking for. I unlocked my car, getting in and starting the engine.

I waited for Michael to drive off first and I tried to keep up with his silver Audi. Somehow, he managed to dodge the traffic and soon we were pulling into a skyrise apartment building. 
The windows glinted off the setting sun as we pulled into the underground parking.

Michael parked and I parked next to me, turning the car off and taking a deep breath. "Your going to live with your boss, no biggie" I said before climbing out.

"I wanted to show you the way to the apartment before we got you your things, that way you can drive here from work tomorrow" he said, stepping out as well..

"Oh" I replied, answering an unanswered question.

"Now, let's go get your things" he said climbing back into his car.

I moved to climb into my car but he wound his window down. "My car, Hope" he said.

I nodded and jogged over to his car, feeling embarrassed.


It's happening!
Things are going to be juicy now!
I kinda like MichaelHe's got a certain charm, what do you think?

Hope is very much like me. Stubborn and embarrassing. I'm both. They equal each other

What would you say your best and worst trait is?

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow my profile!
Live, Love, T xoxoxoxox

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