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"So, are we playing the good cop, bad cop?" I asked as Michael and I walked towards his office.

"No, bad cop, silent cop, you will be silent and I will be bad" he replied, shooting me a smile.

"Fine" I breathed out as nerves overtook me.

Michael stopped at his door and looked at me. "Are you sure you want to do this? I cannot assure you I will be the nice guy you think I am" he asked.

I studied his eyes. "I can do this, have faith" I said, slowly.

He nodded and took a deep breath, opening the door.

"About fucking time" a voice said as Michael stepped through.

I followed him and saw Kyle stand up from Michael's desk. "Wait, you brought her here? Are you insane?" Kyle asked, looking at me in horror.

My eyes weren't on him but on the man tied up to a chair in the middle of the office. His head hung low and short breaths came from his nose.

"It's fine Kyle, I've already made my peace with her being here" he replied, sounding like he hadn't at all made peace with it.

In the time they had spoken, I had walked iver to my ex, staring at him. I was angry. He deserved to be tied up like this, he deserved to be hurt. Using one hand, I gently tilted his head back. His eyes were closed and swollen as though he'd already been punched. "You son of a bitch" I whispered.

"Hope" Kyle and Michael said gently, making me look at them.

"Come away from him" Michael said, before glancing at Kyle.

I let go of Harry, glancing at him again and walked back over to Kyle. Michael sighed, pouring a glass of water. He glanced at me as if he was deciding something.

He strode over to Harry and stood firm in front of him. "Has he named anyone yet?" Michael asked suddenly.

"No, just keeps saying stuff like they will hunt you down and kill you and her, I believe he did mention that he was a powerful man" Kyle replied, glancing at me for a second.

I watched Michael as he tensed. "Let's find out, shall we?" He asked, before throwing the water at Harry.

He woke with a start and fought against his bonds. "Good Morning Mr Davidson, are you well rested?" Michael asked calmly.

"Good to see you're back, how did telling Hope that you hurt people go? Has she left you yet?" Harry bit back, quite obviously not seeing me.

Michael moved a little and Harry's eyes landed on me. "I don't know, why don't you tell me?" Michael said, a satisfying smile on his face.

"You, but.." he stuttered, his eyes widening as he saw me.

I tilted my head. "Hello Harry" I said, before glancing at Michael.

"You see, she didn't run from me like you predicted, in fact, I believe that she finds it.. what's the word you used?" Michael asked, looking back at me.

"Sexy" I replied.

Harry sputtered. I heard Kyle snigger as he sat next to me. "You're perfectly okay with dating a guy who hurts people for money but you absolutely hated me" Harry replied, not even looking at Michael anymore.

"My method is a little unorthodox but he hurts criminals and people who actually deserve it" I replied.

Harry smirked. "Is that what you think?" He asked.

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