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"Care for a coffee?" I asked Sophie as I sat on the lounge chair.

The bright sunshine shone right into my eyes and I shielded them as I handed Sophie a mug of hot coffee. "Thanks" Sophie replied taking a sip.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"Like I'm going to have a heart attack, I can't believe you know how to do that sort of stuff" she replied, looking over at me.

"It's just driving, not that hard really" I replied before laughing.

"Thank you for looking after me" she said quickly.

I nodded. "It's okay, I like you" I replied, smiling at her

Voices grew near and that's when I realised some were shouting. Sophie and I looked over our shoulder as Michael and another guy spilled out of the house, Michael's mother in tow. "Sophie, don't tell Michael" I said quickly.

She glanced at me.

"I said I don't care, mother!" Michael said as he looked around the yard. Our eyes met and he straightened. "Please don't kill him" Sophie whispered.

He started walking over to us and I let a little of my anger show. The other guy stayed behind to talk to Michael's mother as Michael walked up to us.

Sophie squeaked quietly. "There is a car smashed into a tree in our driveway, is there a particular reason why?" Michael asked, standing in front of us.

Sophie looked at me but I played it cool. "Wouldn't know, there might have been an accident during the night" I lied.

Michael glanced at his sister who looked away. "Really?" He asked disbelieving.

I sat up slowly. "Must have been.. torture for them, I hope they are okay" I said standing up.

Sophie stifled a giggle and Michael looked very confused. "How was the breaking and entering? Did they take anything?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest.

"Not that I'm aware of, I decided to come home and let my people do their job" Michael said tilting his head.

"Really? No one died did they?" I asked as Sophie gasped.

Michael looked at me as his face fell into an unreadable mask. "You know" he stated.

"Yes, I know" I replied.

Michael turned his head slowly to glare at his sister. "Oh no! Dont blame her! You lied to me" I snapped as Sophie sunk down in her seat.

"I wanted to keep you out of that side of my life" Michael replied just as angrily.

I scoffed. "A bit late when Sophie and I are being run off the road, you're so lucky I know how to kick ass in driving!" I snapped.

"What?" He asked, stepping forward and crossing his arms.

"It's true Michael, she did some crazy fast and furious shit, the car in the tree -was all her, she's kinda badass" Sophie replied.

Michael looked from his sister to me. "I'm quite capable of protecting myself" I said, glaring at the tall, dark handsome man.

"Really? I seem to remember having to come to your rescue when your ex was beating you in the parking lot" he snapped.

My mouth fell open and Sophie gasped before covering her mouth. Michael blinked. "Hope, I'm sorry" he said quickly.

"I don't want to hear it, I should have known" I said, trying my hair up into a ponytail.

I glanced at Sophie. "I'll see you around sometime" I said, before glaring at Michael and pushing my shoulder into his as I pushed past him.

"Where are you going?" Michael asked exhaustedly as he followed me.

"I'm going up state, I'll live at my brother's for a while, should have known I was just a charity case!" I exclaimed.

"Murphy! Do not let her leave!" Michael called out.

I reached Michael's mother and the strange man and he blocked my way. "Murphy is it? Get the fuck out of my road before I kick you were it hurts!" I exclaimed.

He grabbed my arm and I gasped out loud as he pulled me into a body lock of some sort. "Let me go!" I exclaimed.

"Now I know why Boss is so keen on protecting you, you have spirit Pequeña mujer diablo" He whispered as Michael walked closer.

I growled. "I am not a little devil, get your hands off me!" I snapped.

Murphy just chuckled as I struggled in his grip. Hayfield reached us and crossed his arms. "What do you want me to do with her, Boss?" Murphy asked.

Michael stared at me. "Go ahead, lock me up.. be exactly the person I tried to leave behind!" I spat.

His eyes widened. "I wasn't going to lock you up, why would you think that I would do such a thing?" Michael asked gesturing to Murphy to release me.

I rubbed my wrist, Murphy's grip on me had left a bruise. "So far, the only thing you haven't copied off Harry is actually hurting me physically" I replied.

"Harry?" Murphy asked, glancing at Michael.

They shared a look. "I'm still leaving" I said, sidestepping the body gaurd and walked into the house.

I made my way up to the temporary room and tried to close the door but Michael had followed me up. "What do you want?" I asked exasperated .

"I don't want you to go" he said holding his hand out.

I scoffed. "Tell me then Michael, tell me exactly what you do" I said, standing firm and crossing my arms angrily.

"I'm what you call revenge, people call me only in extreme situations to deal with said situation, I punish them how the player wants and then they leave" Michael replied, seeming nervous.

I swallowed. "Have you killed anyone?" I asked, nervous to know the answer.

"No!" He exclaimed.

He walked towards me. "Hope, I've always promised that no harm will come to you and I mean by everyone.. including myself" he said, taking my hands.

"Would you quit? If I asked you right now to quit.. would you do it?" I asked, staring at him straight in the eyes.

He took a moment to breathe before looking down. "No, I wouldn't quit.. but I'd do it less" he replied honestly.

I slid my hands out of his grip. "It's best you go" I said, turning away from him.

"Hope" he tried again.

I held firm, staring at the ground. "You know Hope, I really do love you.. more than I have anyone else, there was a reason I didn't want you to see that side of me.. and you've just seen that reason" Michael said as I heard the doorknob wobble.

"Goodbye Michael" I said, as I lifted my hand to wipe my crying eyes.


Someone needs to come in and save them.
But who will it be?

Dont let Hope walk away from Michael.

Dont forget to vote and comment!
Lots of love, T xoxoxo

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