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I watched the emotions cross her face like a nascar race. "Jenni, would never hurt you!" His mother scolded as she paced around the hospital room.

I was afraid she was going to pass out or something. "Mother, Jennifer has had it in for me ever since I took over the family business, I just can't believe how stupid I am to overlook her" Michael growled as he sat up in bed.

"You aren't stupid Michael, I think we're all pretty shocked that Jenni could do this, are you sure he isn't lying?" Sophie asked, making Kyle freeze in the spotlight.

"Quite sure" he replied, shooting me a look.

Sophie's mother shook her head. "No way! I don't believe you!" She said before storming out.

"I'll go talk to her" Sophie said quickly before rushing out.

Kyle glanced at Michael. "Permission to hide myself?" He asked.

Michael nodded and Kyle too, left. I blew out a big breath and he looked at me. "Maybe you shouldn't marry me, you'll be putting yourself in more danger by being apart of this family" he said jokingly, but I knew he was serious.

I sat on the edge of this bed. "I'll make you a deal" I said, reaching for his hand.

He frowned as I entwined our fingers. "Do tell" he said interested.

"If we make it out of all this mess alive, I will do something incredible to you" I said, smiling seductively.

"You have caught my attention, what is it you will do to me?" He asked, grinning slightly.

I lifted our hands. "I will put a gold band around this finger and I'll allow you to do the same to mine" I replied, smiling at him.

Michael's eyes widened. "So what you're saying is.." he trailed off.

"I'll marry you amd only marry you when this is all over" I said before giggling.

"Hope, this isn't to be taken lightly, I need to know if that's what you truly want" he said almost worriedly.

"Anywhere, any place or any burning car, I will be by your side" I said, firmly.

His eyes lit up. " You truly want to marry me?" He asked.

I nodded. "Of course I do, but like I said after all this is over" I said, standing up.

I moved back suddenly as he pulled off the hospital sheets and stood up. He grabbed me and hugged me, pulling me to his chest. "Go easy" I said quickly but he didn't listen.

He lifted me up and spun me around as laughter fell from my lips. "I love you Hope Jackson, to whatever hell we go to" he said, cupping my cheeks as my feet firmly touched the floor.

"I love you Michael Hayfield, no matter what we did to deserve to go to hell" I replied, grinning.

Our lips met in what seemed to be the most intense moment of my life. There were kisses and then there were, kisses. Everything clicked in one simple motion. His arms circled me tighter as mine did the same. Every bit of space between us was too far apart.

I knew we would make it out alive and I knew I was going to marry this man. Whatever it took. "Excuse me, this is a hospital" Sophie's voice said as she walked in.

She had covered her eyes and Michael pulled away, rolling his eyes. He climbed back in bed. "Is she okay?" He asked, referring to his mother.

I sat back on the edge of his bed while gazing at Sophie with concern. "Yeah she's fine, just needs some time to adjust, it's not everyday that a mother finds out that her daughter is literally trying to kill her son" Sophie replied.

Frowning, I turned back to Michael. "It doesn't make sense, why is she trying to do this now?" I asked as Michael slid a hand onto my thigh.

He shrugged one shoulder. "I wouldn't know, maybe she just decided to take action" he replied.

"No, I know why" Sophie said, causing us to look at her with a twin confused expression.

"Her man left, and she lost her job" Sophie replied, tapping her nails on her phone screen.

"What? Since when?" Michael asked confused.

"About a month ago, she called me and told me" Sophie replied.

Michael pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, after taking a deep breath.

Sophie looked down. "She told me not to and that she was planning on telling you soon" she replied.

"Meaning, she was already planning on taking me out of my position" he growled.

My hand grasped his. "Hey, look we need to take this one step at a time, I don't know your sister but we need to focus on one important thing" I said, trailing off.

Sophie raised her eyebrow. "Harry" I replied.

I glanced at Michael who narrowed his eyes. "Look, obviously Harry knows where she is otherwise he wouldn't have gotten far without her being close" I replied, glancing between the two.

Michael seemed proud for a moment. Sophie looked thoughtful. "Can I borrow your phone for a moment" he asked, holding out his hand.

I nodded and slipped my hand into my jeans before pulling my phone out and handing it to him. He focused on it for a moment and texted something to someone. "Okay, I've texted Murphy, he'll get started on that" Michael said.

"I'm starving, I'm going to find something to eat" Sophie said as she glanced at our milkshake and burger leftovers.

She slid off the arm of the chair and left the room. Michael glanced at me. "I hope this all ends really quickly, that way I can marry you and live happily ever after" he said, grasping my hand.

I smiled, entwining our fingers. "We will live happily ever after, Michael, I promise" I said, leaning down.

I laid down beside him and he curled an arm around my waist, resting his chin on the top of my head. "I hope so" he trailed off.


Heyo! An update!

Sorry guys I've been super busy moving house and I've hardly scratched the surface of my to do list!

How is everyone?!
What did yuou think of the chapter?

It's just a bit of a filler until the real action begins.

Don't forget to voteand comment! xo

Lot's of love, Tavana xoxoxoxoxo

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