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"You incompetent idiot! Get out of my office and get back to work!" I heard Michael yell.

Everyone in the office turned to look at his door as one of the sales assistants walked out, his head facing down.
Michael was pacing in the office before the door closed.

Sarah giggled. "I haven't seen Michael angry in a long time, god I missed it" she said, as her desk mate laughed.

I used my lips and tapped the paper I had in my hand against her stall wall. "I'm going to go talk to him" I said before heading towards his office.

I knocked quickly before walking in without waiting for his answer. He was standing by his window, his hand at his forehead. "Sir, you alright?" I asked, still near the door.

He turned his head to look at me, his face relaxing. "I'm fine, sometimes I wish my employees would just so their god damn job" he replied, walking back to his desk.

"Anything I can help with?" I asked, moving forwards.

He shuffled paper in his hand. "No, he was just being an idiot" he replied.

"I mean with you, anything I can do to help you?" I asked, tilting my head.

He looked up from the paper in his hand. He took a deep breath. "No, I'm fine, thank you" he said gently, expelling the breath.

I turned around and opened the door but Michael spoke. "Wait, there is something you can do for me" he said.

I turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow. He walked towards me ad handed me a small jewelry like box. I took it and looked up. "But sir, I didn't get you anything" I said, kind of shocked.

He rolled his eyes. "It's the house key, well the spare key, it also has the key code at well if you want to use that method" he replied.

"Thank you!" I said beaming.

I let go of the door and threw my arms around him, he stiffened in surprise. I gave him a quick hug before pulling away. I held the box to my chest as I left the office, heading back to my office.

I closed my door and slid back into my office chair. I went back to typing up emails and answering phone calls. A nagging sensation kept at me all day but I couldn't tell what it was. Not until a kick at the door sounded. "Come in!" I called out. 

The door opened and Michael poked his head through. "I'm heading home" he said, before looking away.

He couldn't keep eye contact. "Oh oka, I won't be long" I said giving him a smile.

He didn't return it, just shut the door. I frowned.

I saved everything, sent everything and packed away all the files. I closed my office before making my way to the elevator.

When I stepped off, I waved to the security gaurd before walking to my car. "You think you could hide from me?" Harry's voice asked.

I turned around quickly and letting out a scream before Harry cut me off by throwing his hand against my mouth. "I know you're all alone, your boss left already and the security gaurd just went to check the building" he hissed.

He threw me against the car, my body screamed in pain. "You think you could leave me and get away with it? Oh no, you don't get to" he growled in my ear.

I mumbled against his hand. "I don't care what you want to say, you left me, and now you'll pay" he said, sliding his hand into his jacket. 

I flinched when the silver of the knife glinted in the underground parking light. "No one will want you when your not even pretty" he said before smiling.

Fear overtook me and I kicked my knee up, immediately kneeling him in the balls. He let out a yell, letting go of me and grabbing his privates. Grabbing my door handle, I yanked my door open and made it fly right I to his face.

I heard the sickening crunch of his nose breaking. I didn't even have time to celebrate as he grabbed my ankle, preventing me from going anywhere.
I shook off his hand and then kicked him in the stomach. "You. Sick. Son. Of. A. Bitch!" I exclaimed with each kick.

I climbed into my car and with squealing tires, drove like a madman out of the building. I was doing three times the speed limit as I drove back to Michael's house.

I parked quickly and ran over to the elevator. I kept my frantic eyes searching the grounds for Harry. Hoping he didn't follow me.

As the elevator doors opened, I ran to the front door and keyed in the pass code. I had spent most of my lunch trying to remember it.

I pushed the door open and fell inside, slamming it shut behind me.

I turned to look at the door, my breathing heavy. I felt the tears stream down my face. "Hope? Is everything alright?" A voice asked.

I tried and saw a very shirtless Michael. I would have appreciated the view if I wasn't terrified out of my wits.
He saw my face and almost ran to me. "What's wrong?" He asked, gripping my wrist.

I was trembling and he pulled me to his again very naked, warm body. "Jesus, you're trembling, Hope tell me what happened" he said, pulling away a little to look me straight in the eye.

My lip quivered. "He was waiting for me, he waited for you to leave and he was there, he pulled out a knife" I said before wiping at my eyes.

"He's said 'if he couldn't have me than no one could', he tried to kill me" I sobbed out before Michael pulled me to his chest again.

When Michael spoke, I could hear the underlying fury that radiated from him. "I'm going to kill him" he growled out.

"I'm going to rip him apart slowly" he said before wrapping his arms around me.


Mmmm Shirtless Michael.

Now that's a dream worth having.
Harry really is getting on my nerves. I wonder how hes going to go after Hope now.

Hopefully, Michael will take him down.
Cause that would be pretty badass.

I hope you are all having a lovely time!
I am!

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Lots of love, T xoxoxoxoxox

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