《|Chapter 7|》

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《 | J A D E | 》

It's been two days since we went to the Johnson house

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It's been two days since we went to the Johnson house. My boss husband is so fucking fine and dark skinned. Just what I'm looking for. I don't like fair skin men. Meaning light skinned or chocolate skinned. I love dark black burnt skinned me. But it so hard to find them out here.

I'm not straight actually. I'm bisexual. I love girls and boys. Just having one sex as my partner or sex partner is boring. But with two, I'm happy.

"Okay dad, I have to meet my doctor next week to put the whatever you call it in me so I can carry their baby"Carrie said. I turn the volume down low so I can hear. "Uhhh, they paying me 20,000$"

Damn. That much just to carry their baby. I need that money tho. My mom is sick and dying. She's at stage 3 cancer and I don't know how much time she have left. I have to do something.

I'm sorry if I didn't tell y'all my name which you already know. My name is Jade Washington. I'm 21 years old. I work at this business that controls other businesses. Pays well but I'm just a assistant to keva. She's the boss. I hate her with a passion. She think her life is so perfect and peaching clean. But it's not. Its funny she can't have a damn baby.

"Ok, bye dad"Carrie hung up the phone. "My peeps are so happy for me"she smiled.

"Are you happy?"I ask.

"Yeah, this is my boss who needs this"Carrie said.

"Okay, I understand that"I said.

"Maybe she can give me a raise"she smiled then sat next to me. "And we can finally get married"she kissed my neck. I fake moan acting like I love this shit. But I don't. Me and Carrie been together since high school, college, and now jobs. I need to get rid of her.

"Marriage huh"I smiled.

"Yeah you wanted to marry  me, right"she said.

"I......"What should be my next move? Strangle her. Get the knife and stab her.

"What is it?"Carrie touch my tigh. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah for me"I smiled. "But for you...."I took my belt that I had on the bed and wrap it around her neck.

I choked her for at least 10 minutes. She was fighting back but I put pressure on her chest. She took her last breath and died right in our bed. Now what ima do with her body?

《 | L A T E R | 》

I pull up to the lake looking around. Nobody was here. Good. I look at Carrie body all blue. She's good as dead. But I have to make it as if someone was trying to hurt us. I took Carrie body out t the car dragging it towards some tree that was far in the woods. Don't worry, I have gloves on so the police won't have my finger prints.

I laid her body on the grass. I took a knife and look at it. I stab her lower abdomen to make it look like that she was attacked by a man who robbed us. I stab her shoulder then cut her face. I back up a bit looking at Carrie body. I have to do this.

I took the knife and stab my tigh. Then I took it and stab my forearm. I punch myself in the eye which really hurted. I punch my lips so it can be busted. But I have to do more then that.

I limp to the lake looking at it. I went to the water and put my head in the water. I wasn't trying to drown myself. Make it seem like the fake robber was.

After that, I walk back to Carrie car and smash her driver side window. That was it. I got rid of the gloves and hid them somewhere the police won't find them at.

I ran around a bit to act like I was all out of breath. I then sprinted to the road so someone can see me. I made it to the road seeing a car coming. I waved my hand up in the air so they can see me.

Finally a truck pulled over. The man got out the truck and help me in. "Ma'am, you alright?"he ask.

"Call the police please.  My friend is dead"


Ahhhhhh shit nah. It's about to get real.

Words: 764

Published: June 3, 3018

Time: 12:39 AM

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