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I stared into the crackling fire, my body numb. This apartment felt lonely now with reminders of Michael everywhere. I had wrapped a blanket around my body as my eyes reflected the spitting fire.

I closed my eyes slowly as a tear fell down my cheek. My bottom lip quivered as I bit back my sob. I felt alone without him. Paris and Kyle had come to see me but nothing they said made me feel any better. I heard the door open and turned my head slightly to see Murphy walk in. Blood stained his shirt as he staggered towards the couch.

He collasped on the pillows and breathed heavily. "You went after her with no protection" he said, not looking at me.

"I'm not in the mood for this argument" I replied, turning back to the fire.

"Boss will kill me when he finds out" he muttered.

"Michael is dead!" I exclaimed, ripping the blanket from my shoulders.

Murphy opened his eyes and looked at me. "No he's not" he replied.

My heart stopped. "I managed to get him to a hospital in time, he was on the edge but he wasn't gone, Michael is in intensive care at the hospital" he replied.

I jumped to my feet amd ran towards him. Murphy caught me as I hugged him. Tears fell from my eyes and it soaked his already bloody shirt. He held me tightly. "I need to see him" I said, sobbing as I pulled away from him.

"In the morning, you wouldn't be able to see him unti-" he was saying before I cut him off.

I grabbed his collar and pulled him down to my level. "Now!" I ordered.

Murphy grumbled under his breath, something about me being the perfect choice for Michael. I grabbed my coat and wiped under my eyes, tying my hair up as we walked to the elevator.

Anixety filled my body and hope fluttered through my veins. I closed my eyes when we got to the car and buckled in. I was very tired but Michael was important, I would lose sleep for him anyday.
I needed to know if he was okay, I needed to be by his side.

This was the second time he was in hospital this week and I just wanted him to be okay. Murphy drove fast and barely had parked the car befoee I was out the door and rushing towards the hospital. The door slid open and I ran up to the front desk.

"Michael Hayfield" I said quickly and slightly out of breath.

The lady typed way to slowly as the walls began to close in. "He's just come out of surgery, room one hundred and forty-five" the lady said.

Murphy had reached me but I was off again, heading towards the doors. I counted them quickly before spotting the doctors coming out of a room. As I stride towards them, I realised it was Michael's room.

"Wait!" I called out.

One doctor turned, stopping as the others pushed ahead.  "Michael, how is he!" I exclaimed reaching the doctor.

"Mr Hayfield is fine. Other than the obvious injury, he sustained no others. He's lost a lot of blood but we've stitched him up and are holding him for a few days, Mr Hayfield is a very lucky man" The young Doctor said, glancing over my shoulder.

I felt Murphy behind me. "Can I see him?" I asked, nervously.

"He's been knocked out and won't be conscious until at least the morning, I do suggest sleep" the  Doctor added.

"Thank you Doctor" I heard Murphy say as I sank into a plastic seat that lined the hallways.

As his polished black shoes walked away, Murphy sat next to me. "You can use my shoulder" he said, calmly.

I rested my cheek on his shoulder and closed my eyes. Sleep taking me quickly.

Waking up, I had forgotten where I was and I realised I was lying on a bed. A warm arm engulfed me and I blinked slowly. Was I cuddling Murphy?

I titled my head up to see Michael's sleeping face. Almost immediately, I moved and his eyes opened. I threw my arms around him, wincing as I heard his pained groan. "I guess you missed me" he said chuckling.

I was crying again as I pulled away. "I thought you died!" I cried out.

Michael lifted a hand to wipe away my tears. "I told you, I really want to marry you first" he said  before chuckling again.

Leaning forward, I kissed him.

It was a wet kiss from my tears but I didn't care and Michael didn't seem to mind either. "Never! Ever! Do! That! To! Me! Again!" I exclaimed through breaths as I pulled away.

I hugged him again and he held me as my body shook with tears of relief. "I don't plan to" he replied.

Letting myself finally feel every emotion I had felt in the past few hours, I stayed close to him body. He told me off for going after Jennifer alone but then proceeded to tell me how proud he was that I kicked ass.

Michael whispered how much he loved me into my hair a thousand times and never let go of my hand. "This begs one question now" he said as I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What question?" I asked, staring at the man I so deeply loved.

"Will you marry me now?" He asked, a smile lighting up his face.

I couldn't help but smile back. "Yes of course, of course I'll marry you" I said before he pulled me back to his chest.

I avoided his injured area and held him. "Hope Jackson, I love you so much" he said as our fingers entwined.

"I love you too" I replied and meaning it.

Two Weeks Later:

"Do you want to meet your uncle and aunty?" A soft voice cooed.

I wiped away a tear that escaped my eyes as Michael took baby Abigail from Sophie. "She's beautiful" I said to Sophie.

Sophie stood next to me, smiling at the image of her brother and daughter. "Thank you, it's going to be hard but I'm going to raise her right even if by myself" she said.

I smiled at her lovingly. "I have a surprise for you" she added.

"Shouldn't we be buying you the gifts?" I asked as Sophie bent down and received something from her bag.

"Oh you have plenty of time to do that" she said, handing me a folded envelope.

I took it and glanced at Sophie curiously before ripping open the envelope. 
It was a birth certificate. Abigail's birth certificate.

"I don't understand" I admitted, looking at Sophie.

"Read her name silly" she replied.

I looked back down at the name. Abigail Hope Hayfield.

I raised my eyes that had filled with tears and hugged Sophie tightly. She squeezed me back, chuckling. I pulled away and looked back at Michael who was swaying Abigail back and forth in his arms.

"It's your turn now" Sophie whispered.

She chuckled as I bumped my shoulder with hers. A smile lit on my face.



I brought Michael back because I missed him too!
I love him. Like Hope does!
I hope you love him too!

Sad to say, One Chapter left.
The epilouge.
Are you ready for it?


Lots of love, Tavana xoxoxoxoxox

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