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"Michael, I can't see" I said before giggling.

I heard the car door close as his hands remained over my eyes. "That's the point" he whispered in my ear.

I shivered as he started to walk us forward. "Do you remember what you told me when we first went out together?" he asked, almost making me trip on the uneven ground.

"Uh, going to have to be a little more specific" I replied, laughing.

"When I asked you what you wanted to be" he replied.

I frowned in return. "Yeah I told you I wanted to go to film school and become a director" I replied.

He lifted his hand away from my eyes and I blinked away the brightness. Gasping, I glanced around the setting. "It's not much, but I thought you'd enjoy it" he said, as several people walked by.

I turned to look at him. "I mean you won't be directing but we will be extras in a romance movie" he replied, hope written on his face.

A man sidled up to us just as I was about to reply. "Mr Hayfield?" The man asked.

Michael nodded and held out his hand. They shook. "Well it's nice to meet you, and you must be the lovely Hope I've heard so much about" the man said to me before extending his hand.

I shook it. "I am the director here and I'll help you to your places" he said, gesturing in the direction of a restaurant set.

I looked at Michael wide eyed and he smiled. "This is above and beyond" I said as we sat down in our places.

Several other extras chatted aimlessly. "This is only the beginning of the date" Michael replied, shooting me a grin..

"Alright! Ladies and Gents! Your job is to be couples on a date, make no eye contact with the lead stars and simply mingle with your own table" The director called out.

Michael reached his hand across the table and I took it, just as the director called action. I smiled. "This is insane" I said quietly as everyone else spoke in a soft tone.

Michael grinned. "Part one of five" he replied, lifting his glass. "Is this actually alcohol?" I asked, glancing at the food and wine in front of me.

"No, that's part two, I'm just making it look like I'm actually eating and drinking" he replied, still smiling. 

"Cut!" The director called, before walking across to another guy to talk.

"C'mon" Michael said quickly, getting up and running off the set with me in tow.

"We can't leave our places!" I exclaimed before turning around and realising our spots were already filled.

"Onto the second part" he said, wrapping me in his arms before opening the door to his car.

I climbed in. "I hope you didn't go too overboard" I said, looking at him pointedly.

"Of course not" he replied.

I wasn't convinced. Michael climbed into the driver's side and pulled his seat belt on. He started driving again, falling back onto the freeway. His hand slid onto my thigh, only taking it off to change gears. I smiled at him, staring at his silhouette as city lights passed us. He glanced in the rearview mirror twice in a row. Frowning, I glanced in the side mirror.

It was the same car from the other day. "They really don't give up, do they?" I asked, turning to Michael.

He shook his head. "I'm sorry baby, I wanted this night to be special" he said, looking at me.

"Do what you have to do, I trust you" I said, taling a hold of his hand.

He sped the car and the car following us sped up to. This time, they pushed us forward with the front of their car. Our tires skid on the asphalt. Michael changed lanes quickly dodging between cars.

The three laned highway split us up with a random car in between us and the car trying to push us off the road. I frowned at the other car, watching it carefully. Michael sped up again, trying to get ahead but the car following us crossed two lanes and crashed into our side.

My body flew to the side, before I straightened up and the steering wheel jerked out of Michael's hands. The car hit us again from the side. I reached for the wheel, straightening us. "You've got to be fucking kidding me" he growled, looking across through my window.

"They're actually trying to kill us" I said, as I kept the car straight.

Michael pressed the brakes suddenly and the car zoomed by us before he started driving again, taking a hold of the wheel again. "Are you okay?" He asked, his furious eyes on the car ahead of us.

"I'm fine" I replied, ignoring the wincing pain in my knee.

"I don't get it, who seriously wants me dead?!" He bellowed frustrated.

"Michael!" I exclaimed before the car hit us again.

All I heard was a pounding throb in my ears as our car tires slid, driving straight into the barriers that seperated the directional traffic. Our bodies flew forward and I saw Michael hit his head on the dashboard in front of him.

It was like slow motion. Like those scenes in action movies when the car flips and slides across the road on it's roof.
Pain wracked my body as we sat suspened upside down. The smell of gasoline filled my nostrils and I barely had time to be grateful for remaining awake and alive.

I checked Michael's pulse, relieved to feel it. My legs was smashed between the door and my seat.  I shoved all my weight to the passenger door, sending it flying. I undid my seatbelt and groaned out in pain as I landed on the roof of the car.

Glass cut into my skin as I climbed out of the car. Entirely high on adrenaline, I hobbled to the other side of the car, pulling the driver's door open. Michael was still out, but I undid his seat belt just as the back of the car caught fire.
Michael's body crashed to the ground and he let out a groan, his jacket falling open.

Spotting the silver gun, I reached for it before grabbing Michael's hand and dargging him across the broken glass. I pulled him away from the car and just barely made it safely before the car blew up. I hissed as shrapnel hit me but I glanced up to see the car who had crashed up. It sat idle in the middle of the road.

I clicked the safety off the gun. Raising it, I aimed and shot. It hit the car and their tires squealed before they sped off. 
I dropped the gun and turned back to Michael. I sat on the ground and pulled his head into my lap.

"Maybe we shouldn't go on a date" I murmered.

I heard frantic yelling and talking before a woman rushed to us, her phone to her ear. "I've called 911!" She exclaimed.

I leant on the wall barrier, exhausted. "Thank you" I managed to say before I passed out.


I really hope they find the bastard that wants them dead. By the looks of it, they aren't afraid of doing stupid shit to get it done.

At least Hope and Michael are okay.
Hope is kinda a badass and we totally underestimated her, right?

Onto the next chapter! Stay tuned!

Also! #1 in Teen Fiction!
You guys blow my mind!!

Lots of love, Tavana xoxoxoxoxo

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