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I woke up to an empty bed and a text message from my brother. He was visiting town and wanted to see me.

I, however, searched the apartment for Michael and couldn't find him. Still pretty tired, I made myself a cup of coffee and sat on the lounge to slowly wake up. Only to slowly go back to sleep.

I jolted when I felt something against my neck. "Settle, it's just me" Michael's calm voice said, washing over me.

He pressed his lips just under my ear. "Good morning" he whispered.

My chest fluttered. "Morning" I replied as he appeared in front of me.

"Tired?" He asked, tucking some hair behind my ear.

"Hmm, where did you go?" I asked, opening my eyes wider.

"Oh for a run, needed to clear my head" he said as he walked into the kitchen and reappeared with a mug of coffee.

"Did you clear it?" I asked, watching him as his sat across from me.

He smiled. "Sure did, but then I got home and saw this beautiful woman on my couch and there went my thoughts again" he replied, shrugging one shoulder.

I stared at him before standing up and moving past him. "What's wrong?" He asked as he followed me.

"Nothing" I replied.

"Nothing means something so tell me" he said concerned.

I turned around to look at him. "What's your secret?" I asked suddenly.

He looked a little off guard. "Secret?" he asked confused.

"You're this amazing guy, an awesome boss, you're hot and somehow you want to spend time with me, there has to be a secret" I replied as he moved nearer.

His voice dropped to a husky crawl. "You want to know my secret, love?" He asked, his breath tickling my ear.

His hand snaked around my waist, holding me tighter to his firm body. "Yes" I replied, suddenly breathless.

"My secret is that I imagine tearing your clothes off and having my wicked way with you" he growled softly.

Goosebumps littered my skin as I pulled away to look into his now desire lidded eyes. "Really?" I asked, a smirk gracing my face.

"My little temptress" he whispered as he pressed his lips to the hollow of my jaw.

I felt my body sigh but I fought it. "I have to go to work" I said, pushing myself out of his arms.

He did sigh. "When did you become so work oriented?" He asked as his arms fell back to his side.

"Since I found my boss attractive and realised I can't keep taking days off otherwise people will get suspicious" I replied as I started to walk away.

He didn't reply so I looked over my shoulder as I reached the stairs. He stared after me, not speaking. "What's wrong?" I asked.

I must have broken through his thoughts because he jolted. "Oh nothing" he replied.

"Hmm sure" I replied, walking up the stairs.

I walked to my bedroom before having a shower and getting ready for work. I dress in a casual blouse before throwing my work jacket and administration skirt on and black heels. I was tying my hair into a bun as I walked back down the stairs.

"So you really have to go?" He asked as he saw me from the lounge.

"Yes" I replied, giving him a firm look.

"Okay fine, I guess I'll see you when you get home, or would you like me to pick you up?" He asked, glancing at me.

I hesitated. "Actually, I was wondering if I could stay out a bit later, there's something I want to do" I said as I grabbed my car keys.

He frowned but nodded. "Okay, well I'll see you after that" he said, still puzzled.

"Okay, see ya" I said as I closed the front door behind me.

I moved over to the elevator and pressed the ground floor before searching through my bag for gum. I popped some into my mouth just as the elevator doors opened and I stepped out.
Wandering over to my car, I unlocked it before climbing in.

I drive to work, unable to feel what today would be like. It was a great time for me to catch up on some work without the distraction of Michael but it also meant I wouldn't spend much time doing anything else.

The office was busy as I reached it. Paper seemed to fly from desk to desk and I wandered past Sarag who was busy on a phone call. I opened my office door just as my phone rang. I picked it up immediately. "Hope Jackson, Hayfield Enterprises, how can I help you?" I answered, back in work mode.

"Oh, I must have the wrong number, I'm looking for Michael Hayfield" the tiny female voice said through the phone.

"I'm his personal assistant, most of his calls come through me, but he's currently not here at the moment, can I take a message?" I asked, pen and paper poise at the ready.

"Yes, uh just let him know that I'm having the baby and I'd like him to be there for the birth" the female voice said.

"Sorry, name?" I asked.

"Sophie Kennedy" she replied.

"Sophie Kennedy, be there for the birth of her child" I muttered to myself before things started to click.

"Congratulations on your child" I said hesitantly.

"Thank you" she said before hanging up.

I frowned at the phone before dialing Michael's number. It rang and rang before he finally answered. "It's Michael" he answered.

"Hey, it's just me" I said quickly.

I could hear the smirk in his voice. "Missed me already?" He asked as I heard something fall and him curse.

"No of course not, I just received a call from Sophie Kennedy, asking you to be there for the birth of her child" I said as my fingers scrunched up the piece of paper.


"Sill there?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Perfect timing as always, come home Hope, pack a bag.. I'm going to take you to meet my family" he said before hanging up and leaving me with a shocked expression.


Admit it. For a second you thought she was a girl he randomly knocked up.
Ahaha got you!
Just his married sister.

But Michael's going to take Hipe to see his family!

Don't forget to vote and comment!
Love, T xoxoxo

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