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My fingers floated across the keyboard, replying to emails. My phone buzzed and I glanced down at it, grinning.

🙄 I'm bored.

I picked up my phone, texting him back.

You should probably do some work than.

I turned back to my emails before my phone buzzed again.

No. I don't want to.

A grin crossed my face.

Anything I can help you with?

He was quick to reply.

I can think of a few things 😉

Rolling my eyes, I pushed away from my desk and walked out of my office, towards his. I said said a quick hello to Sarah before opening the door to Michael's office. He was leaning back in his chair, looking very comfortable.

"Everything alright?" I asked, sliding my phone into the waistband of my skirt.

"Yeah, I'm busy" he replied, looking up at me.

I closed the door to his office and walked over to his desk. "You really look it" I teased back.

"I am" he defended.

I looked at his computer seeing his emails. One looked confusing. "When did I send that to you?" I asked, pointing at the screen.

"Send what?" He asked, leaning forward.

I tapped the computer screen and it opened the email. "I didn't send you that, but it's got my email on it" I said, frowning.

"Scroll down" I asked.

Michael did as told and started to scroll before he pushed away from the desk.

There's a bomb in your building. It was written in the email and Michael wretched open his office door. "Everybody out!" Michael screamed.

All of his employees looked at him confused. "Get out of the building and go home! There's a bomb!" He yelled.

Suddenly, everyone was rushing towards the elevators. Michael whirled around. "Let's go" he said, holding out his hand.

"Michael, everyone will see!" I exclaimed.

"I don't care" he snapped.

I jogged around his desk and grabbed his hand. He pulled me out into the main office area. "Take the stairs!" Someone yelled.

Everyone was clearing out as Michael and I strolled calmly and purposefully towards the stairwell. My hand was in his but his free hand was busy dialling a number on his phone. "Yes, I'd like to report a bomb threat sent to my email, about the Hayfield Enterprise building" he said, holding the phone to his ear.

He seemed very calm. "I have everyone clearing out now" he replied.

"Yes of course, I will, thank you" he said before hanging up.

"We have to wait for emergency services and they're calling the bomb squad, after everyone goes home, we'll have to wait behind" he said as we hurried down the stairs.

"Are we sure that the floor is clear?" I asked worriedly. People wete clearing out but we still walked down the stairwell.

Suddenly, a door flew open in front of us and a black hand gun appeared. Launching into action, Michael let go of my hand and punched his fist forward, smashing straight into the elbow. The guy dropped the gun and stumbled through the door. With no second to waste, Michael punched him in the face and as the guy bent down in pain, Michael kicked his knee up and knocking the guy unconscious.

He bent down and picked up the gun, checking the bullets and safety. He tucked it in the waist band of his suit pants before taking my hand again. We started running down the stairs.
"Come on" he said just as we heard a click.

Michael pushed me back as bullets started raining on the hand rails. I felt back on the cement but Michael wasted no time, pulling the gun out and cocking the safety off. He slid into the corner of the stairwell and pointed the gun up. He started shooting and I watched him, half horrified and half impressed.

I heard a yell of pain and the bullets stopped. Michael reached out his hand again and I grabbed it. He kept the gun raised and we ran down the rest of the stairs and onto a floor. He opened the door before checking both ways, his gun at the ready.
A guy ran from the right he got shot and fell down, a guy tried to jump us from behind but Michael got him to. He was incredibly quick.

I suddenly knew why heroes in action movies always seemed to have sex even if it was an action movie. It was scary but watching Michael work was an incredible turn on. Or maybe I was just a broken human.

His suit jacket was open, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, exposing his tattoos. Zoing back in, I realised we were on the second floor.

I heard a yell and turned around to see a guy rush towards me. Michael turned as well, firing a shot and missing. He dropped the gun and proceeded dodge the guy's swinging fists. I saw the handle and I gripped it. "Duck!" I yelled.

Michael ducked and I swung the door open. It smacked straight into the other guys forehead dazing him. Without hesitation and with adrenaline running through my body, I kicked my leg forward, kicking him in the kneecap and breaking it in a sickening crunch. He fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

Michael stood, glancing at my skirt. I had ripped it with that kick but I didn't mind, it gave me more freedom. He took my hand again as we sprinted across the floor.

We took the stairs again and broke through the door on the ground floor. I heard him before I saw him but Michael was one step ahead, he kicked his foot out and tripping the guy. With the stumble, Michael grabbed his collar and slammed him into the door. He fell to the ground.
Michael straightened, breathing evenly. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly.

I stared at him. "We are so getting married after this" I replied.

A smile crossed his face as he looked at me. "You truly are a strange woman but you're mine so I don't care" he said quickly.

His eyes darted around the room. "C'mon, run!" He exclaimed as we broke out onto ths main floor. We made a run for the front doors but two burly men blocked our path.

I knew Michael was considering how to take them down but I heard the click of a gun and we both froze.
We slowly turned around, our hands raised.

A woman stood there, holding two guns centimeters from our foreheads. "Hello brother" she said, a smirk on her face.



It went from a perfectly fine day to that. Michael is a badass though, I suppose you learn a lot when you used to be a hitman on the side.

But honestly, it's kinda hot. Or am I the o ly one that thinks like that?

I hope Hope and Michael make it out of this!
What did you think of the chapter?

Lots of lov, me xoxoxoxoxoxox

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