《|Chapter 1|》

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《 | K E V A | 》

"Morning my beautiful wife"

I felt kisses down my neck going to my stomach. The kisses was so warm. I love when my husband does that  to me. It makes me feel so safe and sound.

"I love when you do that"I moaned out. "Keep teasing me"

"Want me to keep teasing you huh"he smiled between the kisses. "Gotcha"he kiss between my legs making me wet.

"Fuck"I moan out loud. He move my panties to the side then lick my pearl. God, it felt so great. I really needed it. My breathing became heavy ready to cum all over his face. "Baby"i moan out loud.

Just then, someone was banging on the door. The only person it can be is my 3 year daughter Kathleen.

"Momma"I heard her say on the other side of the door.

"Babe, I have to see what Kathleen want"I tried to rise up but my husband brought me back down.

"Let her wait"he said this time fingering me and eating me out. Goodness gracious. I was in heaven. I was so close to cumming.

"Oh. My. God"I said in between moans. All of a sudden, I came all over my husband.

"Momma"Kathleen bang on the door again.

"We're coming Kathleen"my husband said. "Clean yourself up"

"You not gone help?"I ask while getting up.

"I have to check up on Kathleen"he got up from bed and walk to his closet. "Also, I have a meeting with my boss. Just letting you know before you jump to conclusions like the last time"he chuckle.

I rolled my eyes grabbing my robe. I tied my robe on me then grab the cup that was on my night stand. I unlock the room door seeing Kathleen with her Barbie doll.

"Momma, I hwungry"

"Okay my baby, let me get some things straight and then we can go get something to eat"I said kissing her cheek.

"Noooo, I hwungry now"She whined.

"Okay baby girl. Momma have to take a bath and get dress. And have to see your new Pre-K teacher today after my doctors appointment"I told Kathleen. She folded her arms looking at me with a mean mug. "Fix your face and go watch tv till it's time to get dress okay"

"Fine"she stomp away from my room door. I close my room door putting the cup on the dresser. I walk in the bathroom seeing my husband taking a shower while listening to music.

I'm sorry if I didn't introduce myself. My name is Keva Johnson. Use to be flowers till I married the man of my dreams. His name is Noah Johnson.

Me and Noah went to college together. He was so funny, smart, and handsome. Noah have wavy hair, cute eyes, sexy body that came from the gods. He was the most popular boy at Michigan State University.

Me on the other hand was less popular. I was being bullied, talk about cause of the color of my skin. I was really black and a lot of people had a problem for some reason. I would call my mom and tell her that I want to come back home but she use to tell me 'don't give up, pay attention to your work and no one else. Stay focus' I listen to her and became the most smartest at the top of my class. Top 10th at my college. That's a blessing.

To describe myself, I have puffing curly hair that stands out. Nice black chocolate skin with eyes that shine bright when you look at me. My body isnt all that. I don't really describe my body that much cause it's aggravating. A lot of people say I look a bit young to be Kathleen mother. That's another thing on how my life started.

When me and Noah met, he didn't really like me. He only wanted me cause it was a bet he made with his friends. The day I find out about the bet was the day I was pregnant with Kathleen. He had to be with me then. He stayed with me for 8 months and for 8 months he made me feel like a queen. He propose to me at graduation. I was so emotional that day.

We got married when kathleen was only 7 months. I finally had a family. We have a two story house, four cars, a pool, a Rottweiler who barks a lot at the cat, and a cat that is lazy as hell.

My job is involves business companies. I make sure they keep everything nice and neat. Make sure that business ain't going down. If so, I can take the business and sell it to another person who wants it. (Made that up lol)

Noah works as coach at this high school. He's the best at that school. Heard that from his coworkers. Noah smart so he know the kids games and how they plan things so he can stop them. Like the other day when these girls was talking about seeing Noah to fuck him. Like seriously. Girls these days. Well news got around so quick cause they couldn't keep their mouth shut. Once he find out, Noah made them do 100 sit ups, 100 jump and jacks, and tried to make them do 100 laps but that was to much for them.

But back to what im doing now. "What time is your doctor's appointment?"

"Around 9"I sigh while getting out my toothbrush.

"Why you going to your OBGYN doctor again?"Noah ask.

"I want to see if my tubes still work"I said.

"Babe, it works. We can have kids"he came up to me and hug my waist. "You don't have to worry"

"Baby, I am worrying"I said.

"Well stop worrying"he kiss my neck.

"Nah ah. Don't start anything you can't finish"I smirk.

"Well then ima finish you later on when you get back home"

"Mhmmm"I smiled then laugh at his face. He walk out the bathroom to get dress. Shit I have to get dress too before I be late.


So yes, this is a new book🤓. I am bored at this little apartment so I made a whole new book😣. Please let me know how yall like it😄

So here at the question😊

How y'all feel about keva and her family?

Do yall think I should add pictures in this or no?

Peace and love to yall.


Published: May 25,2018


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