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The Penthouse felt rather lonely without Michael in it. I stared at the white washed walls as I sipped my glass of wine, the fire crackling and spitting with each lick of fire. A knock sounded at the door and I turned to look at it, not expecting anyone.

Slowly, I stood up and walked over to the door. I peered out the little peephole but saw no one. On reaction, I pulled open the door and glanced down the hallway. No one.

Something caught my eye and I looked down. A package sat in front of the door and a sudden fear set over me.


The note was written with beautiful cursive writing and I bent down, picking it up. Ripping open the envelope, I opened the page.


As I understand it, you are now aware of who I am. I was pleasantly surprised to find that my brother had found happiness in someone so normal and simple. He had quite the extravagant taste when he was younger.

It's also really good to know that even the most poisonous mushrooms do change spots. I understand of what you must think of me but I would like to explain my side of the story, because there are two sides.

I met my ex husband almost ten years ago now, I was happily in love. I had a future, a husband and plans of children. All of that was ruined when my Father decided to place Michael at the head of his business instead of I, like I was supposed to. 

At first, it didn't bother me. At first, I was happy that my brother had opportunity and a future. But as mine slowly crumbled apart, I couldn't help but think that this wouldn't have happened if my Father hadn't changed his mind.

I don't hate my brother. He just took everything that was supposed to be mine. The business, the relationship and the happily ever after. He's simply in my way.

Hope, I write to you. Wanting to give you a chance to get out of this while you still can. Michael is not worth the heartache and pain.

Take this as an offering, a white flag between two women who have suffered at the hands of domestic violence.


I looked at the box and frowned at it. Not daring to open it, I glanced back at the note. Pulling my mobile from my pocket, I rang the number I had to familiarise myself with. "Yes, pequeño diablo?" Murphy's voice said, cutting through the phone.

"Murphy, there's a package on my front door from Michael's sister, I haven't opened it, too afraid in case it's a bomb or something" I said, leaning on the doorframe.

Murphy cursed in Spanish. "I'll be right there, chica" he said before the call ended.

I slipped my phone into my pocket as I waited by the door. My eyes reread the letter a dozen times before the elevator dinged. I looked up as a rough looking Murphy appeared.

"The package?" He asked, reaching me.

I nodded and looked back down at it. "This came with it, it was addressed just to me, she knew I was alone" I said, handing the note to him.

He read it. "A Michael no le va a gustar esto, mierda." He muttered.

"I'm not fluent, what did you say?" I asked, curious.

"Have you told Michael yet?" Murphy asked, ignoring my question.

I shook my head. "If I call him than he'll hurt himself trying to get here and that will be on me" I replied, before sighing.

"I have never seen Boss eager to protect a woman, but with you.. he is attached and ready to jump in front of a bullet, most women would kill for that" Murphy said, bending down to inspect the box closer.

"I'm not most women, and I think Michael has a lot more things to be worried about than my safety, like his life for example... because his sister is out to kill him, literally" I said, frowning.

Murphy turned his head to look at me. "Have you not figured it out yet, mujer?" He asked.

I tilted my head confused. "If you get hurt or die than so will Michael, he's more worried about you than his own life because that's how much he cares about you" Murphy said.

My hands twisted. Murphy tilted forward and started to lift the box lid. "Wait! What if it's a bomb?" I asked, stopping him.

Murphy looked up. "Take the stairs, meet me down on the ground level" he said, pointing to the staircase door.

I nodded and jogged over to the door. Running down the stairs made me realise that I was incredibly unfit and probably should go to a gym or something. Making it to the ground floor, I turned around to watch the elevator.

I nawed on my fingernail as worry dug into me. What if he was busy trying to disarm it and it was really a bomb. All these people would be hurt. A hand touched my shoulder and I jumped, spinning around.

Michael leant on a cane and my eyes widened. "M-michael?" I stuttered.

"Murphy called, said there was an emergency" He said, as his free hand wrapped around me.

He pulled me close to his chest, breathing heavily. "I felt like I was having a heart attack on the way here, I didn't want to lose you" he said, pulling back slightly and cupping my cheek.

If you get hurt or die, than so will Michael.

"I'm okay, just a scare, Murphy is working on it, what are you doing out of the hospital?" I asked, as we looked at each other.

"I asked to leave, nicely" he blantly lied.

"You shouldn't have left, you need to get better" I said, frowning.

Micheal winced as he straightened up, his cane tapping the floor. "Well?" He asked, looking over my shoulder.

I turned around and Murphy nodded. "It wasn't a bomb or anything dangerous but it's better to be safe than sorry" Murphy said, handing me the box and letter.

I breathed out a sigh of relief. Michael growled. "My sister needs to back off before I decide to take her out" he said to Murphy.

The bodygaurd happily agreed. I opened up the big box lid and a simple necklace sat nestled between sheets, in the box. I frowned, lifting it up. The diamond winked in the afternoon light and I glanced at Michael.

"Why would your sister send me this?" I asked, confused.

"Who knows, my sister had obviously gone insane" Michael replied.

I glanced back at the letter. Was she trying to buy me out?

Swallowing heavily, I didn't miss the look Michael and Murphy shared. They knew something and they weren't going to tell me.
But I was going to find out.

One way or another.


So contact from the sister. Things are heating up.

What do you think Michael and Murphy are hiding?

We are about to see badass Hope kick in again and possibly show all of mankind that women kickass better.
But no promises aha :)

Don't forget to vote and comment!
Lots of love, Tavana xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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