« | Chapter 28 | »

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Finally we was on our way to the restaurant that Kathleen picked. Noah drove in silence while jade and Kathleen played around in the back. Something was up with Noah cause earlier he was talking but now he ain't talking no more. Maybe when we get to the restaurant, I can make him talk.

"Mommy, can I have a pet dog?"Kathleen ask.

"Ummmm, no baby. You know mommy is allergic to dogs"I said. Why did she ask me that? She knows that I'm allergic to dogs.

Kathleen sigh heavily. "Okay"she frowned.

"What about a pet turtle?"Noah ask.

"They to boring"jade said. I rolled my eyes a bit. "Maybe a cat"

"Nothing furry. Keva is allergic to dogs and cats"Noah said.

"Mhmmmm"Jade said in the back. I just wanted to slap her real quick.

The restaurant wasn't that pack. I was happy that we finally got out the house as a family and went out somewhere.

"How many are....."

"4"Noah said. The waiter nodded her head grabbing three menus and a kid's menu.

"Follow me"she said. We follow her to the table that was close to the window. "Can I start y'all off with something to drink?"

"I want a sweet tea"I said.

"Sprite"jade said.

"Water"Noah said.

"Fruit punch"Kathleen smiled. The waiter smiled at her.

"That's y'all kid?"the waiter ask.

"Yes, she is"I smiled. Noah smiled at Kathleen and kiss her cheek.

"Cute family"the waiter walked away from the table.

"I guess y'all just gone leave the baby out huh"jade said folding her arms.

"The baby not even here yet. How they gone see the baby?"I ask.

"At least say and I'm having a baby on the way"she faced Noah.

"Yeah but only with Keva. Your just carrying the bab....."

"That's all I am to you!! A fucking carrying!!"she yelled. Everyone was looking at us like we was crazy. "Tell her"

"Tell me what?"I look at Noah waiting for a response.

"Tell her Noah!!"jade yelled.

"Okay, can you stop screaming!! Your stressing yourself out"I semi yelled.

"Shut the fuck up Keva!! You think your life is always perfect but it's not!!"jade yelled.

"Jade that's enough"I got up from my seat. Jade got up too. "You need to chill"

"You know what. Everybody listen up please!! This man thinks he's a good husband!! But in reality he isn't!!"jade yelled.

"Jade enough!!"Noah yelled.

"This man has been sleeping with me since the day I got to their house!! I'm their surrogate!!"jade yelled. Everybody in the restaurant gasp and whisper to each other. I just wanted to ball up and cry.

"Baby it's not true. Listen to me please...."I grabbed Kathleen hand and purse. I stormed out the restaurant.

I can't believe my husband will sleep with her behind my back. I sniffle calling my mom to pick me and Kathleen up. She lives around the corner from the restaurant.

I need to leave home before I regret doing something.

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