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Sophie, Marcus and I lounged around on the huge deck that hugged the house and Sophie and laughing at something her brother was saying. I was watching them closely, the sibling love etched on their faces as they teased each other.

Sophie talked about Michael in high school, telling me he was a major history nerd and the popular bad boy in class. Michael glowered at Sophie when she talked about an incident on the football field that was really hard to understand because she was laughing so much.

Finally as dusk fell and we had all eaten, Michael pulled me towards his bedroom and I frowned. "Shouldn't I sleep in my arranged room? I don't want your mother going off at me" I said as Michael opened the door.

"Who cares what she thinks, tonight I want your company" he said, glancing at me and making my heart flutter.

"Wait, let me get a few things" I said pulling my hand from his.

He glanced at me before nodding. "Okay" he said before walking to his room.

I practically ran to mine before closing the door behind me and finding the most sexiest pajamas I had. I had a shower, quickly shaving my legs and trying my hair up into a soppy wet mess.

I climbed out and wiped the mist from the mirror as I stuck my toothbrush in my mouth and brushed my teeth. I made sure I was presentable and finally dried my hair after getting dressed.

Smiling to myself, I quickly snuck out of my room and into Michael's. He was sitting up in bed, one arm behind his head, the other clutching a book. He glanced up as I walked in and shut the door. "Hey" I said nervously.

I didn't know why. Michael and I had been intimate before but this was different. "Hey" he replied before a beautiful smile lit up his face.

I walked over to him, feeling a tad self conscious but I pulled back the blankets and climbed in with him. Immediately, his arm went to my waist and pulled me closer, letting me snuggle into his body. "What are you reading?" I asked, taking a look at the book.

"It's called the book of lies, a poem book" he replied.

I felt his hand lift to my hair, stroking it gently. "Read me one" I said, placing my head on his chest.

"Okay" he said before clearing his throat.

My smile widened.

"In time; They say; In time all wounds heal; But they never account for the wounds made by time; and I was wounded; apart from you for many months; never able to smell your hair as I kissed your forehead; never able to look into your beautiful eyes as you smiled at me; in time they say I will move on; but I have never been that man; you know me my love, I will find a way to you; even if I shall join you on the other side; my love, time waits for no man; and I shall never ask it too" he spoke softly, stroking my hair.

"That's beautiful and sad" I replied, my eyes slowly closing.

"Yes, it's a poem about undying love, that even after death, he still loves her" he said softly.

I closed my eyes. "I would very much like to experience that" I said as black tugged at my consciousness.

"You will, with me, I promise" was the last thing I heard.


My eyes opened with a snap and I immediately sat up in bed, my head pounding.

"About time, you lazy bitch" a cruel voice said from the bathroom.

Dread filled me as Harry walked into the room from the bathroom, steam filling the room. "What time is it?" I asked groggily.

"Time for you to get a fucking watch" he replied.

I gently touched the side of my face, wincing as I touched some bruised skin. "Did you hit me again?" I asked as anger filled me.

He rubbed his hair with a towel, looking at me through the reflection in the mirror. "You're lucky that's all I did, whore" he snapped before walking out.

I glanced at my nightstand and saw the bottles of pills as events of last night filtered back to me. I was trying to swallow as many pills as I could, Harry walked un and smacked them out of my hands, he hit me. I closed my eyes and sighed.

I had to get ready for work or Mr Hayfield was going to have my head on a platter.
I whimpered as I moved out of bed, my bones feeling weak and frail.

I moved towards my vanity mirror and stared at my reflection. I hated myself. Why couldn't Harry love me the way I was? Why did he have to hurt me?

I quickly had a shower,rubbing away yesterday's problems and moved back to the mirror. Hurriedly, I dabbed concealer and foundation to my face, quickly doing my make up and making sure my bruise was covered. I dressed for work and tied my hair up into a ponytail.

Walking out of the bedroom, I looked over to see Harry sitting in front of the television with a glass of something frothy in his hand. "Isn't it to early for beer?" I asked as I gathered my bag.

His bloodshot eyes stared into mine. "Are you telling me what to do?" He said in a deadly calm voice.

He stood up and walked towards me. I cowered back as a whimper tore through me. "No no no please, don't hurt me!" I exclaimed.

I was ripped from the dream as Michael held down my thrashing body and I opened my eyes to see his reflected with worry and concern. "Hey, you're safe" he said before gently stroking my cheek.

I couldn't help but flinch. He pressed his mouth into a thin line. "You were dreaming about Harry?" He asked as he fell back on the bed.

He tugged me closer, wrapping his arms around me securely. I leaned into his touch. "Yeah" I said faintly as I felt tears trail down my cheeks and onto the pillow.

"Hope, he is never going to hurt you again, I will see to that" he replied.

For the first time, I believed him.


Another chapter!
Boom a flashback to the day before all of this happened. The answer as to why Hope had a bruise on her face.

I live for loving Michael but he's about to get a whole lot more cruel.
You guys will love it.

Plus, Hope gets to be a badass again..
Anxiety levels: eruption.

So that's why I'm writing, to calm myself.

Did you enjoy the chapter?
Lots of love, tavana xoxoxo

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