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"Glad you could make it" Michael's snobby mother said as her son and I emerged into the dining room.

Michael shot his mother a glare before taking my hand. "Sit here, Hope" he said, pulling out a chair.

Sophie grinned at me from the other side of the table and I smiled back. "I find your room is at your expectation?" Michael's mother asked, looking at me.

"Beyond, its beautiful" I replied, lowering my eyes.

"Good" she replied.

I raised my knife and fork to cut into the steak in front of me. His mother made a noise in the back of her throat. "Sorry, my mistake.. Hope, I forgot to tell you that mother likes to pray before we eat" Michael quickly spoke up.

"Oh sorry" I said, quickly placing my utensils down.

I glanced at him worriedly and he just shook his head and gave me a reassuring smile. The Hayfield's put their hands together and heads down as Michael's mother took charge of the prayer.
"Dear lord, bless this meal and those who eat it, my son has returned home finally after many months of prayers, bless Sophie and her unborn child, bless this new girl at our table for however long she will be in Michael's life, give them guidance and hope, bless Michael and guide him to a woman who he can love-" she was saying.

"Mother!" Michael scolded.

The woman opened her eyes as I stared down at my dinner plate. "You interrupted my prayer" she said sternly.

Michael glared back with cold hard eyes. "I have been guided to a woman I love and I'd like you to stop treating her like she's gum on the bottom of your shoe" he snapped.

I glanced at him.

"She is not the woman you will end up with, I forbid it" the mother said, standing up.

"You do not get to make that decision" he replied, also standing up.

Sophie looked at me sadly. "She's exactly like every other woman you have dated, take your money and go!" She exclaimed.

I had never seen Michael as furious as I did right now. "Hope is not like that, I wish you would get to know her instead of trying to get rid of her!" He snapped.

He looked at me. "Hope, c'mon, you and I don't need to hear this.. come with me" he said, holding out his hand.

I took his hand and stood up out of my seat. Michael started to lead me from the room. "Don't come crying to me when she breaks your heart! his mother called out as we walked away.

Michael huffed as I stayed quiet. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair as we walked towards the back of the mansion. He opened the door and let me through. I glanced at him. "Okay?" I asked, taking his hand and trying to ease his tension.

"Yeah, sorry" he breathed out.

I shook my head. "You don't have to be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong" I replied.

He entwined our fingers as we walked around their huge pool and onto the soft grass. "Is it so insane for me to finally want someone who wants me?" he asked, suddenly.

My eyes which had been studying the trees, snapped to his. "No it's not insane" I replied.

He pulled me around to face him, while entwining our other hand. "I've waited too long to be happy and the moment I am, she has to go and ruin it" he said before sighing and glaring over his shoulder.

I let go of one hand and raised it to coax his face to face me again. I gripped his chin lightly. "Look at me" I said softly.

His eyes met mine. "I'm not going anywhere unless you ask me to" I replied.

A smile coaxed across his face. His hand dropping to my hip, our hands falling apart. I wound my arms behind his neck as he gripped my hips lightly. "Thank you" he said softly, leaning in.

Our noses touched lightly before he pulled away.   Somehow, we had started to sway and I smiled up at him as he lifted a hand to brush some hair away from my face.

The trees stayed with us, a breeze gently flowing over us like a small summer kiss. Birds called out to their lovers through the air and the first star made its appearance. Still, we stayed together on that lawn until Michael took my hand and twirled me under his arm.

I laughed out loud as we kept dancing. Michael was grinning and he leaned down close. He gripped me tightly before lifting me slightly. I gripped his shoulders, laughing. "Okay okay!" I yelled out.

I slid through his arms until our faces were inches apart. I cupped his cheek. No words were needed as we both leaned in. Our mouths met and an explosion of emotions ran through me. This is what happiness and wholeness felt like. The rest of the world melted away and it was just Michael and I.

We pulled apart slowly as the sun slowly died beyond the horizon. Leaving us in purple darkness. I shivered slightly. "Should go back inside" he said wistfully.

His hand trailed up my arm, rubbing it softly to give me warmth. "Not yet" I replied.

The sounds of night started, little insect noises that made it seem all the more peaceful. The big house was framed by trees and shrubs, making it seem it was isolated in a forest. I leaned against Michael, my head on his chest as his arms wrapped around me.

"It's so beautiful here" I whispered.

"It's even more beautiful with you here" I heard him reply, his voice vibrating through his chest.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say, Mr Hayfield" I replied, teasing.

His arms tightened. "I think you and I both know we are way past professional appearances" he replied.

I looked up at him. "Yes sir" I said, smirking.

I started laughing as his hands tried to tickle me.


Cute fluff moment.
The song that goes with chapter is soooooo good! Might have heard it from the movie on Netflix; To all the boys I loved Before.

Always been a fan of Anna!

What did you think of the chapter?

Michael's mother seems to want Hope out.. but why?


Any thoughts?

Dont forget to vote and comment!
Lots of love, T xoxoxo

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