《|Chapter 8|》

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《 | K E V A | 》

"Happy birthday to Kathleen

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"Happy birthday to Kathleen. Happy birthday to you"we all singed to Kathleen for her 4th birthday. My baby is getting big. Ima miss her when she was baby crying for attention and smiling so big.

"Let's eat the cake!!"Noah yelled making everybody laugh. Me and my mom cutted the cake serving it to people. Payton and Alyssa was looking all sad. I told my mom to keep serving cake to the kids while I talk to them.

"Hey girls, what's wrong?"I ask. Alyssa look up with puffing eyes and sniffle.

"Keva, the cops found Carrie body in the woods dead"Payton said then cried. I sat down next to them and cried with them. I didn't want the kids to see us crying so I told them to come to my room.

We went inside the room so we can talk about what the hell happen.

"Police said they found her body in the woods. She had a cut on her face, stab wound in her shoulder, and a stab wound to her lower abdomen"Payton said. "But they said she died from being strangle"

"Who did it?"I ask while crying.

"A robber. Jade was with her"Alyssa said. This is to sad. "Jade said that her and Carrie was by the lake watching the stars when a man came and tried to rob them"

"Oh my god"I cried. I lost my best worker and my surrogate. But I'm not worried about that. I'm just worried about my girls.

"We should visit jade at the hospital"I said.

"Now or tomorrow?"Payton ask.

"Now"I said grabbing my purse and phone. Me and  the girls walk out my room going downstairs.

"Baby, where you going?"Noah ask as I grab the keys to my car.

"I'll talk to you when I get back okay"I kiss his cheek and walk out the door.

《 | H O S P I T A L |》

We walk in jade hospital room seeing her lips busted and a blackeye. Her arm was stich up and her tigh.

"Jade"I called her name. She look at me and smiled. "Oh god"I went to her and hug her lightly.

"So good to see you girls"she hug Alyssa and Payton.

"Jade what happened last night?"Payton ask. I didn't want to talk about it cause I know how jade is feeling right now.

"It all started when Carrie said she wanted to go to the lake and watch the stars with me. We went and she express her love to me and said she wanted to marry me"I looked at the ring.

"When we wad laughing and joking around, some man came out of no where and smash her front window. He then stab her shoulder trying to open the door but she kept fighting back. I told her to start the car but she couldn't. As she was fighting him, another man came to the passanger side and open the door pulling me out the car. He punch me in the lips then the eye. I punch him back but he took a knife and stab my arm then my tigh"she cried. "He drag me to the river and I can hear Carrie cries out for me, I didn't know what he was doing to her cause she stop screaming and that's when I felt my head being push into the water. He was trying to drown me"jade cried into my chest.

I felt bad for what happen. Specially Carrie. "I woke up on the rocks near the river. My wallet, everything gone. I got up and limp to Carrie car and everything was gone as well. Her purse and phone"

"I had to look for Carrie so i walk to the woods and I seen her body laying there. She was all blue so I knew that he choke her"jade said.

"I'm so sorry jade"I cried. I hug her crying with her. She lost the love of her life. But I didn't know that Carrie was in love with jade.

Me and the girls stayed with jade the whole night till 8. The nurses told us we had to leave. Jade was a bit scared that we left so Payton decided to stay.

Me and Alyssa drove back to my house so we can get ready for work in the morning. Alyssa didn't say anything the whole ride. She was so sad that she lost her friend. Carrie and Alyssa was partners. They would always check other businesses out and make sure things are good. Inspectors I guess.

"You okay?"I ask trying to make small talk.

"No, I lost my friend"Alyssa said. "I use to never like Carrie till last month and now this shit happened"she cried. I rubbed her back.

"Everything gone be alright"I said.

"I know"she nod her.  I wonder what her mother and father gone say. Did someone already called them?

To much going on right now.


Jade is crazy as hell. Then lied to her boss that two men rob her and Carrie. God bless her.


Published: June 3, 2018

Time:6:54 pm

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