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"There are consequences to your actions Mr Janson!" Mr Hayfield snapped.

Mr Janson in turn flinched as Mr Hayfield paced around him. "Sir, I can swear that it wasn't me, I left my computer open while I went and got a coffe-" he was saying before Michael slammed his fist onto his wooden desk.

I myself, flinched.

Mr Janson was already panicking but he squeaked and went quiet, keeping his frantic eyes on the ground. "You know what I have to do, leaking important information to our competitors is a major violation of my business, I'm sorry Mr Janson" Mr Hayfield said.

Mr Janson glanced at me but I glanced at my boss. I bit my lip. "You're fired, until the further investigation proves your innocence" Michael said before sitting back down in his chair.

Mr Janson nodded. His eyes red. "I don't know what I'm going to tell my wife sir, we need the money" he begged.

Michael's voice tightened. "I'm sorry, I have to protect my business" he replied.

Standing up quickly, Mr Janson stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.
I stayed in the corner, watching Michael as he sighed and rubbed his fingertips to his temples.

"You think I was too harsh" he said quietly.

I shrugged one shoulder. "I'm not the CEO, I don't make those decisions" I replied.

He opened his eyes to look at me. "But you still think I was too harsh" he said, raising an eyebrow.

"I think there was always another way to handle that, but like I said, you're the boss" I replied, standing up.

I placed my notebook on Michael's desk, the notes had been taken from this meeting. I turned on my heel and headed for the door.

"What am I supposed to do now? Everything is gone" he said as I heard his chair move.

I was still facing the door but I felt a hand touch my shoulder, making me glance at it. "We do what we always do, we continue to run the company and build everything back up, bigger and better than ever" I replied, turning around to face him properly.

His thumb brushed across my bottom lip as he cupped my cheek. My breath caught. He smiled grimly. "At least I have you in my corner" he said softly.

I tilted my head the slightest. "I'll always be in your corner, Michael" I replied.

He leaned forward slightly and I tilted my chin up, our lips were about to meet before I heard yelling through the door. I turned my head and Michael fell forward slightly. "What's wrong?" He asked, frowning at my expression.

Pushing Michael back slightly, I turned my body and opened the door, peeking through.
"Where is that son of a bitch!" I heard the yell.

I closed the door. "Sit at your desk, and start doing work, Harry is here" I said, glancing at my boss.

His expression changed dramatically in a mere natter of seconds and he pulled my arm away and opened the door. He strode out, looking confident. I stayed near the door, my fingers tight against the palm of my hand.

Harry was near Sarah's stall and he stopped when he saw Michael standing firm near my office. "May I ask why you are in my building?" Michael asked, his expression almost murderous.

"Where is she? Where is that selfish bitch?" Harry asked.

I stayed hidden. "This is a place of business, I highly suggest you leave before Tom here throws you through a wall" Michael replied, gesturing to the security guard that walked towards us.

"You stole her from me! Have you slept with her? Hmm?" Harry asked, walking forward.

Michael's eyes flashed. "Get out!" Michael warned for last time.

I moved out from behind the door and Harry spotted me, looking me over. "There she is" Harry said, crossing his arms.

Michael glanced at me quickly before looking at the asshole in front of him again. "What do you want Harry?" I asked, after clearing my throat. 

He smiled cruelly. "Just thought I'd stop by and see how my slut of a girlfriend is doing with her new boyfriend" he said, glancing between us.

I looked at Michael, noticing his hand curl into a fist. "I've already told you, I never cheated on you, I was too scared" I replied, crossing my arms over my chest afraid he could see how fast my heartbeat was going.

"Hmm, but lover boy here seems pretty intent on protecting you" Harry said, gesturing to Michael.

I turned to look at the office, everybody had their heads peaking over their work stalls, mouths open in shock. "That's because she's my personal assistant and I don't like it when anyone treats my staff like shit" Michael growled back.

Harry looked me up and down. "Still so sexy as ever, gotta say, that was the good thing between us, the sex was amazing" he said, the cruel grin widening.

I looked down at my hands. "I said get out" Michael reiterated.

Harry stepped forward as if he was trying to get to me. Michael lifted his hand to stop him. "Don't come any closer, just get the fuck out of my office" he snapped, his eyes like an eagle, posed on Harry.

Harry glanced between us. "Miss you darling" he said, blowing a kiss in my direction.

I shuddered and looked away as Harry turned on his heel and walked away from us. We all heard the ding of the elevator in the silent office. Eyes turned to stare at me and I covered my face with my hands before running into my office and slamming the door.

Sobs racked my body as I sat at my desk, putting my forehead on the table. So much shame. "Get back to work!" I heard Michael snap.

The door opened slightly and he popped his head in before walking in fully and closing the door behind him. I lifted my head to look at him through my tear stained eyes.

"I've never going to be rid of him, am I?" I asked, before coughing.

Michael sat in the seat across from my desk. "We'll get through this, together" he said, softly.

"You can't always protect me Michael, you are not always going to be there" I added, wiping at my eyes. 

"That may be so, but I can damn well try!" He exclaimed.

I shook my head wildly. "Why should all of this fall on you? You didn't ask for any of this, I need to deal with this alone" I said, hurt rising in my chest.

I was hurting myself, trying to push him away. "It's okay to ask for help sometimes, I'm always going to be here for you Hope, always" he said, reaching across the desk with his hand.

I looked down at my hands, twisting them. "Hope, I have feelings for you and I really do not want to see you hurt before I finally get to share them with you" he said, making me look up.

"What?" I asked half in shock and half in surprise.

"I don't just kiss anyone" he replied.

I opened my mouth to say something but the door slammed open..



I wonder what it could be. *insert evil face*
What do you think of the chapter?

Don't be silent readers! Tell me how you feel about the story, about the characters!

Question Time:
If there was a way you could live in any book world you desired, what would it be?

A: Mine would be the Wizarding World. I still am a major Harry Potter geek and probably will never not be.

Lots of love, T xoxo

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